AIA contracts, B101, B102, B201 Flashcards
Architects Responsibilities
- Which AIA contract(s) contain these requirements?
- What are the Architects responsibilities? 5
Architect Responsibilities
-B101 & B102
S: standard of care N: no conflict A: agen I: insurance L: License
- Licensed
- Standard of Care
- Authorized contract person
- No conflict of interest (w/o reveling)
- Insurance
- commercial general liability
- Auto
- Workers Comp (no fault)
- Employee liability (workers comp part 2. negligent)
- Professional liability
Owners Responsibilities
- Which AIA contract(s) contain these requirements?
- What are the Owners responsibilities? 6 8
Owners Responsibilities
-B101, B102, B201 –yep, all three. A101 has everything. B102 has non scope stuff, A201 has scope stuff (together they have the same stuff as A101)
PARCEL P: program A: accounting R: rep C: coord E: errors L: Lien
- survey
- schedule
- Budget
- Green
- Supplementary
- Testing
- Arch access and comm
- A + B coord
- Owner rep
- Coord owner consultants with Arch
- legal, insurance, accounting as needed by owner
- notice of errors
- lien info (w/i 15 days of request)
- Program
- objective
- schedule
- requirements
- special equipment
- systems
1. Budget and updates 2. site survey 3. geotec 4. testing 5. Supplemental services when selected (+ contract) 6. Sustainable obligations when selected (+contract) 7. Add Arch to all contractor communication 8. Contact Arch consultants through Arch 9. arch access to site 10. coordinate A series contracts with B series before construction begines
What must owner include in owner provided program?
What AIA contracts and sections is this included in? 4
Owners Responsibilities B102 b101
- goal
- Time
- Requirements
- equip and systems
1. objective 2. schedule 3. requirements 4. special equipment 5. systems
Note owner provides buget also but it’s not part of program
Initial Info
- Which B series contracts is this included in?
- What is included under initial info 9
Initial Info
B101 & B201
- Program
- Buget
- Schedule
- delivery
- People
- Survey
- Green
- Electronic files
- Disclaimer
- Owners program (req’d by owner responsibility section and ref/attached here)
- Survey info (req’d by owner responsibility section and ref/attached here)
- Owners budget (req’d by owner responsibility section and ref/attached here)
- Owners schedule (req’d by owner responsibility section and ref/attached here)…design milestones, start construction, substantial completion.
- Project delivery method (owners choice)
- Sustainable objectives selected by owner (supplemental service)
- Owner and Arch reps
- Owner and Arch consultants
- Electronic file transform forms to be used
- Acknowledgment that things could change
Scope of Architects Basic Services
- What AIA contract(s) include this?
- What is included in the Architects Basic Services 4
Scope of Architect Basic Services
B101 & B201
- Schedule
- Consultants (struct, mech, elec, coord owner)
- Plan check - meet AHJ, assist filing)
- Phases
- Structural, Mech, Electrical
- Coord owner consultants
- Schedule of Architects services (for owner approval)
- Contact AHJ
- Assist in filing docs
- SD, DD, CD, bid, CA (see other flashcards)
- arch not responsible for owner approved substitutions OR directive OR non-conforming work done without WRITTEN arch approval
Scope of agreement
- What AIA contract(s) include this?
- What is included in the Scope of Agreement
Scope of Agreement
B101 & B102
-list all contract forms and exhibits included in the contract to make it very clear what is or is not included. Does not go into detail re scope etc.
SD Phase
- Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
- What is included by Arch? 6
Consuder 2?
SD Phase
-Arch basic service in B101 and B201
- Review owner stuff
- Code review
- Predesign
- Design
- Cost estimate
- review owner program, schedule, buget, deluvery
- review codes/laws
- prelim design for approval
- SD design
- cost estimate
- owner approval
1. Alt material2. Basic sustainability
DD Phase
- Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
- What is included by Arch? 5
DD Phase
-Arch basic service in B101 and B201
- plans, sections, elevations, details
- outline specs
- quality level of major systems
- cost estimate update
- owner approval
CD Phase
- Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
- What is included by Arch? 4 hard
CD Phase
-Arch basic service in B101 and B201
- cost est
- bid docs
- project manual
- owner approval
- Assist owner prep documents including
a. bid forms
b. bid time
c. bid location
d. bid requirements
e. owner/contractor agreement form - Project Manual
a. bidding requirements
b. conditions of contract
c. specs - updated cost estimate
- owner approval
Bidding instructions:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What does architect help prepare?
Bidding instructions
-B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services, CD phase
- Assist owner prep documents including
a. bid forms
b. bid time
c. bid location
d. bid requirements
Bid/ Procurement Phase:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What are the Architects duties? 4
Bid/ Procurement Phase:
-B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services, Bid phase
- assist in getting either competitive bids or negotiated bids
- confirming that bids are responsive and comply with bid requirements
- Assist in determining successful bid and awarding
- Assisting with construction contract
Competitive bidding:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What are the Architects duties?
What are other things of note in this portion of the contract?
Competitive bidding:
-B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services, Bid phase
Arch duties:
- distribute bid docs
- organize pre bid meeting
- RFI/Addenda
- organizing bid
- announcing winner (as directed by owner)
notes: Substitution requests can be reviewed by arch as an additional service….with owner approval
Negotiated bidding:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What are the Architects duties?
What are other things of note in this portion of the contract?
Negotiated bidding:
-B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services, Bid phase
Arch duties:
- distribute bid docs
- organize pre bid meeting
- RFI/Addenda
- participate in negotiations
- Summary report of results (as directed by owner)
notes: Substitution requests can be reviewed by arch as an additional service….with owner approval
Construction Phase Services:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What are the Architects duties?
