Perianal tumors Flashcards
Urie et al. Evaluation of expression and function of VEGFR2, PDGFRa and b, KIT, RET in canine AGASACA and thyroid carcinoma
Palladia has 25% RR in AGASACA and thyroid tumors with SD occuring in 50-60% of dogs
mRNA in AGASACA samples?
mRNA in thyroid samples?
Phosphorylation of VEGFR2, PDGFRa/b, KIT?
Phosphorylation of RET?
VEGFR2 was expresssed in 19/24 primary and 6/10 metastatic AGASACA and 6/15 TC samples
KIT 8/24 primary and 3/10 metastatic AGASACA and 9/15 TC samples
PDGFRa was noted in all tumor samples
PDGFRb was found in few tumor samples but was evidene in stroma of all tumor samples
VEGFR2, PDGFRa/b, KIT, and RET in all samples
VEGFR2, PDGFRa/b, KIT in all samples, and 10/15 had RET amplified
54% AGASACA and 20% TC
Brown et al. Expression of PDGFR-B and Kit in canine anal sac aporcrine gland adenocarcinoma using tissue immunohistochemistry
What % expressed kit?
Expression of PDGFR-B?
None of the canine anal sac epithelium expressed kit or PDGFR-B
Further investigation should be considered to determine role of RTKs in clinical course and treatment of canine AGASACA
- 6%
- 5%
Keyerleber et al. 3D conformal versus non-graphic radiation treatment plannine for apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal sac in 18 dogs (2002-2007)
3D resulted in more homogeneos dose distribution to target tissues with lower hot spots and dose ranges
Dose homogeneity and guarantee of not under-dosing came at cost - delivering greater mean doses of radiation and of irradiating greater volumes of surrounding normal structures
Bowlt et al. Temporally separated bilateral anal sac gland carcinomas in 4 dogs
4 cases of unilateral anal sac gland carcinoma that developed contralateral tumor 50-390 days after the removal of initial tumor
1035 days (34.5 mo) after initial diagnosis and 807 days (27 mo) after second tumor diagnosis
Anderson et al. Comparison of abdominal ultrasound and MRI for detection of abdominal lymphadenomegaly in dogs with metastatic apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal sac
Compare the efficacy of the 2 techniques
6 dogs had AUS and MRI
AUS identified lymphadenopathy in how many?
Lymphadenopathy was sacral in location with involvement in medial iliac and hypogastric LNs in only 2 cases
MRI is more sensitive than AUS
2/6 (33%)
6/6 (100%)
Knudsen et al. 2013. COX-2 expression in canine anal sac adenocarcinomas and in non-neoplstic canine anal sacs
25 ASAC samples and 22 normal anal sacs
Expression in ASAC and normal anal sacs?
Which cells expressed Cox-2?
Cox-2 immunoreactivity of ASAC samples was low intensity in __% and high in __%
76% of ASAC had over 50% of the neoplastic glandular cells staining positive
Potential role of COX-2 inhibition in ASAC
All samples stained positive for Cox-2
Normal anal sacs it was ductal epithelial cells and ASAC neoplastic glandular epithelial cells
52%, 12%, remaining were intermediate
Suzuki et al. 2013. Immunohistochemical characterization of neuroendocrine differentiation of canine anal sac glandular tumors
69 samples
Chromogranin-A expression?
Neuron-specific enolase?
How many expressed more than 2 neuroendocrine markers?
Relationship with neuroendocrine differentiation and outcome?
Some ASGCs have neuroendocrine differntiation regardless of histological pattern, clinical outcome is related to histologic pattern
- 6% irrespective of histologic type and localized to marginal areas of tumor nest and basal areas of tubular and rossette structures
- 4% and less frequent in tubular type (14%)
- 9% and less frquent in tubular type
21/69 - classified as carcinomas with neuroendocrine differentiation
Pereira et al. 2013. Ki-67 labeling in canine perianal gland neoplasms: a novel approach or immunohistological diagnostic and prognostic
42 perianal gland neoplasms - adenomas (15), epitheliomas (15), carcinomas (12)
Which tumor has higher proliferation rate?
For adenomas and epitheliomas the computaer assited counting and manual counting gave similar results; only computer-assisted imaging analysis was efficient to predict preianal gland carcinoma recurrence
Carcinoma (10%), epithelomas (2.7%), adenomas (0.36%)
Higher Ki67 is related to recurrence of carcinomas
Wouda et al. Evaluation of adjuvant carboplatin chemotherapy in the management of surgically excised anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma in dogs
74 dogs that underwent surgery, 44 received adjuvant carboplatin and 30 did not
Median OS?
Median TTP?
What significantly affected outcome?
Difference in OS and TTP between dogs failed to reach statistical significance
What prolonged survival?
703 days (1.9 yr)
384 days (12.8 mo)
Primary tumor size and LN mets at diagnosis
Treatment of progressive disease - not limited to chemotherapy
Mellett et al. Squamous cell carcinoma of the anal sacs in 3 dogs
Treated with meloxicam alone and surival was up to 7 months
No metastases identified
Should be a differential for anal sac mass
Palladino et al. 2016. Utility of CT versus AUS examination to identify iliosacral lymphadenomegaly in dogs with apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal sac
CT identified lymphadenomegaly in how many of 20 dogs?
