TCC Flashcards
Cerf et al. 2012. Palliative ultrasound guided endoscopic diode laser ablation of transitional cell carcinoma of the lower urinary tract in dogs
Difference in survival with urethal involvement?
380 days
Strangurina, hematuria, stenosis of the custourethral junctions, spread of TCC within the lower urinary tract, spread to the urethrosotmy site, urethral perforation, and bacterial cystitis
de Brito et al. 2012. Effects of gemcitabine and gemcitabine in combination with carboplatin on 5 canine TCC cell lines
Treatment with gemcitabine or carboplatin decreased cell proliferation, increased apoptosis, and induced cell cycle arrest
Cell cycle arrest and apoptosis increased with carboplatin and gemcitabine
Combination effects were synergistic in 3/5 cell lines and additive in other 2
Reed et al. Cutaneous metastasis of TCC in 12 dogs
Cutaneous lesions were detected at mean of 123 days after diagnosis of primary TCC and appeared as plaques, nodules, papules
Of the 8 dogs with dermal TCC, 5 had epidermal erosin or ulceration
10 dogs, TCC was detected in cutaneous lymphatic vessels, identified by reactivity to ProxI
Metastasis also dected in LNs in all dogs and at distant noncutaneous sites, usually the lungs, in 10 dogs
Mean survival after diagnosis was 162 days
Despite treatement in 10 dogs, remission was not achieved, 4 dogs had SD
Naughton et al. Accuracy of 3-D and 2-D ultrasonography for measurement of tumor volume in dogs with TCC of the urinary bladder
No significant difference in tumor volume obtained via 3D ultrasonography at different degrees of bladder distension
Excellent agreement between tumor volumve measurement with 3D and CT, but not with 2D and CT
Dhawan et al. Targeting folate receptors to treat invaive urinary bladder cancer
Blackburn et al. 2013. Evaluation of outcome following urethral stent placement for the treatment of obstructive carcinoma of the urethra in dogs: 42 cases
Self expanding metallic stent (SEMS)
Resolution of obstruction was achieved in?
Complications after SEMS?
MST after SEMS?
Treatment with NSAIDs before and chemotherapeutics after SMAS increased MST to 251 days
26% developed incontinence
6/23 male and 5/19 female developed severe incontinence and 1/23 and 1/17 female developed stranguria
78 days
Knapp et al. Randomized trial of cisplatin versus firocoxib vs. firocoxib/cisplatin in dogs with TCC of the urinary bladder
Remission rate with cisplatin/firocoxib? cisplatin?
Renal and GI toxicity common in dogs receicing cisplatin
Firocoxib alone induced PR or SD in?
57%, 13%
20% and 33%
Robat et al. Retrospective evaluation of doxorubicin-piroxicam combination for the treatment of TCC in dogs
34 dogs
50% of dogs had surgery
Cytoreductive surgey did not prolong PFS but significantly prolonged OS
9%, 60.5%, 30.5%
103 days
168 days (~ 6 mo)
Higuchi et al. Characterization and treatment of TCC of the abdominal wall
24 dogs with TCC and confirmation of ABWTCC (abdominal wall TCC)
Uroplakin III expression in primary tumors and ABWTCC?
TCC in the abdominal wasll developed significantly more often in dogs that had undergone ___% than those that had not ___%
18 dogs that received drugs did not have remission of ABWTCC
MST after detection of ABWTCC?
19/20 and 17/17
cytotomy 10%, 1.6%
57 days (2 mo)
Cekanova et al. 2013. Molecular imaging of COX-2 in canine TCC in vitro and in vivo
Flourocoxib A selectively bound COX-2 expressing primary K9TCC cells in vitro, COX-2 expressing K9TCC xenografts in nude mice, and heterogenoeus canine TCC during cystoscopy in vivo
Schrempp et al. 2013. Metronomic administration of chlorambucil for the treatment of dogs with urinary bladder TCC
31 dogs with TCC for which prior treatment had failed or declined
CHB 4 mg/m2 PO q24h
3%, 67%, 30%
119 days (4 mo)
221 days (7.4 mo)
Hanazono et al. Ultrasonographic findings related to prognosis in canine TCC
Determine if US could predict bladder wall involvement
22 TCC and 5 polypoid cystitis
Wall involvement revealed by US was significantly associated with ___ with sensitivity of __% and specificity __%
What factors were associated with shorter survival times?
