Nasal Flashcards
Fujiwara et al. Efficacy of hypofractionated RT for nasal tumors in 38 dogs
Clinical sign improvement?
Acute complications?
Late complications in dogs that survived 6 months or longer?
Median PFI and MST?
What was negatively correlated with survival?
30/36 dogs (83%)
28/36 (77.8%)
17/30 dogs (57%)
245 days (8 mo)
Age, breed, presence of dyspnea
Tan-coleman et al. Prospective evaluation of a 5 x 4Gy prescription for palliation of canine nasal tumors
18 dogs with nasal tumors
Complete resolution of clinical signs?
Partial resolution of CS?
Median response duration?
6 dogs received second course - responded for median time?
178 days (6 mo)
129.5 days (4.3)
Mason et al. Late presentation of canine nasal tumors in UK referral hospital and treatment outcomes
Dogs in the UK presented with ___ tumors than in USA and Japan
____ from initial presentation to referral did not correlate with tumor stage at diagnosis
Late stage
Length of time
Gieger et al. Reirradiation of canine nasal carcinomas treated with coarsely fractionated radiation protocols
37 dogs
All dogs clinically responsed and 11 had complete resolution of signs for median ____
Retreated at relapse and ___ had clinical responses
Side effects mild - 4 dogs chronic ocular discharge, and 1 enucleation
MST from first dose of RT 453 days (15 mo) and 180 days (6 mo) from second course of RT
114 days
Sones et al. 2012 Survival times for canine intranasal sarcomas treated with radiation therapy: 86 cases
Overall MST?
MST for chondrosarcoma? FSA? OSA? undifferentiated sarcoma
MST for daily fractionated protocol, (MWF) fractionated protocol, palliative protocol?
Significant difference was found in?
444 days (15 mo)
463 days (15 mo), 379 days, 624 days (20 mo), 344 (11.5 mo)
641 (21 mo), 347 (11.5 mo), 305 (10 mo)
Dogs receiving curative intent RT vs. palliative RT
Dogs receicinv daily fractionated RT vs. MWF fractionated protocol
Use curative intent RT for intranasal sarcomas
Jarrett et al. Curettage and diathermy: a treatment for feline nasal planum actinic dysplasia and superfical SCC
34 cats with actinic dysplasia and superfical SCC involving <50% of nasal planume tx with 3 cycles of currettage and diathermy procedure
Lesions ranged from actinic keratoses to invasive SCC
Median follow up time was 18.2 mo
2 cats had clinical recurrence at 161 and 192 days
Median time to recurrence was not reached
Marcello et al. Detection of comorbidities and synchronous primary tumors via thoracic radiography and abdomnal ultrasonography and their influence on treatment outcomes in dogs with STS, primary brain tumors, and intranasal tumors
101 dogs
Abnormalities noted in how many? 27% further investigated with FNA cytology or biopsy
____% of detected abnormalities were serious comobidities and __% were primary neoplasms
9% and 3%
Bowles et al. Outcome of definitive fractionated radiation followed by exenteration of the nasal cavity in dogs with sinonasal neoplasia: 16 cases
No long term side effects
457 days (15 mo)
Glasser et al. 2014 Use of an image-guided robotic radiosurgery system for the treatment of canine nonlymphomatous nasal tumors
3 consecutive day, 8-12 Gy fractions of image-guided robotic SBRT
Acute side effects?
Late side effects?
399 days (13.3 mo)
Rare and mild
1-oronasal fistula, 6-seizures (3 dogs seizures were presenting complaint and in other 3 either progression of late side effect)
Harris et al. Diagnostic accuracy of 3 biopsy techniques in 117 dogs with intra-nasal neoplasia
Nasal biopsy collection methods - advanced imaging guided, rhinoscopy guided and blind biopsy
NO significant difference in the 3 methods
Blind biopsy may be as diagnostic as rhinoscopy guided biopsy
Plickert et al. Characteristics of canine nasal dishcarge related to intranasal diseases: a retrospective study of 105 cases
Non-specific rhinitis (42), nasal neoplasia (23), FB (21), nasal mycosis (7), miscellaneous disorders (13)
Dogs with FB or nasal mycosis were?