Of these dogs, AUS identified and detected all enlarged LNs in __%
AUS identified at least 1 enlarged LN in 100% of affected dogs
AUS is effective screening test for lymphadenomegaly but CT should be considered in which metastatic disease would impact therapeutic planning
13/20 (65%)
Potanas et al. 2015. Surgical excision of anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinomas with and without adjunctive chemotherapy in dogs: 42 cases
Survival time was significantly associated with?
DFI was significantly associated with?
Survival time did not differ among groups when grouped on basis of margins
Presence of LN mets and LN extirpation were negative prognostic indications
Presence of sublumbar lymphadenopathy and sublumbar LN extirpation
Significantly shorter for dogs with sublumar lymphadenopathy (HR 2.31), than for those without and for dogs that underwent underwent sublumbar LN extirpation (HR 2.31) that those that did not
Presence of sublumbar lymphadenopathy, LN extirpation, administration of platinum agent
Pollard et al. 2017. Ultrasound and CT of the iliosacral lymphatic center in dogs with anal sac gland carcinoma
CT would identify more normal and abnormal iliac LNs than AUS in dogs
12 dogs with ASGC but without distant metastasis
Iliosacral and medial iliac LN?
Internal iliac LNs?
Sacral LNs?
US identified more (7) abnormal iliosacral LNs than CT (5)
Contrast CT identified more normal but not more abnormal LNs than US
Significantly more iliosacral LNs were identified with CT (61) than US (30), including significantly more medial iliac LNs with CT (33) than US (19)
No difference in internal iliac
Signficantly more scaral LNs on CT (15) than US (0)
McQuown et al. 2017. Treatment of advanced canine anal sac adenocarcinoma with hypofractionated radiation therapy: 77 cases
For presenting with clinical signs, resolution of clinical signs?
For dogs presenting with hypercalcemia, resolution with RT? With RT, prednisone, bisphosphonates?
Median OS?
Median PFS?
31%, 46%
329 days (11 mo)
289 days days (9.6 mo)
Mieir et al. 2017. Outcome in dogs with advanced (stage 3b) anal sac gland carcinoma treated with surgery or hypofractionated radiation therapy
28 dogs: 13 surgery and 13 RT
PFI and MST for surgery cases?
PFI and MST with RT?
PFI and survival of surgical patients were significantly inferior to RT
159 days (5.3 mo) and 182 days (6 mo)
347 days (11.5 mo) and 447 days (15 mo)
Majeski et al. 2017. Indirect CT lymphography (ICTL) for iliosacral lymphatic mapping in cohort of dogs with anal sac gland adenocarcinoms: technique
13 dogs with AGASACA and ICTL performed via peritumoral contrast injection
ICTL identified lymphatic pathways and sentinel LNs in?
Identified LNs were ipsilateral in __ and contralateral in __
Which were the sentinel LNs
12/13 cases (92%)
8/12 and 4/12
Sacral, internal iliac, medial iliac Lns
Barnes et al. 2017. Surgical management of primary, metastatic and recurrent anal sac adenocarcinoma in the dog: 52 cases
___% perineal surgeries has minor complications and __ required further surgical intervention
Complication with LN extirpation?
Local recurrence?
Recurrent LN metastatic disease?
From the time of detection of disease recurrence, median additional survival associated with second surgical intervention was ___days
12%, 12%
Minor contrallable bleeding 5%
283 days (9.4 mo)
Slorupski et al. 2018. Outcome and clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical factors associated with prognosis for dogs with early-stage anal sac adenocarcinoma treated with surgery alone: 34 cases
How many dogs developed recurrence and metastatic disease at median?
Cellular pleiomorphism was positively associated with development of metastatic disease
1237 days (41 mo)
7 dogs at 354 days, 9 dogs at 589 days (20 mo)
Kim et al. 2018. Expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and Akt in canine circumanal gland tumors
7 circumanal glands, 30 circumanal gland adenomas, 40 circumanal gland carcinomas
ER and PR were significantly lower in ____ than in ____
Expression of Akt was?
Progression of canine circumanal gland tumors is influenced by expression levels of ER, PR, and Akt
carcinomas than adenomas
higher in carcinomas than adenomas
Meier et al. 2018. A complication probability study for a definitive intent, moderately hypofractionated image-guided radiotherapy protocol for anal sac adenocarcinoma in dogs
Pradel et al. 2018. Prognostic significance of histopathology in canine anal sac gland adenocarcinoms: preliminary results in a retrospective study of 39 cases
The predominant growth patterns were solid, tubules/rosettes/pseudorosettes and papillary in 49%, 46%, and 5%
Nuclear polymorphism was moderate (77%) or mild (23%)
Necrosis and lymphovascular invasion were present in 54% and 10%
All histological feature except mitotic count and necrosis were associated with nodal metastasis at presentation
A statistically poor outcome was noted for tumors with solid growth pattern, moderate or marked peripheral infiltration, necoris and lymphovascular invasion