Histological muscular layer involvement, 93% and 92%
US wall invovlement, heterogenoeus mass, and trigone location
Hanazono et al. 2016. Immunohistochemical expression of p63, ki67, and B-catenin in canine TCC and polypoid cystitis of the urinary bladder
The staining score os p63 and B-catenin in TCC were significantly ___ than normal bladder and polypod cystitis
Ki67 in TCC were significantly ___ than those in normal urinary blader and polypoid cystitis
In TCC, low p63 expression was significantly related to presence of _____ and ______, and ___
p63 could be reliable marker for predicting prognosis in canine TCC
vessel invasion, metastasis, short survival time
Kaye et al. Vinorelbine rescue therapy for dogs with primary urinary bladder carcinoma
Vinorelbine 15 mg/m2 was adminitered along with oral anti-inflammatory drugs
Subjective improvement in clinical signs were noted in?
Median TTP?
Median survival for the 13 pretreated dogs?
14%, 57%,
93 days
187 days
207 days
Sledge et al. Differences in expression of uroplakin II, cytokeratin 7, and Cox-2 in canine proliferative urothelial lesions of the urinary bladder
Significant association between tumor classification and overall UPIII staining patter, loss of UPIII, overall CK7 pattern, and COX2 pattern
Significant association between dept of neoplastic cell infiltration into the urinary bladder and overall UPIII pattern, loss of UPIII, overall CK7 pattern, loss of CK7 expression, and COX2 pattern
Nieset et al. 2014 Comparison of adaptive radiotherapy techniques for external radiation therapy of canine bladder cancer
Irradiated rectal volvumes decreased and irradiated bladder volume increased as plan conformality increased.
ART provided the greatest rectal sparing, with lowest irradiated rectal volume, and largest bladder volume receiving 95% of the prescription dose.
Adaptive radiotherapy showed significant reduction in rectal volume irradiated when compared to nonadaptive techniques
Hanazono et al. 2014. Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in canine TCC
EGFR protein expression was significantly higher in TCC than in normal bladder and polypoid cystits
High EGFR protein expression was signifcantly associated with TCC with sensitivity of 72% and specificity of 100%
Positive correlationg between mRNA and protein expression in TCC
EGFR could be used as a marker to help canine TCC diagnosis
Saeki et al. Total cystectomy and subsequent urinary diversion to the prepuce or vagina in dogs with TCC of the trigone area: A report of 10 cases
What were the observed complications?
Dehiscence of urethrostomy (2), pyelonephritis (3), oliguria (2), azotemia (1), and urethral obstruction (1)
385 days
Allstadt et al. Randomized phase III trial of piroxicam in combination with mitoxantrone or carboplatin for first-line treatment of urogenital tract transitional cell carcinoma in dogs
24 dogs mito + piroxicam and 26 carbo + piroxicam
Response between groups?
Mitoxantrone group - PR? SD?
Caboplatin group - PR? SD?
PFI between mito and carbo?
Dogs with prostatic involvement? Dogs with urethral, trigonal, or apical tumors?
Not different
8%, 69%
13%, 54%
Not diffrent - 106 days vs. 73.5 days
Shorter survival - 109 days
200, 190, 645 days
Decker et al. Homologous mutation to human BRAF V600E is common in naturally occuring canine bladder cancer - evidence for a relevant model system and urine-based diagnostic test
All tumors harbored somatic mutation that is homologies to the human BRAF(V600E) mutation, and an identical mutation was present in ___% of 62 additional canine InvTCC tumor
Canine activating BRAF mutation stimulate the MAPK pathway
Cell lines with mutation have elevated pMEK
This effect can be diminished with vemurafenib
Yamazaki et al. 2015. siRNA knockdown of the DEK nuclear protein mRNA enhances apoptosis and chemosensitivity of canine TCC cells
DEK is a nuclear protein overexpressed in several types of human bladder cancer - chromatin reconstruction, gene trasncription, apoptosis
DEK mRNA was relatively high in canine TCC cells and expression of DEK protein was significantly greater in TCC tumors compared to other tissue samples
After transfection with DEK-siRNA, apoptosis, cell growth inhbited, and enhanced sensitivity to carboplatin was observed
DEK could be a potential therapeutic target in canine TCC
Culp et al. 2015. Early tumor response to intrarterial or intravenous administration of carboplatin to treat naturally occuring lower urinary tract carcinoma in dogs
Lower urinary tract neoplasia treated with either IVC (15) or IAC (11) - femoral or carotid artery used for IAC
The ___ group was significantly more likely to have tumor response
Dogs in the IAC group were significantly less like to develop __, ___, and ___
Anemia, lethargy, anorexia
Budreckis et al. 2015. Bacterial urinary tract infections associated with TCC in dogs
85 dogs with TCC
How many had atleast 1 positive culture?