Mucous component of discharge occured more often in? Hemorrhagic component?
Pure or mixed hemorrhagic discharge was significantly more common with?
Purulent component associated with longer duration of discharge and seen in ___ and ___
Dogs with FB were presented ___ and ___ more frquent
Nasal stridor more often with?
Significantly younger
Non-specific rhinitis and nasal neoplasia, nasal neoplasia lated >14 days
Nasal neoplasia, FB, nasal mycosis
non-specific rhinitis and FB
Earlier, sneezing
Nasal neoplasia
Fujiwara-Igarashi et al. 2014. Evaluation of outcomes and radiation complications in 65 cats with nasal tumors treated with palliative hypofractionated RT
Clinical signs improved in?
Acute complication observed in?
Most common late complication?
Median OS and PFS
Difference between nasal LSA and other tumors?
- 2%
- 5%
Cataract (20%)
432 days (14.4 mo) and 229 days (7.6 mo)
None observed
Canceda et al. 2015. Combination of RT and firocoxib for the treatment of canine nasal carcinoma
Dogs with nasal carcinoma
Group 1 - firocoxib and Palliative RT
Group 2 - RT and placebo
Median PFI and OS in group 1?
Median PFI and OS in group 2?
Quality of life significantly improved in?
228 days (7.6 mon) and 335 days (11.2 mo)
234 (8 mo) and 244 days (8 mo) - not statistically significant
Group 1 - activity and appetite
Firocoxib and RT improved quality of life of dogs with nasal carcinomas
Finck et al. 2015. CT or rhinoscopy as the first-line procedure for suspected nasal tumor: a pilot study
12 CT, 14 rhinoscopy and 4 both
How many CT resulted in conclusion?
CT more reliable than rhinicopy for detecting nasal tumors and should be first line procedure
Haar et al. Combined rostolateral rhinotomy for removal of rostral nasal septum SCC: long term outcome in 10 dogs
Vestibutotomy facilitated full-thickenss resection of the nasal septum and tumor mass in 10 dogs and nasal floor resection in 4 dogs
No major complications and good cosmetic outcome
Tumor removal complete in 8 dogs and incomplete in 2 dogs
Maruo. et al. 2015. Intraoperative acridine orange photodynamic therapy and cribiform electron-beam irradiation for canine intranasl tumors: a pilot study
Marginal tumor resection in combination with intraoprative AO PDT and 1 fraction of 5 Gy irradiation for canine intranasal tumors
6 dogs - 2 stage I, 1 stage II, and 3 stage IV
Median DFST and OS?
Recurrence noted in 2/6 dogs at?
8.5 mo and 13 mo
4 and 7 months
Combination AO therapy may increase tumor control time in dogs with marginally resectable intranasal malignant tumors
George et al. Outcome of dogs with intranasal lymphoma treated with various RT and chemotherapy protocols: 24 cases
Overall MST for intermediate to high grade group
MST for RT +/- chemotherapy
Chemotherapy alone
MST low grade group
375 days
455 days (15 months)
157 days (5 months)
823 days (27 months)
Kubicek et al. 2016. Outcomes and prognostic factors associated with canine sinonasal tumors treated with curative intent cone-based stereotactic radiosurgery
Canine patients treated with SRS for sinonasal tumors
Sarcoma (9), carcinoma (40), OSA (7), round cell (1)
Late effects occured in 23 cases - grades I-III
- 5 months
- 4, 10.7, 3.1 months
Kuhlman et al. 2016. Use of frameless CT-guided stereotactic biopsy system for nasal biopsy in 5 dogs
Malignant neoplasia diagnosed in 3 dogs, inflammation in 1 and hamartoma in 1 dogs
Biopsy specimens were safely collected
Lux et al. 2017. Prospective comparison of tumor staging using CT versus MRI findings in dogs with nasal neoplasia: a pilot study
Evaluation of bone involvement showed __ level of agreesment between CT and MRI?
