STS Flashcards
de Queiroz et al. 2013. Serum VEGF in dogs with soft tissue sarcomas
25 dogs with STS and 30 healthy dogs
Serum VEGF was ___ in control animals and STS patients
____ in serum VEGF after sarcoma resection
Positive correlation between serum VEGF and ____, and negative correlation between VEGF and _____
Animals with ____ had higher VEGF compared to malignant peripheral nerve sheath
VEGF may play a role in angiogenesis
Neutrophils counts, hemoglobin content
Guth et al. Liposomal clodronate treatment for tumor macrophages in dogs with STS
Tumor-associated macrophages correlate with rapid tumor growth and metastasis
13 dogs with STS
Tumor biopsies from ___ of the 13 dogs showed that ____ macrophages were decreased after LC treatment
Circulating concentration of __ was significantly reduced
5/14, CD11b+
Bray et al. 2014. Canine STS managed in first opinion practice: outcome in 350 cases
MST was not reached with 70% proportional survival at ____
Local recurence developed in ___ cases
The ____ was not associated with improved survival or _____
What factors were associated with improved suvival?
On multivaraiate analysis, ___ was significant for recurrence
Evidence of selection bias toward less aggressive tumors being managed in practice was confirmed
5 years
Extent of resection or tumor recurrence
Age <8, tumor <5cm, discrete tumor
high grade
Perry et al. 2014. Diagnostic accuracy of pre-treatment biopsy for grading STS in dogs
The concordance in grade between excisional and pre-treatment biopies was ___
Of the 41% that lacked concordance, __ of pre-treatment biopsies underestimated and ____ overestimated grade
The method of pre-treatment biopsies did not effect grade concordance
Needle-core biopsy appears similar in accuracy to open biopsy, however grading by pre-treeatment biopsy should be interpreted with caution
29%, 12%
Prpich et al. 2014. Second intention healing after wide local excision of STS in the distal aspects of the limbs in dogs: 31 cases
31 dogs with STS that underwent second intention healing following wide local excision - 2cm lateral and 1 fascial plane deep
____ wound healed completely by second intention, median of ___days
__ dogs required skin grafts
Complication developed for ___?
Long term complications?
Local tumor recurrence ___%
Median follow up time?
94%, median 53 days
26% - epidermal disruption (16%), wound contracture (10%)
980 days (2.8 yr)
Onoyama et al. 2014. Photodynamic hyperthermal chemotherapy with indocyanine green: a novel cancer therapy for 16 cases of malignant soft tissue sarcoma
10 canines and 6 felines - treatment with triple therapy PDT, hyperthermia using indocyanine green and local chemotherapy after surgical resection (PHCT)
Surgical margin was insufficient in all cases
No side effects were seen
Disease recurrence?
PHCT decreased the risk of STS recurrence
No recurrence in 70% of dogs and 50% cats ranged from 238 (8 mo) to 1901 days (63 mo)
Simeonov et al. 2015. Quantitative morphology in canine cutaneous soft tissue sarcomas
Macfarlane et al. 2016. Diagnostic value of neutrophil-lymphocyte and albumin-globulin ratios in canine STS
Dogs with STS, NLR was significantly ___ and albumin to globulin ratio ___ compared to benign STS
Predictors of tumor grade?
increased, decreased
Neither were predictors of tumor grade
Expression of fibroblast growth factor 23 by canine soft tissue sarcomas
Tumor-induced osteomalacia is a paraneoplastic syndrome of humans
Some mesenchymal tumors express molecules that regulate phosphorus metabolism - FGF-23
Where was FGF-23 detected?
How many of sarcomas expressed FGF-23?
Further work needed to see if TIO occurs in dogs
Bone, lung, kidney, LN, and thymus
Avallone et al. 2015. Growth factors and COX2 expression in canine perivascular tumors
Expression of VEGF, PDGF, bFGF in PWTs?
Expression of TGF-B1 and COX2?
Association between VEGF and VEGFR-I/II, bFGF and Flg, bFGF and PDGFRB and between TGFB1 and COX2
No association with Ki67 was found
68%, 75%, 48%
10% and 35%
Avallone et al. 2016. Histological classification and immunohistochemical evaluation of MDM2 and CDK4 expression in canine liposarcoma
Of the 24 well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDL), how many expressed MDM2 and CDK4?
7 myxoid liposarcoma (ML), expression?
18 pleiomorphic lipoarcoma?
Dedifferentiated liposarcoma - 3 MDM2 and 4 CDK4
MDM2 expression correlated with histotype (highly expressed WDL and DDL) and grade (highly expressed in grade 1 tumors)
WDL and DDL are distinct neoplastic entities characterized by MDM2 expression
16 and 21
1 MDM2 and 5 CDK4
0 MDM2 and 12 CDK4
Bergmen et al. 2016. Evaluation of local toxic effects and outcomes for dogs undergoing marginal tumor excision with intralesional cisplaitn-impregnated bead placement for treatment of STS: 62 cases
___% had toxicity at bead placement site
__% tumor recurred
Median DFI was not reached for grade 1 and 2, grade 3 ____ days
DFSR with grade 1 and 2 at 1, 2, 3 years were __%, __%, __%
Good results in grade 1 and 2
148 days
88%, 75%, 64%
Avallone et al. 2014. Canine perivascular tumors: high prognostic impact of site, depth, and completeness of margins
Canine PWT arise from vascular mural cells
What factors were associated with increased relapse probablity?
