Respiratory/Thorax Flashcards
Sabbatini et al. EGFR overexpression in canine primary lung cancer (PLC): pathogenetic implications and impact on survival
Clinicopathologic features of PLC in 37 dogs
In 27 tumors variable number of cells (20-100%) stained positive for EGFR
The proportion of EGFR+ tumors was higher in cases with background ____, and the amount of ___ was correlated with percentage of positive tumor cells
Trend for ___ survival was observed for high EGFR group
anthracocis, anthracocis
Barrett et al. Radiographic characterization of primary lung tumors in 74 dogs
Histiocytic sarcomas were significantly ___ than other tumor types and most likely to be found in ____ and ___ lung lobe
ACAs were most likely to be found in ____ lung lobe
___% of histiocytic sarcoma had ___
Larger, left cranial (38%), right middle (43%)
Left caudal (29%)
57% internal air bronchograms
D’Costa et al. 2012. Morphologic and molecular analysis of 39 spontaenous faline pulmonary carcinomas
Most lung tumors were found in ___ cats with no sex predilection
___ cats with pulmonary carcinoma were over-represented, __x more freqeuntly
Histologic tumor types included - ACA __%, BAC __%, adenosquamous carcinoma ___%
Metastasis was observed in? With decreasing order of intrapulmonary metastasis, intrathoracic metastasis, regional LNs, and distant organs, including digits
The size of the ___ was significantly associated with metastatic potential
Based on IHC, 80% stained for either surfactant protein A or TTF-1
EGFR mutant and p53 were detcted in?
Persian, 4x
64%, 20.5%, 15.4
largest tumor
20% and 25%
Aarsvold et al. CT findings in 57 cats with primary pulmonary neoplasia
Most frequent clinical signs?
Incidental findings in?
On CT, appreared as pulmonary mass __% and disseminated __%
Most pulmonary tumors were located?
CT features associated with pulmonary tumors?
Pleural fluid was evident in 30%
82% ACA, 11% bronchial origin, 5% adenosquamous, 2% SCC
Anorexia (39%), coughing (37%)
96%, 4%
Caudal lung lobes - 49% right caudal and 30% left caudal
Mass in contact with visceral pleura (96%), irregular margins (83%), well defined borders (79%), bronchial compression (74%), gas containing cavities (63%), foci of mineral attenuation (56%), bronchial invasion (19%)
Maritato et al. 2014. Outcome and prognostic indicators in 20 cats with surgically treated primary lung tumors
What factors were associated with reduced survival times?
MST of 20 cats?
Cats presenting with no clinical signs had MST of ___ days post-surgery vs. __ days with clinical signs
Cats staged T1N0M0 lived longer
Of the cats that survival to suture removal. MST was __ days
Presence of clincial signs, pleural effusion, stage M1, moderately and poorly differentiated tumors on histopathology
11 days
578 days vs. 4 days
64 days (2 mo)
Nunley et al. Primary pulmonary neoplasia in cats: assessment of CT findings and survival
MST for all cats?
MST for cats with LN enlargement vs. without?
MST for cats with preopertaive pleural effusion vs. without pleural effusion?
MST for cats with low to intermediate grade tumors vs. high grade?
156 days (5.2 mo)
65 days (2 mo) vs. 498 (16.6 mo)
2.5 days vs. 467 days (16 mo)
730 days (2 years) vs. 105 days (3.5 mo)
Reetz et al. 2012 CT features of pleural masses and nodules
2 had broad-based, plaque like pleural masses, both neoplasia - primary pleural carcinoma, metastatic thymoma
2 had well defined pleural nodules and nodular pleural thickening, 1 was mesothelial hypertrophy and the other metastatic HSA
3 had ill-defined pleural nodules to nodular pleural thickening, 1 had metastatic carcinoma and the other bacterial infection with mesothelial proliferation, fibrinous pleuritis, severe mediastinal pleuritis/mediastinitis
Consider neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases as DDx for pleural space mass and nodules
Wormser et al. Thorascopic-assited pulmonary surgery for partial and complete lung lobectomy in dogs and cats: 11 cases
Median surgery time?
Thoracostomy tubes were removed a median of ___ hours after surgery
Median time to discharge?
