T5D3 Flashcards
Socioemotional selectivity theory
Older people have less time left so they are looking for emotional satisfaction
- closer relationships are more important than having many friends
- ignore negative information, focus on positive information
Define Ageism
Prejudice against others because of their age, especially against older adults
Define Grey Panthers
Started by Maggie Kuhn, fighting for the rights of older adults
7 things that Make You Live Longer
Exercise Eat greens Stay mentally challenged Think positive Have positive social relationships Be spiritual Have sex
What 3 things related to death are due to medical science
We live a lot longer
We die a lot slower
We die out of sight in hospitals or nursing homes
Uniform Determination of Death Act, UDDA (law applied in most states) says what
An individual who has sustained either:
irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or
(2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem,
is determined dead.
Discuss Terri Schiavo Case
Persistent Vegetative State:
Brainstem is still working, cerebrum is not. Some responses are possible.
Define Passive euthanasia
Withholding potentially life-saving interventions.
Legal with advance directives
Define Active euthanasia
A deliberate medical intervention that helps a patient die. Legal only in The Netherlands, Belgium Luxemburg and Colombia.
Define Physician-assisted suicide
The physician can prescribe medications that the patient can take to end their life
Where is physician assisted suicide legal worldwide
Legal in Switzerland, Germany, Japan and Canada
Where is physician assisted suicide legal in the US
In the US, legal in Oregon Montana, Washington State, Vermont, California Colorado.
←Dr. Jack Kevorkian
Define Advance directive
Any written document with regard to life-prolonging treatment when irretrievably ill and cannot communicate their wishes
5 Types of advance directives
Advance directives:
- Living will
- Durable power of attorney for health care
- Do not resuscitate order (DNR)
- Do not hospitalize order (DNH)
- POLST: new, more specific advance directive
Care for dying individuals diagram
% focus on verticle axis, time on horizontal axis, moves left to right from curative care, palliative care, hospice, to death and bereavement
Kübler-Ross’s Stage theory of dying
Denial Anger Depression Bargaining Acceptance
Not everybody goes through these stages, eg acceptance
Effective strategies for communicating with a dying person.
If the person who is dying is not in denial, the family should not force it on them.
If the person accepts they’re dying, don’t take it away from them*
Establish presence
Eliminate distraction
Dying are frail and have little energy
Don’t insist that the dying accept
Allow the dying to express guilt or anger
Encourage memories, access to people, talking
Respect dying person
Define Continuing Bonds Theory
Finding ways to stay connected to a loved one who has passed
What is a POLST
a new, more specific advance directive
Summary of class poll on priorities for death
One person for everything except for dying at hospital or home. Everyone has different priorities including family’s priorities
Summary of class poll on if person dying or family should decide how to die
Class split 6-7 in favor of family having a say too
Four tasks of grief
- Accept reality of loss
- Work through the pain of grief
- Adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing
- Find an enduring connection while embarking on a new life