Which cases did not recur?
Major prognostic factors for PWT were tumor size, depth of growth, and pathological profiles
Size and depth
Complete surgical margins
Palmieri et al. 2013. Use of electron microscopy to classify canine perivascular wall tumors
12 cases of undifferentiated canine PWTs were evaluated by TEM
4 categories of differentiation: myopericytic, myofibroblastic, fibroblastic, undifferentiated
A PNST was considered unlikely bases on expression of desmins and lack of basal lamina
Fujii et al. 2013. Tumor endothelial marker-1 is expressed in canine Hemangiopericytomas (CHP)
Characterized 18 CHP using 2 new marlers for pericytes - tumor endothelial marker-1 (TEM-1) and new glue (NG)-2, and conventional markers - vimentin, SMA, desmin, vWF
Expression of TEM-1 - __% of hemangiopericytomas, __% LMS, __% HS, and __% of myofibroblastic sarcoma (MFS)
Vimentin was expressed by all tumors
CHPs are thought to originate from immature vascular cells sharing phenotype with myofibroblasts
NG-2 expression may be a phenotype of smooth muscle cells rather than pericytes
94.4%, 23.5%, 30%, 66.7%
Curran et al. 2016. Lymphangiosarcoma in 12 dogs: a case series
10 dogs with mass and/or swelling at cervical, trunk, limb regions
Cytology was consistent with mild inflammation
Survival ranged from 60, 168, 876 days for 3 dogs with palliation
90 days with prednisone in 1
182 days with chemo in 1
240, 267, 487, 630, 941 for 5 with surgery (8 mo-31 mo)
574 days (1.6 yr) with surgery, RT, and chemo
Yap et al. 2017. Intra- and inter-observer agreement in histological assessment of canine STS
Strong agreement was observed for the intra-observer assessement in necrosis, mitotic score, total score and tumor grading
The intra-observer agreement for differentiation score was perfect
The agreement between pathologists for the diagnosis of grading of canine STS was moderate
Fuerst et al. 2017. CT findings in 24 dogs with liposarcoma
___% contained focal areas of fat attenuation
___ masses enhanced with contrast
Heterogeneous internal attenuation (__%) and lack of defined capsule (__%) - infiltration of local structures
__% foci of mineralization
81%, 38%
Spoldi et al. 2017. Comparisons among CT features of adipose masses in dogs and cats
Compare lipomas, infiltrative lipomas, 17 liposarcomas
Lipomas - round to oval shaped, well marginated, fat attenuating lesions
Infiltrative lipomas - homogeneous, fat attenuating masses, with irregular shape (unlike lipomas)
Liposarcomas - heterogeneous lesions with soft tissue attenuating with a multinodular appearance
Regional lymphadenopathy and mineralization were observed with liposarcoma
Suzuki et al. 2014. The effects of tumor location on diagnostic criteria for canine malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) and the marlers for distinction between canine MPNSTs and canine perivascular tumors
Among canine MPNSTs, PNS tumor displayed significantlt higher ___ and ___ than non-PNS tumors
PWT had signifcantly ____ immunoreactivity than MPNSTs to makers used except ____ and _____
NGFR and Olig 2 were almost ____ in the rest of PWT
NGFR and Olig2 are useful to distinguish these 2 tumors
S100, Olig2
Weaker, a-SMA, desmin
le Chevoir et al. 2012. Elevctrophysiological features in dogs with peripheral nerve sheath tumors: 51 cases
2/51had no electrophysiological changes
Most commonly affected muscles were those innervated by radial, ulnar, median, tibial-sciatic, and peroneal nerves
Abnotmal spontaneous epaxial muscle actvity was more frequent in group with foraminal or spinal invasion by tumors
Haagsman et al. The effect of IL-2 on canine peripheral nerve sheath tumors after marginal surgical excision: a double-blind randomized study
The median recurrence free interval was 874 days
The recurrence free interval was longer in dogs that underwent surgeyr by specialist surgeon compared to referring veterinarian
Adjunctive treatment with IL-2 did not provide survival advantage
van Stee et al. 2017. Compartmental resection of peripheral nerve tumors with limb preservation in 16 dogs
Good to excellent limb function was achieved
MST was 1303 days
Non-infiltrated margins were the best prognostic indicaror, MST with non-infiltrated 2227 days vs. 487
1-year survival rate 68.8% and 2- and 3- were 62.5%
Avallone et al. 2017. Tyrosine kinase receptor expression in canine liposarcoma
A high expression of FGF2, FGFR1, PDGFB, and PDGFB was identified in 62%, 68%, 81.6%, and 70.8% of cases
c-kit was expressed 12.5%
Mitotic count negatively correlated with FGF2, being lower with high FGF2, positively correlated with PDGFB, higher in cases with high PDGFB expression
PDGFB-mediated pathway may paly a role in progression of canine LP - promising target
Dietz et al. Cutaneous and subcutaneous soft tissue tumors in snakes: a retrospective study of 33 cases
Gower et al. 2015. Splenic liposarcoma in dogs: 13 cases
MST was ____ days
In 5 dogs that died, ST ranged from ___ to ___ days
______ was negative prognostic indicator
MST was ____days with mets and ____days without metastasis
Grade 1 had significantly greater MST (1009 days) vs. grade 2 or 3 (206 and 74 days)
623 days (1.7 yr)
42-369 days
46 days (1.5 mo), 767 days (2.1 yr)