No intraoperative complications, with 9/11 patients alive 6 months after surgery
92.7 mins
22 hr
3 days
Pintore et al. Cytological and histological correlation in diagnosing feline and canine mediastinal masses
58 cases with mediastinal masses - 21 dogs and 37 cats
Complete agreement between cytological and histological classification ranged from substantial (k=-0.72) to almost perfect (k=0.89)
Kiunzel et al. Thymomas in rabbits: clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment
Clinical signs?
7 rabbits had surgery. 2 treated conservatively and 4 euthanized due to poor condition
2 rabbits that had surgery were euthanized at 6 mo and 34 mo
Dyspnea (77%), exercise intolerance (53%), bilateral exopthalmos (46.2%)
Robat et al. Clinical features, treatment options, and outcome in dogs with thymoma: 116 cases
38% were Golden and Labrador retrievers
17% has signs of MG
34% had hypercalcemia, 7% concurrent immune-mediated disease, 27% had another tumor, 14% developed second nnonthymic tumor at later date
17% had tumor recurrence after surgical excision
MST with and without surgery?
Presence of another tumor, lack of surgical excision, higher stage were associated with shorted ST
635 (21 mo) vs. 76 days (2.5 mo)
Ramirez et al. 2015. Cartilaginous tumors of the larynx and trachea in dog: literature review and 10 additional cases
7 tracheal and 3 laryngeal
2 laryngeal tumors were chondroma and the other myxochondroma
7 tracheal tumors - 6 from ventral tracheal wall and 2 extraluminal
Tracheal tumors included: CSA (3), chondroma (2), osteochondroma (2)
Laryngeal tumors - 5/7 occured in adult dogs (5-11 yr),
Tracheal osteochrondroma - young dogs (3-4 mo)
Surgical excision had good outcome in all cases
27% of affected dogs were Arctic breeds (Alaskan malamute and Siberian Husky) suggesting a predisposition
Ambrust et al. 2012. Comparison of three-view thoracic radiography and CT for detection of pulmonary nodules in dogs with neoplasia
33 dogs
How many had pulmonary nodules on CT?
Of the dogs with positive CT findings, __% had nodule or masses on radiographs?
Sensitivity of radiographs? Specificity?
PPV of radiographs?
NPV of radiographs?
4 dogs that were negative for nodules on rads but positive on CT were all large-breed to giant breed dogs with OSA
CT was more sensitive than radiographs to detect pulmonary nodules.
71 to 95% / 67 to 92%
83% to 94%
65% to 89%
Rossi et al. 2015. Metatastatic cancer of unknown primary in 21 dogs
Most common diagnosis?
Median number of disease sites per dog?
Common sites of metastatic locations?
Median survival for dogs?
Primary site was not identified in 95.2%
Carcinoma (57%), then sarcoma, melanoma, MCT
Bones, LNs, lungs, spleen
30 days
Withers et al. 2015. Paraneoplastic hypertrophic osteopathy in 30 dogs
Most common clinical sign?
Common hematological and biochem abnormalities?
Leg swelling, ocular d/c, episcleral injection, lameness, lethargy
Anemia, neutrophilia, elevated ALP
Mayhew et al. 2013. Evaluation of short-term outcome after lung lobectomy for resection of primary lung tumors via video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS) or open thoracotomy (OT) in medium to large-breed dogs
In __% VATS was converted to OT
Surgery time was significantly longer for ___ than for ___
VATS than OT - 120 mins vs. 95 min
Marioti et al. 2014. Canine pulmonary adenocarcinoma tyrosine kinase receptor expression and phosphorylation
The PDGFR-a had increased cpAC tumor mRNA, protein expression and phosphorylation compared to normal lung
Signifciant increase in cpAC tumor mRNA expression and receptor phosphorylation of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) was present
The EGFR mRNA and protein were not increased and no activating mutation in exon 18-21 were identified
Williams et al. 2014. Interobserver variability of radiogrpahic pulmonary nodule diameter measurements in dogs and cats
The interoberver variability in dimaeter measurement for a nodule was?
