(1) TB 53- Rescue Helicopter Ops Flashcards
The Air Ambulance can normally carry ____ litter patients per trip.
True or False?
Helicopters usually land and take off into the wind.
Landing Zone
The aircraft can receive patients on either side; however, the ____ side is preferred at a 90-degree approach.
(This allows the pilot who is seated on the right side to maintain visual contact with the ground personnel loading the patient.)
The suggested minimum landing area size for a helicopter is ____ by ____ft or larger
Ideally, the LZ should be at a location that would permit the Rescue Helicopter to land and take off INTO THE WIND.
It is desirable that the designated LZ afford the helicopter the opportunity to make shallow approaches and departures at an angle of ___ to ___ degrees free of obstructions.
20 to 25
Air ambulance:
The _____ is the greatest hazard to personnel on the ground.
tail rotor
(Turning SIX times faster than the main rotor, it is nearly invisible with the sound being masked by the main rotor and engine noise.)
Air ambulance:
Only allow the personnel necessary for patient loading to approach the aircraft. All other personnel and apparatus must remain outside of the ____ foot diameter safety circle.
100 foot
How many Helicopters are in the LAFD fleet?
-5 medium duty Agusta AW139s (Type II)
FIRE 1,2,3,4,5
-2 light duty Bell 206B Jet Rangers (Type III)
FIRE 6,7
The _______ has been designated as the Rescue Helicopter.
The ______ helicopter primarily operates in a command and control capacity as the Helicopter Coordinator (HLCO).
-Agusta AW139 helicopter
(This Training Bulletin will focus on the capabilities, functions and interface with the Rescue Helicopter.)
-Bell 206B Jet Ranger
The Department’s RESCUE Helicopters perform the following emergency missions:
• Air Ambulance
• Inter-Facility Transport
• Hoist Rescue
• Swift Water Rescue
• Large Animal Sling Load
• Evacuation
• Night Vision Goggle Search and Rescue
All Rescue Helicopters can be equipped with the following:
• Night sun
• Rescue hoist
• Cargo hook
• 2 patient litter system
• Seating for up to 12 passengers
Rescue Heli Staffing
RH-114, as identified in the CAD system, is normally staffed by:
-one Pilot
-one Crew Chief
-two Flight Paramedics.
The primary function of the Air Ambulance is the transport of injured or ill patients to the most appropriate care facility in the shortest amount of time.
- Under normal circumstances, an Air Ambulance can transport what configuration of pts?
- However, during a MCI, the Air Ambulance may transport?
- Two ALS patients or multiple BLS patients.
When considering the use of an Air Ambulance, ground crews should evaluate the following:
• Estimated transport time via ground ambulance versus Air Ambulance
• Potential traffic issues that would increase the transport time
• Remote or inaccessible locations
• Number of patients that may result in a drawdown of resources, as well as potential of saturating local emergency rooms
• Severity of patient’s condition necessitating expeditious transport to a specialty center (Trauma, Stroke, STEMI, PTC, etc.)
A key component to the use of an Air Ambulance is EARLY RECOGNITION and ORDERING of the resource.
Ultimately, the ________ should be the primary factor when considering the use of an Air Ambulance.
best interest of the patient
Patient treatment and packaging should be completed in the ground AMBULANCE prior to transferring care and IDEALLY BEFORE the Air Ambulance ARRIVES at the LZ.
To facilitate loading into the Air Ambulance, all pts should be placed on a:
-papoose board
-flat stretcher
(Patients that require a seated or Fowler’s position due to respiratory or other medical needs should be placed on a FOLDING BREAK-AWAY FLAT STRETCHER or DISASTER LITTER.)
Ground resources shall make BASE STATION CONTACT and confirm the patient’s DESTINATION prior to the arrival of the Air Ambulance and communicate a medical size-up on the tactical channel including:
-patient age
-provider impression
-stable or unstable vitals.
(Air Ambulance members will advise MFC of any additional ground transportation assistance needed to facilitate movement of the patient from the hospital landing site to the E.R.)
The request for an Air Ambulance Inter-Facility Transport will come from the MEDICAL ALERT CENTER (MAC).
The Air Ambulance will be dispatched along with an _______ to the sending facility.
EMS Battalion Captain
(All hospital landing sites in LA County are secure facilities, and require no additional LAFD resources to establish a LZ.)
Victims that are unable to be extracted via ground rescue due to inaccessibility or delayed patient contact may require a “Hoist Rescue” operation.
These types of incidents will typically be dispatched from the CAD, identified as “_____” or “_____” by Metro Fire Communications (MFC).
(Generally, a Hoist Rescue dispatch will generate one Rescue Helicopter and one HLCO. If unusual circumstance, a second Rescue Helicopter may be requested)
In the event that ground resources have not made physical patient contact prior to the arrival of the Rescue Helicopter, a flight paramedic may be lowered in order to expedite initial patient contact.
Prior to lowering a flight paramedic, HLCO will make an announcement to ground companies on the tactical frequency stating that, “a flight medic is being lowered to assess the patient.”