Estimation of tumor volume was higher on?
Disagreement between CT and MRI was noted with?
Tumor stage?
MRI resulted in larger biodimensional measurements and tumor volume estimates along with higher liklihood of identifying meningeal enhacement when compared to CT
MRI than CT
Meningeal enhancement
Higher in 1 on MRI while other 5 agreed
Jafry et al. 2017. Proposed expansion margins for planning organ at risk volume for lenses during radiation therapy of the nasal cavity in dogs and cats
Optimal expansion from the lens voulme of __ in cats and __ in dogs may be necessary in generating PRV (planning organ at risk volume) expansion
2 mm and 3mm
Gasymova et al. 2017. Retrospective clinical study on outcome in cats with nasal planum SCC treated with accelerated RT
Response to treatment?
Median DFI?
1- and 2-year DFI
What variable influence DFI
Median OS
1- and 2-year OS
What variable influence OS
Complete response in all cats
916 days
70% and 60%
Tumor volume - larger tumors having 5.4x risk of recurrence
902 days
80% and 60%
Tumor volume - larger tumors having 6.3x greater risk of dying than smaller ones
Gieger et al. 2017. Linac-based stereotactic radiation therapy for canine non-lymphomatous nasal tumors: 29 cases (2013-2016)
Clinical signs after treatment?
19 dogs had CT 3-4 months post-SRT, tumor response?
Acute tocxicity?
Late toxicity?
Median PFS? progression free at 1 and 2 year?
Median OS? at 1- and 2-year?
Improved in all cases
PR or CR
oronasal or nasocutaneous fistulas (3) and fungal rhinitis (2)
354 days, 49% and 39%
586 days (19.5 months), 69% and 22%
Ojeda et al. 2018. CT imaging in 4 dogs with primary nasal canine TVT and differing cellular phenotye
Plamacytoid phenotype identified in cases with most important damage to nasal cavity - did not affect response to chemotherapy
Woodruff et al. 2018. Canine intranasal tumors treated with alternating carboplatin and doxorubicin in conjunction with oral piroxicam: 29 cases
Overall MST?
MST adenocarcinoma or carcinoma?
MST transitional cell carcinoma?
SCC, anaplastic carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma?
MST sarcoma?
234 days (8 months)
280 days (9 months)
163 days (5.4 months)
59 days (2 months)
448 days (15 months)
Potential benefit for adenocarcinoma, carcinoma, and sarcoma
Skinner et al. 2018. Diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced CT for assessment of mandibular and medial retrophraryngeal LN metastasis for dogs with oral and nasal cancer
Agreement was perfect for?
Sensitivity of CT for mandibular and medial retrophraryngeal?
Specificity of CT for mandibular and medial retrophraryngeal?
Accuracy of CT for mandibular and medial retrophraryngeal?
margination, attenuation and enhancement, strong for mandibular LN mets, and weak for medial retropharngeal mets
12.5% and 10%
91% and 97%
67.5% and 76.3%
Given the low sensitivity of CT cannie be relied on alone for metastasis
Hocker et al. 2017. Receptor tyrosine kinase expression and phosphorylation in canine nasal carcinoma
16 nasal carcinomaVEGFR2 expression?
Protein expression for c-kit?
Phosphorylation of VEGFR2, PDGFR-a, PDGFR-b?
Phosphorylation of EGFR1?
Clinical benefit of toceranib occurs through alernative unidentified RTK pathway
Protein expressed in all carcinomas
None observed
10/16 samples and 3/5 normal samples
Ishigaki et al. 2018. Endoscopic photocynamic therapy using talaporfin sodium for recurrent intranasal carcinomas after RT on 3 dogs
PDT induced complete remission and prolonged survival time in all cases