Likely not clinically significant
Steffey et al. 2015. Video-assisted thorascopic extirpation of the tracheobronchial LNs in dogs
Carozzi et al. CT features of pharyngeal neoplasia in 25 dogs
Bleakley et al. 2015. Thorascopic lung lobectomy for primary lung tumors in 13 dogs
3 conversions to thoracotomy due to poor visualization
No difference in short term outcome between the two procedures
Mean followup was 367 days (1 yr) for dogs undergoing thorascoscopy and 603 days (1.6 yr) for dogs undergoing thoracotomy
Beck et al. 2017. Surfactant protein A and Napsin A in the immunohistochemical characterization of canine pulmonary carcinomas: Comparison with thyroid transcription factor-1
TTF-1 is specific and sensitive marker for canine pulmonary tumors butis also expressed in thyroid carcinomas, which met to lungs
Napsin A and SP-A are used in NSCLC in humans
7% were negative for SP-A, 7% for napsin A and 9% TTF1
Each antigen was detected in greater percentage with acinar and papillary patterns compared to squamous
SP-A was negative in 113 nonpulmonary tumors
SP-A was detected in 1/6 adrenal, 1/3 endometrial, 1/4 hepatic normal tissues
SP-A and napsin A are useful markers of canine lung epithelial neoplasia
SP-A is most sensitive and specific and can be used in combo with TTF-1 or napsin A
Kujawa et al. 2014. Thyroid transcription factor-1 is a specific marker of benign but not malignant feline lung tumors
TTF-1 was highly specific for neoplastic and non-neoplastic lung tissue and thyroid tissue, but weak expression in invasinve lung tumor
Combined semiquantitiative score of ki67 and TTF-1 expression correlated well with differentiation and invasive behaivour of the tumors - potential for evaluating feline lung tumors
Hague et al. 2015. Risk factors and outcomes in cats with acquired myasthenia gravis
AG causes generalized weakness without megaesophagus and is associated with cranial mediastinal mass in cats, compared to dogs
Acquired MG was associated with euthanasia rate of 58%
Abyssinian and Somali cats had increased incidence of MG compared to mixed breed cats
A cranial mediastinal mass, thymoma, was observed in 52%
Burgess et al. 2018. Histologic and immunohistochemical characterization of thymic epithelial tumors in the dog
Presence of high stage disease, pleomorphism, mitotic figures, and capsular invasion was more common in atypical thymomas and thymic carcinomas than in thymomas
IHC performed for GLUT1, CD5, CD117, and CD8/18 was not useful in classifying the tumors
MacIver et al. Video-assisted extirpation of cranial mediastinal masses in dogs: 18 cases (2009-2014)
16 dogs thymoma, 1 thymic anaplastic carcinoma, 1 HSA
7 megaesophagus and MG
Median duration of VATS was 117 mins
Conversion to open thoracic was 2 dogs, 1 died in surgery
MST following VATS with MG and megaesophagus was 20 days
Dogs with thymoma and paraneoplastic syndrome survived >60 days
Polton et al. 2018. Survival analysis of dogs with advanced primary lung carcinoma treated by metronomic cyclophosphamide, piroxicam and thalidomide
25 MC and 36 tx with surgery, 11 MTD chemotherapy, and 19 no treatment
QoL was improved in dogs receiving?
Median TTP for different treatments?
MST for different treatments?
MC (172), surgery (87), MTD (22), no tx (20) - significantly longer in MC
MC (139), surgery (92), MTD (61), no tx (60) - significantly longer in MC
Rohrer et al. Dosimetric benefit of adaptive radiotherapy in the neoadjuvant management of canine and feline thymoma- An exploratory case series
Zierenberg et al. 2018. Association between environmental factors inclugin second-hand smoke and primary lung cancer in dogs
An association between exposure to seocnd hand smoke and prevalence of primary lung cancer was identified in this study
Bleakley et al. 2018. Median sternotomy versus intercostal thoracotomy for lung lobectomy: A comparison of short term outcome in 134 dogs
31% MS and 69% ICT
Fluid production from chest tube, alveolar arterial pressure gradient, and complication were more common with MS than ICT
Pain management and short term outcome did not differ
5 dogs from MS and 4 from ICT were euthanized in PO period
Both MS and ICT were well tolerated