Incidence of positive culture in female and male dogs?
US revealed female dogs were more likely to have ___ or ____ tumor involvement compared to male dogs
Most common organisms were?
Dogs with urethral involvement were significantly more likely to have at least 1 positive culture than without urethral involvement (75% vs. 30%)
80% and 29%
urethral (74%), trigonal tumor involvement (71%), 32% and 43%
Staphylococcus app. (24%) and E. coli (20%)
Gustafson et al. Hedgehog signaling is activated in canine TCC and contributes to cell proliferation and survival
HH pathway mediators were expressed in 5 canine TCC cell lines
Indian HH was expressed in tumor cells in 5 canine bladder tumor tissues, but not normal canine bladder tissue
Inhibition of HH signaling with GANT61 led to significantly decreased cell proliferation but had smaller effect of apoptosis
Dhawan et al. Comparative gene expression analyses identify luminal and basal subtypes of canine invasive urothelial carcinoma that mimic patterns in human invasive bladder cancer
Canine iUC samples had enrichment for genes involved in p53 pathway
Overexpression of EGFR was confirmed
Knapp et al. A nonselective COX inhibitor enhances the activity of vinblastine in a naturally-occuring canine model of invasive urothelial carcinoma
VInblastine + piroxicam (24) or vinblastine alone (27)
Remission with vinblastine? Vinblastine + piroxciam?
Median PFS?
MST with vinblastine alone followed by piroxicam? Combination?
22% vs. 58%
143 days with viblastine alone and 199 days with vinblastine and piroxciam
531 days vs. 299 days
Rippy et al. A pilot study of toceranib/vinblastine therapy for canine TCC
Vinblastine 1.6 mg/m2 every 2 weeks and toceranib 2.5-2.75 mg/kg MWF
Based on US, 3 dogs experience biological response - PR (2) and SD (1)
Based on CT, 5 dogs experienced biological response - PR (2), SD (3)
Combination did not result in improved response rate
Mochizuki et al. Sequence analysis of RAS and RAF mutation hotspots in canine carcinoma
Novel HRAS mutation were identified in ___ of oral SCC
__% of pulmonary carcnima carried __ and ___ mutation
RAS mutations and BRAF V595E were mutually exclusive, indicating similar functional consequence of these mutations
In contrast, RAS mutation were absent in 39 urothelial and 19 prostatic carcinoma
Another rational for BRAF-targeted therapies
17%, KRAS and NRAS
Mochizuki et al. Detection of BRAF mutation in urine DNA as a molecular diagnostic for canine urothelial and prostatic carcinoma
Detecting the BRAF V595E mutation
__% UC, __% PC, __% control groups were mutant positive
ddPCR assay identified the mutation in free catch urine samples from 83% of canine UC and PC patients
75%, 85%, 0%
Middleton et al. 2015. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its analogues increase catalase at the mRNA, protein and activity level in a canine TCC cell line
Eichstadt et al. 2017. Risk factors for treatment-related adverse events in cancer bearing dogs receiving piroxicam
__ and concurrent use of ___ medications significantly increased the risk of GI AEs
Age, gastroprotectant medications
Marvel et al. 2017. Clinical outcome of partial cystectomy for TCC of the canine bladder
Median PFI
Prognostic factors identified on univariate analysis?
Prognostic factors signficant for PFI?
MST with partial cystectomy and daily piroxicam with or without chemo?
