TB 159 - Fire Department Response to Suicide Jumper Flashcards
If there are obvious indicators that the suspect is threatening to commit suicide, it will be important to do the following:
- Request the appropriate LAFD resources (e.g., one or more Air Rescue Cushions, etc.), if they are not on scene.
- Request the response of LAPD, including Mental Evaluation Unit personnel, if they are not already on scene.
- Establish Unified Command.
- Prepare to deploy the Air Rescue Cushion.
- Establish an outer perimeter (may be accomplished by PD)
- If the person threatening suicide is located in a building above ground and no police officers are at the person’s location, send a Fire Company to the location and establish an inner perimeter.
- Await arrival of law enforcement
- Assign LAPD officer (or SWAT) to Air Cushion Group for communication
- Assign RA to Air Cushion Group
Once the incident has been safely resolved and the subject has been deemed “in custody” by law enforcement personnel, he or she will then be considered a “_______” and should be evaluated or treated in accordance with LAFD policy.
For complex suicide jumper incidents that involve a significant commitment of LAFD resources, an Incident Action Plan (IAP) shall be developed and may be informal.
Key components that the LAFD will be responsible for include:
- Rescue Group
- Air Cushion Group
- Communications Plan
The ______ Group is configured to go to the subject’s location and stage.
A single Fire Company, at a minimum, with Force Protection, IF AVAILABLE, should comprise the group.
-Rescue Group
(Firefighters that are proximate to the suspect should reduce the volume of their radios to prevent the suspect from overhearing radio communications.)
The Rescue Group’s actions should be limited to:
-Evacuating the area
-Establishing communication with Air Cushion Group
-Assess suspect (at appropriate time)
If the subject is taken into custody at his or her jump location, the ________ will perform the patient assessment and coordinate transport if needed.
Rescue Group
These incidents may also benefit from the response of Tactical Medics and an Intelligence Officer, which can be requested through _______.
Under no circumstances should firefighters attempt to enter into face-to-face dialogue with a person holding a weapon, believed to be armed, or holding hostages.
These dynamics will ultimately result in a ______ response.
In some cases, circumstances may dictate that on scene fire department personnel unavoidably engage a person threatening suicide in dialogue. It is vitally important for someone out of direct sight of the suspect to take careful notes during the dialogue. This info will be passed onto the Crisis Negotiators.
Dialogue with a Suicidal Suspect:
- Assume proper mental attitude
- Secure the scene and assess the threat to your safety
- Introduce yourself and your organization, using name and title
- Give plenty of reassurance.
- Try to determine the main theme.
- Resist complying with any and all requests until the arrival of law enforcement personnel
- Remember that the person attempting suicide is in control of his or her destiny.
- After the crisis is over, reassure the subject.
If a suicide jumper has successfully jumped, approval to pick-up or move any deployed equipment must come from _______, inasmuch as these incidents may result in litigation.
Unified Command
Currently, there are how many 70 foot and 100 foot Air Rescue Cushions?
70ft - 8
100ft - 4
A Standard Assignment to a Jumper Incident:
1 BC
1 LF with Air Rescue Cushion
1 LF
2 Engine Companies
1 EMS Capt
1 RA
Air Rescue Cushion Deployment
The preferred source of electricity is ________.
-Truck’s on-board generator (It has the capacity to run two blowers simultaneously.)
Air Rescue Cushion Deployment
If the on-board generator or other 110 AC power source is not available, _________ will be required to deploy the Air Rescue Cushion.
-two portable generators
(As a last resort, portable gasoline powered blowers can be used to inflate the Air Rescue Cushion.)
The Air Rescue Cushion will fully inflate in less than _____ seconds and re-inflate in _____ seconds.
Fully in 60 seconds
Re-inflate in 20 seconds
When responding on suicide jumper incidents, the first fire company on scene shall?
-assume command
-give a size-up to Metropolitan Fire Communications (MFC).
(The LAPD Incident Commander shall also be identified and a Unified Command established to coordinate efforts between law and fire.)
If it is determined that a person is in an elevated or dangerous location and is possibly intending to harm themselves, then it will be important to validate their ______.
If no subject is visualized, all responding resources shall:
-continue through until it is ascertained conclusively that there is no suspect on scene.
(Prior to releasing any resources, information should be sought from law enforcement officers, if they are on scene, or the caller, either via MFC or via the telephone number provided on the Mobile Data Computer (MDC).)