TB 139 - Air Management Policy Flashcards
NFPA ______ makes specific reference to air management in an IDLH environment, SCBA use in training and the frequency and level of training to be maintained.
NFPA 1404 Standard for Fire Service Respiratory Protection Training
According to the NFPA, the LAFD is required to establish and enforce written standard operating procedures for training in the use of respiratory equipment including but not limited to:
• Coordinated Administrative Policies / Air Management
• Annual Member Retraining and Certification
• Ability to Act Properly in Simulated Emergencies
The following considerations must be measured when using a SCBA in an IDLH:
• Varying IDLH environments require different considerations and tactics for air management.
• Large commercial buildings, single family dwellings, extensive workloads and long access times while on air all require different approaches for air usage.
• Exit from an IDLH environment should be initiated BEFORE the low air alarm begins to sound.
• Careful thought and consideration must be given to personal experience, physical conditioning and experience of crew.
• Building layout, access to safe area/non-IDLH environment, amount of air consumed getting to the objective or seat of the fire, changing conditions, obstacles and fatigue all have a direct impact. Factors that could affect a safe retreat must be constantly re-evaluated.
Activation of the low air alarm occurs at _____% of SCBA air capacity and is an IMMEDIATE ACTION ITEM for the individual/team. According to NFPA it is to be treated with the same urgency as a MAYDAY or firefighter emergency.
All team members shall immediately retreat to a safe area / non-IDLH environment.
33% or 1/3
(When the pressure drops to 1⁄3 (33%) of cylinder capacity, the last green LED turns red and begins to flash, giving the user a visual low pressure alarm in addition to the audible alarm located at the upper left of the backpack on the SCBA.)
Supervisors and members share responsibility for and shall CONSIDER time needed for safe exit when _____________.
-The objective is reached or SCBA air reserve is at 50%
(This shall be based on the member with the least amount of remaining air.)
When do the red LEDs begin to flash on the SCBA?
When SCBA pressure drops to 1/3 (33%) of cylinder capacity.
10-33% Flash red at 500ms period
<10% Flash red at 100ms period
The LAFD annual SCBA member retraining and certification shall be completed annually during the month of JANUARY at the company level and documented in the following:
-members’ personal record book
-F2 journal
-Target Solutions.
The LAFD annual SCBA member retraining shall include the following areas:
• SCBA Air Management Procedures
• Firefighter Emergencies in an IDLH environment
• Firefighter Survival Techniques
• Fire Ground Emergency Communications
• SCBA uses, limitations, donning, doffing and face piece seal checks
• Pre and after use checks including maintenance and at relief without exception
SCBA training:
COMPANY COMMANDERS shall ensure all members participate in COMPANY BASED DRILLS how often?
Members are encouraged to train more frequently but in no case less than quarterly.
SCBA Training:
BATTALION and COMPANY Commanders shall provide training that reinforces SAFETY techniques and firefighter SURVIVAL.
Members under stress will resort to MUSCLE MEMORY and FAMILIARITY first. Some methods for increasing stress can be accomplished with the following:
• Opaque face pieces or simulated smoke during drills.
• Impromptu drills done without warning.
• Real time or fire speed drills after basic instruction is completed.
• Live instruction where members are expected to apply learned material to new and realistic situations.
• Create firefighter down scenarios where LAFD members have to react and think on their feet.
Titan SCBA Thermalert Alarm:
Thermalert provides an alarm based on?
The heat and the time an individual has spent in a fire environment.
(It is not a locking alarm — It activates when the user reaches any point on the curve, but it automatically stops sounding once the user leaves the range of the curve.)
Titan SCBA Thermalert Alarm:
Activation of a single alarm or multiple alarms should be considered the appropriate time to?
-Identify your current situation (environment and situational awareness)
Any Thermalert activation SHOULD NOT be interpreted as a reason to immediately evacuate the building
Exit from an IDLH environment should be initiated ______ (before or after?) the low air alarm begins to sound.
All members shall exit using the ______ and not leave a member alone in an IDLH environment. COMPANY COMMANDERS or responsible members shall ensure all members are accounted for.
buddy system
QUARTERLY training shall be entered in _________.
F2 journal
Target Solutions
The following considerations should be addressed with any Thermalert activation:
-Is there a single activation or multiple.
-Are the activations gradual or immediate with corresponding rise in heat.
-Consider a tactical pause.
-Cool the environment using the appropriate nozzle pattern.
-Rotate members (single activation from member out in front can be due to greater heat exposure).
-Communicate with roof ventilation company to see if the conditions inside are in line with what the roof ventilation company is seeing.
-Has the fire been knocked down or near knock down.
-Are any members experiencing signs and symptoms of any heat related illnesses or injuries (this may result in immediate rehab). Notify the Incident Commander and be guided by their instructions.