Chapter 11 - Chronic Training Adaptations Flashcards
What is the only cardiovascular training adaptation for anaerobic athletes? Why does this occur?
Left ventricle wall thickens.
Allows more powerful pumps meaning oxygen is sent to the muscles faster to oxidise H+ ions.
List the 4 main cardiovascular training adaptations for aerobic athletes
Increased left ventricle size (thus stroke volume)
Increased total blood volume
Increased cappillarisation of skeletal muscle
Decreased systolic blood pressure
For what reason are cardiovascular adaptations beneficial?
Allows more O2 to be delivered to the working muscles.
What are the 4 combined effects?
Increased VO2 max
Decreased time to return to resting levels
Increased lactate inflection point
Increased AVO2 diff
How much haemoglobin is in the blood pre and then post training?
Does haemoglobin concentration change due to training?
Pre: 805g
Post: 995g
Haemoglobin concentration does not change.
How does total blood volume change from pre to post training?
Pre: 5.25L
Post: 6.6L
What’s the difference between oxidative and glycolytic enzymes?
Glycolytic enzymes are involved in Glycolysis while oxidative enzymes are involved in the further breakdown of glycogen and fats in the aerobic cycle in the presence of oxygen
What muscular chronic adaptations within the muscle occur due to anaerobic training?
Increased stores of: ATP and ATPase PC Glycogen Increased glycolytic enzymes
What muscular anaerobic chronic adaptations occur in regards to the nervous system?
More motor units recruited
Increased rate of firing
Increased motor co-ordination
What is the main chronic adaptation to resistance training which increases strength.
Increased cross-sectional size of muscle
Name some chronic muscular aerobic adaptations.
Increase size and no. of mitochondria Increase Myoglobin Increase Oxidative enzyme Increased FFA, triglyceride and glycogen stores Increased cappillarisation of muscle Increased size of slow twitch fibres
Name the three main respiratory chronic adaptations.
Increased Tidal volume
Increased Pulmonary Diffusion
Increased Minute ventilation
For what reason are respiratory chronic adaptations beneficial?
Increases availability of O2 to be delivered to the working muscles
For what reason are aerobic muscular chronic adaptations beneficial?
Enables body to produce more ATP
In what two ways can anaerobic muscular chronic adaptations be beneficial?
Allow for more ATP
Allow for more force generation
How does tidal volume change at different intensities after training?
Rest: no change
Submax: increase
Max: increase
How does minute ventilation change at different intensities after training?
Rest: ?
Submax: ?
Max: ?
How does VO2 change at different intensities after training?
Rest: no change ?
Submax: no change ?
Max: increase ?
How does Heart rate change at different intensities after training?
Rest: decrease
Submax: decrease
Max: constant
How does Cardiac output change at different intensities after training?
Rest: no change
Submax: no change
Max: increase
What are chronic adaptations?
Changes (adaptations) that take place within the body that are long lasting and assist the body to undertake exercise.
2 chronic adaptations responsible for increased VO2.
to increase oxygen uptake in the working muscles
Chronic muscular adaptations which increase the size of the muscle from resistance training.
Increased size of myofibrils
increased total amount of contractile protein (in myosin filament)
Increased capillary density
increased connective tissue (tendons, ligaments)