235 days (~8 mo)
348 days (~ 1 yr)
Age, tumor location, full thickness excision, and frequency of piroxicam administration
Full thickness and frequency of piroxicam administration
772 days
Inoue A. Density of tumor infiltrating granzyme B positive cells predict favorable prognosis in dogs with TCC
The number of CD3+ and granzyme B+ cells located in the pritumoral stroma of canine TCC were singificantly higher than those in normal controls
In TCC cases, CD3+ TILs were not significantly related to prognosis but the granzyme B+ TILS were associated with favorable outcome
Milanta et al. 2017. Overexpression of HER-2 via IHC in canine urinary bladder TCC
Her-2 positivity was recorded in __% neoplastic lesions
The receptor was significantly overexpressed in neoplastic vs. nonneoplatic lesions
Walters et al. Expression of receptor tyrosine kinase targets PDGFR-B, VEGFR2, and KIT in canine TCC
Evaluate normal bladder, TCC, cystitis bladder samples
Significant number of TCC samples overexpressed ___ compared with cystitis and normal bladder samples
While all the tumor samples stained positive for ___, no significant difference between tumor, cystits, and normal bladder
Minimal positive staining for ___ was noted in tumor samples
Henry et al. 2017. Clinical evaluation of Tavocept to decrease diuresis time and volume in dogs with bladder cancer receiving cisplatin
Tavocept is a chemoprotectant
14 dogs enrolled
90 minute/diuresis time used for all dogs
__% had increase in serum cretainine and BUN - 2 of these were isosthenuric
The frequency of nephrotoxicity is less than that of historical controls
Overall RR?
RR was inferior to historical comparator group
21% (3 dogs)
253 vs. 246 days for historical controls
Mochizuki et al. BRAF mutations in canine cancers
Sequenced exon 15 of BRAF in 667 canine primary tumors and 38 control tissues
Single nucleatide T to A transversion at nucletotide 1349 occured in 9.6% - 80% in prostatic carcinoma and 67% urothelial carcinoma
Mutation results in amino acid subsitution of glutamic acid for valine at codon 405 (V450E) - corresponding to the most common mutation in human cancer, V600E
Bommer et al. 2012. Clinical features, survival times and COX-1 and COX-2 expression in cats with TCC of the urinary bladder treated with meloxicam
Mean age?
3 cats had previous diagnosis of FIC of up to 2008 days duration
10 cats showed clinical improvement with mean ST?
1 year survival rate?
7 bladder assessed for COX staining were all positive for COX1 and 5 positive for COX2
MST for COX-2+? COX2-?
13 years
311 days
123 days (4 mo) vs. 375 days (1 yr)
Yhee et al. 2012. Angiogenesis and expression of VEGF, TNF-a and HIF-1a in canine renal cell carcinoma
9 canine RCC
___ was expressed by tumor cells and vascular endothelial cells and __ was observed in vascular endothelial cells in both neoplastic and normal kidney
No correlation was found betwen VEGF and MVD
Edmondson et al. 2015. Prognostic significance of histologic features in canine renal cell carcinomas: 70 nephrectomies
Dogs presenting with hematuria and cachexia had decreased overall and tumor specific survival
MI, nuclear size, nuclear pleomorphism, tumor differentiation, invasiveness, Fuhrman nuclear grade, and clear cell morphology were asignificantly associated with survival times - univariate analysis
MI was prognostic in multivariable analysis
Median survival with MI>30 - 187 days compared with 1184 (3.2 yr) for MI<10
MI 10-30 - 452 days (15 mo)
Following subtypes of RCC: clear cell, chromophobe, papillary, multilocular cystic RCC
Clear cell (9%) was associated with decreased MST
Papillary (21%), chromophone (9%) and multilocular (4%)
Peat et al. 2017. Pax8, Napsin A, CD10 as immunohistochemical markers of canine renal cell carcinoma
These are useful markers in human RCC
Expression of Pax8, Napsin A, and CD10?
Pax8 was expressed in 92% of solid, 100% of papillary, and 100% of tubular tumors.
Napsin A was expressed in 58% of solid, 60% of papillary, and 62% of tubular RCC.
CD10 was expressed in 33% of solid, 47% of papillary, and 62% of tubular RCC.
Pax8 was expressed in 80% of the metastatic tumors, napsin A in 60%, and CD10 in 50%.
Pax8 can be used in diagnosing all major subtypes of primary and metastatic RCC
98%, 60%, 50%
Suarez-Bonnet et al. 2017. 14-3-3o protein expression in canine renal cell carcinomas
Aberrant expression of was 14-3-3o demonstrated in __% and was associated with ____
Normal kidney expression for 14-3-3o?
