Technical Terms Flashcards
What is meant by the term “Diastole”
Relaxation phase of heart beat
What is meant by “Bradycardia”
Decreased heart rate
What is meant by the term “systole”
Contraction phase of the “heart beat”
What is meant by the term “myocardium”
Heart muscle
What is “haemoglobin”
Oxygen carrying compounds found in red blood cells
What is meant by the term “gluconeogenisis”
The production of glucose in the liver from amino acids, fats, lactate and other non carbohydrate substances.
What is “myoglobin”
A molecule tha attracts the oxygen from the blood stream and takes it to the mitochondria where it is used.
What is meant by the term “Oxidation”
The breakdown of fats or glycogen to CO2 and H2O to produce ATP in the presence of oxygen
What is a “myofibril”
Part of muscle fibre that consists of the two protein filaments, actin and myosin.
What is meant by the term “normobaric”?
Diluting ambient air with nitrogen to reduce oxygen percentage in air thus simulating high altitude.
What is meant by the term ‘acidosis”?
An increase in acidity inside the muscle
What is meant by the term “Anabolic”?
Protein building. Builds muscle mass
What is meant by the term “Androgenic”?
Responsible for development of male characteristics.
What is meant by the term ‘bradycardia”?
Decrease in heart rate
What is meant by the term “catabolic effect”?
The breaking down of protein from muscles in the body.
What is meant by the term “erythrocyte”
Red Blood Cell