SEM - Exam Questions Flashcards
Identify the NPAG hat best suits young people and explain the ability for young people to adhere to the program through participation in the PICSAR program. (2) (ACHPER 2014unnamed.jpg

- Youth Guidlines (12-18 years): 60 minutes everyday at moderate-vigourous intensity.
- The participants would be able to meet NPAG guidlines by particpting in the program as it does not occur eveyday. However increased access to courts and a 5 week introductory course makes it easier to acheive.
Identify how each level of influence has been targeted in this program. (4 marks) (ACHPER 2014)

Individual: Introductory classes help students to develop skills, so they can participate readil in the sport.
Social Environnment: Targets cultural group of refugee and young migrant people and social climate regarding bandminton.
Physical Environment: Local bus provides improved access to facilities for those who do not live nearby.
Policy: Focus on grassroots rather than elite level of sport.
Use the PICSAR program to discuss the effect multifactoral levels of influene may have on increasing physical activity involvment.

There are many factors which influence physical activity and an interrelatonship between them means the more levels that are targeted the more likely the intervetion is to be succesful. (2)
For example the PICSAR program targets the social environmnet of a cultural group by providing skills lessons to the group at an individual level and increasing access to courts for these people at a physical environment level. (2)
Part of The Victorian Govrnment’s gof or your life campaign is the premiers active family challenge, which encourages Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity each day or 30 days.
List two ways family environment can be used to influence physical activity and explain how this can increase physical activity levels.
(4 marks) (VCAA 2011 sample)
Increases family support; Increases social support, and increases self efficacy due encouragement to be active from family members. (2)
Parents act as role models: Teaching children how to engage in healthy lifestyle, encourages children to be active as they look up to their parents. (2)
Parents provide transport; Increases the childrens access to different sports they enjoy thus promoting physica activity. (2)
(Two of)
Part of The Victorian Govrnment’s gof or your life campaign is the premiers active family challenge, which encourages Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity each day or 30 days.
Outline two strategies that could be used to encourage families to complete the Premeirs activ family challenge. (2 marks) ( VCAA 2011 sample)
- Provide family incentives and prizes that can be won for those who participate such as pedometers.
- Mass Media campign running simultaneuosly outling concequences to famil members of inactivity.
- Organise family walk or run days to stimulate participation.
Part of The Victorian Govrnment’s gof or your life campaign is the premiers active family challenge, which encourages Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity each day or 30 days.
List Three factors that need to be considered when planning interventions to target family physical activity.
Are strategies relevant to family life in respect to attitudes, intrests ect.
Do interventions target all 4 levels
- Socioeconomic status of family
- Family support levels
- Participation of siblings and parents in physcal activity
- Age specific strategys for individuals within families eg.) Parents, Children, Toddlers, Adolescents
The socio ecological model needs to be tailored to suit particular population groups.
Suggest how and intervention would be tailored differently when targting older people compared to adolescents. (4 marks) (VCAA 2011 sample)
Individual: Focus on benefits of physical acivity
older adults: Falls Adolescents: Body Image, Obesity
Social Environment: Family support levels:
Older adults: Grandchildren, Children Adolescents: Parents, Siblings
Physical Environent:
Older adults: Access & safety eg.) ramps Adolescents: Skate park
Older adults: Pensioner discounts policy Adolescents: Consession discount ploicy
Describe how the interelationship between the 4 levels of the SEM can affect behavorial chage in a school environment.
(3 marks) (VCAA 2012)
When all 4 levels of the socio ecological model are adressed a program is likely to be succesful.
If students have better acces to eqipment (physical) for group and team activites (social) during extended lunch (policy) it increases enjoyment (individal).
All these factors work together to influence physical activity.
Evaluate the likely success of the lesuire Challenge to promote physical activity. Use the socio- ecological model to justify your answer. (6 Marks) (ASCHPER 2013)

The socio ecological model framework is used to critique a physical activity intervention as a strategy must target all of the four following levels if it is likely to be succesful. (1)
Individual: Motivational speakers, educate participant on the benefits of being active.
Social environment: Kids sports clinics, and yoga classes bring people together increasing social support.
Physical Environmnet: Provide free access to local facilities, making the more accessible for those who previousky could not afford to buy memebrships.
Policy: Funding from local council to pay for guests such as Gary Mehigan, Glen Archer and Brooke Hanson.
Parent supervised riding group that ride to school on designated routes picking up students along the way. The school installed extra bicycle racks to provide a safe place lock their bikes.
The program was eventually unsustainable, use the SEM to critique why. (6 marks) (VCAA 2014)

Multiple factors influence physical activity.
The program did not target all 4 levels of the SEM which ultimatley resulted in it’s failure.
Social environment: Is addressed well in this program by organising riding groups which bring children together and increase social support.
Physical environment: Is addressed through the building of bike racks however the program did implement a strategy to deal with students without bikes. The program is also limited by physical challenges such as traffic and presence of bike lanes which the school could not change.
Policy: Is addressed through parent volunteers, however this could make it difficult to run on a consistent basis due to parent availability. The funding for incentive such as cycle computers for regular participants would improve the program from a policy perspective.
Individual: Factors like cycling skills are not addressed which is essential for those who have limited cycling ability and knowledge of road rules. An education program would have been an effective way to improve this.