TB 136 - Aircraft Emergencies Standard Operating Procedures Flashcards
The LAX Airport consists of 4 east/west runways.
- Aircraft landing eastbound are landing on Runways _____
- Aircraft landing westbound are using Runways ______
- 6 or 7
- 24 or 25
Historical data shows that when passengers exit via the aircraft emergency chutes, an ______ percent injury rate will occur with no hazard present.
Criteria for a major aviation incident:
-over 200 passengers
-nose gear problem
-control surface problems
-main landing gear problems
-significant concerns during inclement weather
-smoke in cockpit or passenger cabin
Key personnel/agencies needed at Unified Command Post (UCP) will include at a minimum:
- Airfield Operations (Ops 44 is the call sign for the LAX Airfield Supervisor)
- Airport Police
- Airline Representative
What is the radio call sign for the LAX Airfield Supervisor? (Airfield Operations)
Ops 44
There are ____ Security Access Posts that provide controlled access, 24 hours daily, to the LAX Airfield Operations Area (AOA).
The numbering used for unstaffed access gates around the LAX perimeter is:
Northside: 100
Eastside: 200
Southside: 300
Westside: 400
LAX Points of Access
When dispatched to any security access point, companies shall respond to the location and wait for an escort to the incident. Apparatus shall not block access to the Airfield Operations Area (AOA) with any vehicle while waiting for the escort.
Greater alarm resources shall contact the ___________ to determine escort status.
Staging Manager on the assigned Staging radio channel
Response Categories
“Alert ____” incidents indicate the aircraft is showing warning lights or minor malfunction.
Response is ARFF 80, ARFF 180, ARFF 280, ARFF 380, Engine 51, and Battalion 4.
Alert 2
Response Categories
“Alert _____” incidents involve major malfunctions, crash, or crash is imminent.
Initial response is ARFF 80, ARFF 180, ARFF 280, ARFF 380, Engine 51, Task Force 95, Rescue Ambulance (RA) 95, Task Force 5, EMS 4 and Battalion 4.
Alert 3
The fire service has three primary incident objectives during the initial stages of a low-impact aircraft crash where the potential for survivors exist.
Those objectives are?
(1) exterior and interior fire extinguishment
(2) evacuation/rescue
(3) triage and treat injured patients.
ARFF Objectives and Strategy
The initial tactical actions may include the following:
- ARFF resources maintain an escape corridor by water/foam application
- Interior handline fire attack and rescue
- Passenger rescue/evacuation
- Patient triage/collection, treatment, and transportation
- Decontamination
- Aircraft stabilization
According to the duties and responsibilities of ARFF and structural resources deployed on Alert 2 and 3 dispatches——what resource is usually designated “Interior Fire Attack” and Backup Fire Attack?
-E51 Interior Fire Attack (reports to ARFF Group Supervisor)
-E95 Backup Fire Attack (provides water supply to E51 and then takes off foam lines for backup)
On-Site LAX Assests include:
-Medical Supply Cache and Emergency Backboard Trailer (90 backboards)
-Tugs in conjunction with baggage carts
-Buses (referred to as “people movers”)
All of this equipment can be secured through _________.
Airfield Operations.
All Department vehicles operating on the Airfield Operations Area (AOA) shall be operated by a member in possession of a valid __________.
All other drivers are REQUIRED to have an ESCORT VEHICLE, normally AIRPORT POLICE or other approved escort.
LAX security identification with the airfield driving and escort privilege icon.
_________ have the right-of-way when operating in the Aircraft Operation Area (AOA) regardless of emergency response.
Aircraft and buses
__________ refers to the runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport, which are used for taxiing or hover taxiing, air taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, EXLUSIVE of LOADING RAMPS and AIRCRAFT PARKING AREAS.
Air Operation Area (AOA)
Deployed Resources Diagram
How large of a perimeter is set up around a “downed” aircraft at LAX?
300 ft
Who directs FF’s to begin interior fire attack (E51/E95) and communicates best access point into aircraft?
Ground Control Unit - ARFF 180 (Capt I, Eng, FF).
Will also direct Air Stair 80 to access point.
What resources on a downed aircraft at LAX will get “off the apparatus” inside the 300ft perimeter?
-ARFF180 (Ground Control Officer)