In all cases, the _____ will approve or disapprove hoist rescue recovery of a patient based on information provided by _______.
When considering the use of a Rescue Helicopter for Hoist Rescue, members should evaluate the following:
• The time it will to take for ground resources to make patient contact
• Patient injuries
• Time and complexity related to packaging the patient
• The time it will take to safely move the patient to a ground ambulance
• The safety and exposure of ground resources
Swift Water Rescue:
As part of a “RIVER” or “RIVER2” dispatch, two Rescue Helicopters and one HLCO will be dispatched.
The Rescue Helicopters will assist with:
-victim rescue
-rescuer downstream safety.
(One Rescue Helicopter will normally begin a search at the POINT LAST SEEN and the second Rescue Helicopter will start a search downstream of the RESCUE SITE. HLCO will coordinate all air resource efforts though the IC and in conjunction with the Rescue Group Supervisor.
Large Animal Sling Load:
The useful lifting capacity of the cargo hook is approximately ______ to ______ pounds.
2,000 to 2,500 pounds
(In all cases, the PILOTS will determine the exact payload capability of the helicopter based on WEATHER, ALTITUDE and the helicopter’s WEIGHT.)
Victims stranded in precarious positions not accessible by ground resources may necessitate the need for an aerial evacuation by the Rescue Helicopter.
Two basic methods of aerial evacuation include:
• “Direct Loading” where the Rescue Helicopter can safely land in the vicinity of the victims
• “Hoist Operation” in the event that a landing site is not available in proximity to the victims
Rescue Helicopter for Evacuation
The Rescue Helicopter is typically configured to transport up to ___ UN-INJURED victims to a safe location.
(During extreme conditions, crew members may place additional victims on the cabin floor.)
Night Vision Goggle Search and Rescue at Night
IC’s and MFC dispatchers should direct lost/injured victims to point any _____ source including cell phone screens, towards the Rescue Helicopter.
(The NVG technology will amplify the light source and allow the flight crews to rapidly identify their location.)
When requesting a Rescue Helicopter through MFC, the requesting resource shall specify the following information in order to ensure proper configuration for the mission:
• Operation desired (Air Ambulance/Hoist/Search/Large Animal Sling Load)
• Number of patients/passengers to be transported/hoisted
• Designated Landing Zone (if applicable)
After receiving the dispatch from MFC, the Rescue Helicopter is typically airborne within ___ to ___ minutes
6 to 8
(Response time can vary from 5 min anywhere in the San Fernando Valley, up to 15 mins to reach the LA Harbor)
When a Rescue Helicopter is requested for an Air Ambulance, MFC will dispatch one Task Force and one Battalion Command Team to secure the designated LZ. MFC will assign a tactical channel and advise the IC of the responding Rescue Helicopter’s identification.
The companies assigned to the LZ have the following responsibilities:
• Ensure the landing site is suitable for the mission
• Assess and identify any aerial hazards
• Secure perimeter control and landing area
• Provide fire protection
(In advance of any landing attempt, it is imperative that any obstructions, including wires that may be in the approach and departure path are clearly communicated to the Rescue Helicopter on the tactical channel.)
When determining a LZ location, consider utilizing the _______ to identify “Brush Helispots” and “Heli-landings” which are all suitable LZ’s
The IC shall contact the aircraft on the TACTICAL channel and confirm the LZ is secured.
-apparatus Mobile Data Computer (MDC) map feature
(City streets. Should be avoided)
All ground members at the landing zone shall don the appropriate PPE consisting of:
-eye/ear protection
-helmets with tightened chin straps
-turnouts to protect against blowing dirt, dust and debris.
Landing Zone
Personnel should never go behind the rear _____ or walk around the tail section of a helicopter.
(Do not walk behind the helicopter and do not run. If the landing site is sloped or terraced, do not approach or depart from the uphill side as the rotor blades can dip down to heights lower than head level.)
Landing Zone
When working around Helicopters, resources on the ground shall always be guided by the ______.
flight crew.
On scene crews shall keep patients inside of the ambulance until?
flight paramedics receive a REPORT and ACCEPT the patient.
While loading patients, avoid having ground member’s knee/legs underneath the _______.
(As the helicopter takes on weight or the pilot lowers the power, the sponsons will settle lower towards the ground without warning.)
Upon notification from MFC to the IC that a mutual aid Rescue Helicopter is responding in place of a LAFD Rescue Helicopter, the IC shall adhere to the following:
• Request the identification and estimated time of arrival of the mutual aid Rescue Helicopter
• Request an air-to-ground and dispatch frequency to communicate with the mutual aid Rescue Helicopter and it’s dispatch center
• Contact the mutual aid Rescue Helicopter with the desired mission (Air Ambulance/Hoist/Search/Large Animal Sling Load)
• Confirm the mutual aid Rescue Helicopter is capable of the mission
• Assist with base station contact and receiving facility destination
• Maintain communication with the mutual aid Rescue Helicopter throughout the duration of the incident