(2) TB 60- Methanol Vehicles Flashcards
Methanol Vehicles:
Will methanol mix with water?
Methanol Vehicles:
Since methanol is a water soluble, dilution techniques can be used for extinguishment. A mixture of methanol and water is still flammable when diluted with approximately ___ parts water to 1 part methanol.
5 parts
(In addition, water fog, in conjunction with DRY CHEMICAL and CARBON DIOXIDE have been used successfully.)
Methanol Vehicles:
Evaporation of methanol at ordinary room temperatures creates a potentially explosive methanol-air mixture when the methanol content reaches ___ % volume.
Methanol Vehicles:
A fire hazard exists if the storage temperature of methanol in contact with air approaches the flash point of ___°F
Methanol Vehicles:
A methanol-water mixture is still a flammable liquid by OSHA definition (flash point 100°F) with as little as ___% methanol by volume
21% by volume or;
25 percent by weight
Methanol Vehicles:
Methanol burns with ____ (high/low?) flame luminosity
(The luminosity of burning pure methanol is about 1/3000 of the luminosity of a comparably sized gasoline fire. The luminosity is ESPECIALLY LOW for TURBULENT methanol flames.)
Methanol Vehicles:
In the case of pure methanol, the flames are hard to see in daylight and virtually invisible in bright sunlight. The reason methanol fires are less visible than gasoline or diesel fuel fires is that burning methanol produces no ____
This presents a distinctive safety hazard to emergency incident responders in the event of a leak or fire
Methanol vehicles:
What is the best extinguishing agent for methanol fires?
Dry Chemical Extinguisher
-ABC Rated Dry Chemical Extinguisher
-Purple-K Extinguisher
-Sodium Bicarbonate
Methanol Vehicles:
For large methanol spills or fires, what extinguishing agent should be used?
“Alcohol” foam AFFF/ATC resistant foam is appropriate.
(S&M has a 700 gallon supply available)
Methanol Vehicles:
The greatest danger from methyl alcohol is its specific toxic effect upon a person’s ____.
(Additional hazards include Inhalation of vapors and liquid contact with skin)
Methanol Vehicles:
The Rapid Transit District (RTD) bus carries a ____ gallon tank of methanol fuel.
(a methanol powered vehicle requires a fuel tank approximately TWO TIMES the size of those found in a gasoline vehicle.)
Rapid Transit District (RTD) Methanol Buses; On-board Extinguishing System Components:
-THREE dual-spectrum infrared sensors mounted in the engine compartment
-TWO directed discharge nozzles positioned at the top and bottom of the engine compartment
-TWO ____ pound Halon 1301 cylinders
20 pound
Rapid Transit District (RTD) Methanol Buses; On-board Extinguishing System:
The infrared fire sensors are programmed to recognize the LIGHT WAVE LENGTHS emitted by methanol flames and trigger the release of the first cylinder of Halon into the engine compartment.
After a ___ second time delay, the second Halon cylinder will discharge.
15 second
(Additionally, when the system goes into the alarm mode, a fuel shut down is activated deenergizing the fuel pump)
Methanol Vehicles:
The density of methanol is ___ times the density of air. Therefore, methanol vapors will tend to do what?
•1.1 times
•Settle in low spots
Buses that use methanol will be lettered “_______” in bold letters on the FRONT, REAR, AND BOTH SIDES.
True or False?
Methanol is more CHEMICALLY REACTIVE than diesel fuel or gasoline
(It will corrode some metals and certain plastics)
There are several methods of extinguishing methanol fires. The more effective methods are listed first:
-Dry Chemical Extinguisher