Chapter 1 - NPAG & Assessment of PA Flashcards
What are the 4 dimensions of PA?
What are the 4 domains of PA?
Household & Gardening
Leisure Time
Active Transport
What is a MET and what does it stand for?
Metabolic Equivalent
Used to measure the amount of oxygen used by the during physical activity.
How many METS for rest, low, moderate and vigorous activity.
Rest: 1
Low: 1-3 METS
Moderate: 3-6
Vigorous: 6+ (7+?)
What is PA and how is it different to exercise?
Physical activity is the movement of large muscles to increase energy expenditure and can be structures or unstructured.
Exercise falls under the umbrella of PA but is done to improve or maintain fitness components rather than health.
Types of Benefits of PA?
Health Economic Social Mental Environmental
What are some health benefits of PA?
Decreased risk of: Cardiovascular disease Stroke Type II diabetes Colon cancer Osteoporosis Lowers: Blood cholesterol Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mental benefits of PA.
Memory and Learning
Social benefits of PA?
Social networks
Increased self esteem
Economic benefits of PA.
Employment through sporting events.
Health savings
Reduces absenteeism
Environmental benefits of PA.
Traffic congestion
Air pollution
Noise pollution
What are some reasons for studying PA?
Document frequency and distribution of PA levels with population groups.
Study relationship between PA and health benefits
Identify factors that influence PA.
Evaluate effectiveness of interventions
Objective Vs subjective measurements
Objective rely on quantitative data while subjective relys on information subject to ones memory or bias.
Advantages of Pedometers
Increases awareness of PA and can lead to behavioural change.
Disadvantages of pedometers
Assesses only walking/running
Does not provide any info on the dimensions of PA undertaken (intensity/duration/frequency/type). (Cannot determine if NPAG is met.)
Can be reactive
No contextual data
Estimates of energy expenditure are based on adults.
Accelerometer advantages
Small/lightweight Non-invasive Provides info on intensity/frequency/duration Provides minute by minute monitoring. Can asses inactivity
Accelerometer disadvantages
Expensive Can't measure aquatic activities No info on type or contextual info Energy expenditure is not 100% accurate Underestimates low impact activity eg.) cycling Can be reactive
What is a proxy report?
A recall survey done on behalf of another person usually because of cognitive limitations.
Recall survey advantages.
Cost effective
Assess all dimensions (FIDT)
Easy to administer and complete (Low participant burden)
Provides contextual data (Accesses all domains)
Recall survey disadvantages
Social desirability bias
Cognitive limitations.
Memory recall issues.
What is “Social desirability bias”?
A person may answer what they believe is the desired response rather than what actually occurred. This usually results in the over reporting of good behaviour.
Difference between Diary and a log?
A diary involves a person recording all sources of PA over a time frame (eg. Every 2 hours). A log involves a person only recording specific types of PA (eg. Leisure time activity)
Diary and Log advantages
Very Accurate and detailed
Cost effective
Assesses all domains and dimensions
Captures quantitative and qualitative data
Diaries and logs disadvantages
Social desirability bias
Cognitive and memory problems
High subject burden
What is the practicality vs accuracy trade off?
What does the graph look like?
Device used for measuring PA which are more accurate tend to be less practical to use for large scale studies.
Recall Surveys-> Pedometers-> Accelerometers -> Diary and logs -> Direct observation
Physical activity pyramid:
F/I/D of inactivity.
F: infrequent
I: low
D: short
Physical activity pyramid:
F/I/D of flexibility
F: 3-7
I: stretching
D: 15-60 seconds 3 sets
Physical activity pyramid:
F/I/D of strength training.
F: 2-3
I: overload
D: 8-12 reps / 3-4 sets
Physical activity pyramid:
F/I/D of aerobic activity/ active sport and recreation.
F: 3-6
I: moderate - vigorous
D: 20+ minutes
Physical activity pyramid:
F/I/D of everyday activities.
F: most (5+) preferably all days
I: moderate
D: 30+ min
Layout of Physical activity pyramid
Strength, Flexibility
Aerobic, Recreational sport
everyday lifetime physical activity
Dimensions of adult national physical activity.
National physical activity and sedentary guidelines for 0-5
Infants (0-1): Floor based play
Toddlers (1-3) & Preschoolers (3-5): 3 hours, everyday
0-2 = no electronic media
2-5 =