Distal tubular epithelium in normal kidneys coexpressed cytokeratins and vimentins, maintenace of this coexpression in RCC suggest tumors arise from distal segment of nephron
14-3-3o is a negative prognostic factor and possible target
38%, shorter survival time
Ramos-Vera et a. 2017. Immunohistochemical profile of 20 feline renal cell carcinomas
Nineteen tumours (95%) expressed Pax8; 12 (60%), KIT; 15 (75%), CD10; 20 (100%), cytokeratins; and 19 (95%), vimentin.
Pax8 appears to be a valuable marker for distinguishing feline tumours arising in the kidney from other neoplasms.
Palmieri et al. 2013. Immunohistochemical expression of HOXA-13 in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic canine prostatic tissue
Plays a role in development in urogenital tract and external genitalia and prostate organogenesis
6 normal, 16 hyperplastic, and 12 neoplastic canine prostate were examined
HOXA-13 expression?
The percentage of cells in ___ were increased
May be involved in carcinogenesis
Expressed in the cytoplasm of normal epithelial, hyperplastic, and neoplastic prostates
Prostatic carcinoma compared to normal or hyperplastic
Lean et al. 2014. Expression of B-catenin and mesenchymal markers in canine prostatic hyperplasia and carcinoma
4 normal canine prostate and 15 dogs with BPH and 6 PC
B-catenin was located in __ in normal epithelial cells but __ and ___ in hyperplastic, and ___ in PC
_____ positive luminal cells were observed in 2/15 BPH and all PC - sueggesting conversion from epithelial to mesenchymal
SMA was negative in PC, but mild desmin and calponin
membrane, cytoplasmic and membrae, nuclear
Palmieri et al. 2014. Heat shock protein 90 is associated with hyperplasia and neoplastic transformation of canine prostatic epithelial cells
Expression in 2 normal canine prostate, 17 BPH, 5 PC
HSP90 was expressed in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in all samples with significant increase in PC
Nuclear labeling was occasional in normal tissue, increased in BPH and PC
Romanucci et al. 2016. Immunohistochemical expression of heat shock porteins, p63 and androgen receptor in BPH and PC in dogs
Proportion of Hsp60-positive cells was higher in PC than BPH
Hsp72 nuclear score showed significant positive association with both p63 and AR
Hsp72-p63 and Hsp72-AR coexpression in basal nucleai
Aberrant cytoplasmic p63 in 3/11 PC cases
Fonseca-Alves et al. Evidence of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in canine prostate cancer metastasis
Loss of E_cadherin and translocation of B-catenin from membrane to cytoplasm amd nucleus in the tumor group
Vimentin expression in tumor group was higher
All metastasis erre positive for PSA, pan-CK, and E-cadherin, few positive cells in primary tumors
Pagillarone et al. 2016. Altered expression oof p53, but not Rb, is involved in canine prostate carcinogenesis
In all normal samples, p53 was expressed in low number of epithelial cells, while greater positive cells in BPH and PC
Mean number of positive cells were significantly higher in PCs than normal of BPH
Cytoplasmic or nucleo/cytoplasmic was seen in 5/10 PC
Rb was expressed in high number in normal m hyperplastic, and neoplastic - no difference
Rb is not involved in prostatic carcinogeneis
Ravicini et al. 2018. Outcome and prognostic factors in medically treated canine prostatic carcinomas
Overall MST 82 days and median TTP 63 days
Dogs receiving NSAIDs and chemo had longer MST 106 vs. 51 days and TTP 76 vs. 44 days compated to NSAID alone
Intact dogs and those with metastatic disease had significantly shorter MST (31 vs. 90 days)
Intact dogs had significantly shorter TTP (25 vs. 63 days)
Sakai et al. 2018. Anti-tumor effect of lapatinib in canine TCC cell line
Lapatinib, TKI of HER2
Lapatinib inhibted phosphorylation of HER2 and cell growth in dose-dependent manner
Increased sub-G1 and G0/G1 phase fractions and decreased S and G2/M phase fraction
Tumor volume was smalled in lapatinib group compared to vehicle group
Maeda et al. 2018. Comprehensive gene expression analysis of canine invasive urothelial bladder carcinoma by RNA-Seq
Most activated rregulator was PTGER2 (encoding PGE2 receptor EP2) - concistent with efficacy of COX inhibitors in iUC