What are other things of note in this portion of the contract? 12
Construction Phase Services:
B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services
Arch duties:
- admin construction per A201
- Advice owner
- responsible for own acts of negligence only
- Starts day contract is awarded and ends day arch issues final cert of payment
- Visit site as appropriate
- Rejct non-conforming work
- Initial decision maker
- Issue Cert of Payment
- Keep Pay App records
- Submittals/RFI/ASI/ Change orders and records
- Project performance meeting within 1yr at no change (if owner wants)… note this not a full post occupancy eval.
- Project completion items (see other flashcard)
a. substantial completion determine walks
b. final completion determine walk
c. issue cert of substantial completion
d. surety consent for final payment to owner
e. lien affidavits/ releases to owner
d. issue final cert of payment
1. if owner/GC change the A201 it does not change the architects services unless the A101/A102 is amended
2. Arch work more than 60 days after substantial completion is an additional service
Initial decision maker:
Where does this show up in the B series AIA contracts?
B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services/ CA phase
Project completion
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What are the Architects duties?
Project completion
B101 and B201, Scope of Arch basic services, CA phase
Project completion items (see other flashcard)
1. substantial completion determine walks 2. final completion determine walk 3. issue cert of substantial completion 4. surety consent for final payment to owner 5. lien affidavits/ releases to owner 6. issue final cert of payment
Supplemental Services:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
notes about this section
Supplemental Services:
B101 and B201, supplemental and additional services
large checklist. anything not check has been agreed is not included in the project.
Additional Services:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What additional services can be started without owner authorization?
Additional Services:
B101 and B201, supplemental and additional services
- anything not a basic service or included on supplemental service check list
Add Service that do NOT need owner authorization to start. note: these are all to avoid construction delay. arch shall info owner that working has started. owner can stop arch but will still pay up to that point.
- out of order submittal review
- RFI that are not written properly (info was there etc)
- Preparing change orders that require review of contractors proposal
- reviewing owner/contractor substitutions and time needed to implement changes
Cost of the work
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What is included in “The Cost of the Work”?
What is not included in the cost of the work?
How does Arch estimate cost of work? what kind of estimate is part of the basic services and what would required a supplemental condition?
Cost of the Work:
B101 and B201
Cost of the Work includes:
- GC general conditions (site management, PM, material delivery, etc)
- GC overhead and profit
- total project construction cost
Cost of the work does not include
- Arch fee
- Land cost
- Financing
Architect estimates cost of work using current area or volume calculations or other CONCEPPTUAL estimating techniques. more details cost estimate require a supplemental agreement (selected under the supp/additional conditions section of the B101 or B201)
Copy Rights:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
Copy Rights:
B101 and B102
Claims and Disputes:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What are the three main elements in this section?
Order of dispute resolution?
Claims and Disputes:
B101 and B102
- 10 years max after substantial completion
- O/A both waive consequential damages
- O/A waive supererogation of damages collected by property insurance
order of dispute resolution:
- Mediation
- Arbitration or litigation (60 days MIN. after filing of mediation….cool of and work it out perios… You can file sooner but it still gets stayed for 60 days)
Note.. Gc timing:
21 days to file complaint to initial decision maker who has 10 days to review. File for mediation after decision (no more than 30 days after) or after 30 days if no decision is made. File or arbitration any time with 60 days of mediation being demanded or 30 days of decision being made
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What does AIA contract specify about mediation?
B101 and B102, Claims and Disputes
- Must wait 60 days min. before moving on to arbitraion
- share mediators fee
- located at project site (unless another site is selected)
- Agreements are enforceable as settlement agreements in court
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
What does AIA contract specify about arbitration?
B101 and B102, Claims and Disputes
- Admin by American Arbitration Association
- Rules per Construction Industry Arbitration rules
- located at job site pre rules above (when possible)
Termination or Suspension:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
Conditions under which projects can be terminated or suspended?
Termination or Suspension:
B101 and B102
- no pay/no preform = 7 days written notice, term fee for arch
- 90 day hold = 7 days written notice, term fee
- convenience = 7 days written notice, term fee
- terms `1yr after substantial completion
1. Owner does not pay/preform: 7 days written notice. if resumed owner pays for shutdown and startup.
- Arch does not preform. 7 days written notice
- Project on-hold 90 days: arch can gives 7 days written notice O pays termination fee and licencing fee (if using the docs) (consultants included)
- Owner stops for convenience: 7 days written notice. Owner pays up to day and pays termination fee and licencing fee (consultants included)
- contract terminates 1yr after substantial completion (CO phase ends at substantial completion per contract)
Miscellaneous provisions:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
name them? 4
Miscellaneous provisions:
B101 and B102
- 14 days min. to review anything cert. the owner wants signed.
- not required to sign anything not related to scope of contract.
- owner must give Arch credit in promo material
- Arch allowed to use images for promo
Reimbursable expenses:
Where does this show up in B series AIA contracts?
name them (only the hard ones)
Reimbursable expenses:
B101, B102, B201
- food for out of town travel
- long distance/ dedicated internet service
- overtime (authorized only)
- Renderings/presentation materials (authorized)
- Extra consultant liability insurance (authorized)
Apa code of conduct?
Arch responsibility
Owner responsibility
Arch basic services
When does CO phase start and stop of Arch?
Where does this come from?
What if project runs past initial date of substantial completion?
Start whe. Contractor signs contract
Ends when architect issues final certification for payment (after sub completion, punch, final walk, and all GC required info given)
-Arch get add serve per B101 for CO work more than 60 days after initial substantial completion date or real substantial completion date which ever is less (not including 1yr project eval meeting)