Canine iUC upregulated ERBB2 and downregulated TP53 pathways
Biological functions associated with cancer, cell proliferation, and leukocyte migration were predicted to be activated while muscle functions were inhibited
Foncesca-Alves et al. 2017. Investigation of c-kit and ki67 expression in normal, preneoplastic and neoplastic canine prostate
11 normal prostate, 12 proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) prostates, 18 PC, 3 metastatic lesions
Prostatic tissue had varying degrees of membranous, cytoplasmic or membranous/cytoplasmic c-kit staining
4 normal prostates, 4 PIA, 5 PC, showed positive c-kit
No c-kit in metastasis
Canine prostate cancer and PIA had higher ki67+ cells compared to normal
Positive correlation between number of ki67+ cells and c-kit transcript was observed in prostate cancer samples
Kent et al. 2017. MicroRNA profiling in dogs with TCC of bladder using blood and urine samples
Significant difference in miR-103b and miR-16 levels between urine samples from LUTD and TCC patients
No differnce in blood samples noted
Expression of miR-34a trended with miR-16, let-7c, and miR-103b levels in individual normal urine samples - lost in TCC urine
miR-34a, miR-16, let-7c, miR-103b expression was maintained in blood samples from TCC patients
Potential role of miR-10b and miR-16 as diagnotic urine biomarkers in TCC
Di Donato et al. 2018. Predominance of hypoechoic tissue change in nine dogs with malignant prostatic lymphoma
US features of prostatic LSA
Subjective prostatomegaly was noted in all patients
Altered shape with rounded/irregular margins in 78%
All prostates presented either diffuse or focal/preiurethral and/or multifocal areas of hypoechogenicity
1 dog, focal and multifocal hypoechoic changes occured
No prostatic mineralization
US features of infiltrative disease of multiple organs and/or lymphadenopathy
LSA differential - hypoechoic lesions, altered shape, lack of mineralization and multiorgan involvement
Bennett et al. 2018. Total prostatectomy as a treatment for prostatic carcinoma in 25 dogs
Permanent PO urinary incontinence was present in 8/23 dogs (35%)
MST shorter in dogs with extracapsular tumor extension compared with those with intracapsular tumors
MST was 231 days (7.7 mo) with 1- and 2- year survival 32% and 12%
Matsumoto et al. 2018. Histopathologic and immunohistochemistry findings in feline renal cell carcinoma
RCC consisted of solid (2), solid-tubular (2), tubular (3), papillary *2), tubulopapillary (2), sarcomatoid (1) lesions
1 developed metastatic disease and 6 had no recurrence at 80 and 2292 days after surgery
Tumor cells were positive for CK7, CK20, KIT, and CD10
Small number of cells in solid anaplastic and sarcomatoid types were positive for aquaporin-1
Increased N-cadherin and Twist along with nuclear B-catenin was observed in sarcomatoid type
CK, KIT, CD10 are strongly expressed in most feline
Lin et al. 2018. Urothelial carcinomas of the urinary bladder with plasmacytoid or rhabdoid features and tendency of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in dogs
3 cases with human plasmacytoid and rhabdoid variants of UC - raise difficulties in diagnosis
EMT and reduced E-cadherin were revealed in 2 cases
Bongiovanni et al. 2018. Survivin and Sox9: potential stem cell markers in canine normal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic canine prostate
3 normal prostate, 18 BPH, 16 PC
Basal cell layer of normal and hyperplastic prostatic lobules had nuclear Sox9 immunolabelign and nuclear and rarely survivin
More frequent survivn and Sox9 was seen in PC compared to BPH
Sox9 and survivin could be considred markers of stemness in canine prostate cells
Carvalho et al. 2017. Retrospective evaluation of COX-2 exression, histological and clinical factors as prognostic indicators in dogs with RCC undergoing nephrectomy
64 cases
On univariate analysis, COX2 expression, MI, histologic type, vascular invasion, neoplastic invasiveness and metastasis at diagnosis were associated with MST
On multivariable analysis, COX-2 score (COX-2s scor >3 MST 420 days or 1.1 yr days vs. 1176 days or 3 years if <3) and MI (>30 MST 120 days or 4 months vs. 540 days or 18 months <30)