T3 - Chapter 13 Abdomen Flashcards
parietal peritoneum
lining that covers the whole abdominal cavity and keeps things confined to that space
visceral peritoneum
thin layer that covers organs
what does the peritoneal cavity contain?
fluid that reduces friction between organs
what is the superior border of abdomen?
what forms the inferior border of abdomen?
what is the pH of the stomach?
what is the function of the stomach? what enzymes does it use?
- pepsin breaks down proteins to peptones and amino acids
- gastric lipase breaks down triglycerides to fatty acids or glycerol
- liquifies food into chyme and moves it to duodenum
who much urine needs to build up in your bladder to feel like you need to pee?
stress incontience
when sphincters are weak and a little pee leaks out during strenuous activity
urge incontience
strong urge to void urine immediately
alcohol consumption increases risk for…
- peptic ulcers
- esophageal cancer
- stomach cancer
- colon cancer
- pancreatitis
- cirrhosis
smoking increases risk for…
-peptic ulcers
what are the functions of the small intestine?
- food is mixed, digest, and absorbed
- absorption occurs through intestinal villi
what is an important role of the ileocecal valve?
prevents backward flow of fecal material
what is included in the hepatic portal vein system?
-veins draining intestines, pancreas, stomach, and gallbladder
what do the renal veins drain?
-kidneys and ureters
what are the common causes of abdominal pain?
fibroid tumor
-fatal tumor
black poop signals
internal bleeding
tan poop signals
- problem with liver
- bilirubin isn’t leaving body and is getting accumulated causing jaundice
- flow of gastric secretions up into esophagus
- weakened lower esophageal pressure or increased intraabdominal pressure
- Clinical findings: heartburn, regurgitation, dysphagia; are aggravated by laying down
large intestine
- 3 parts: ascending, transverse, descending
- absorbs water and electrolytes
- feces stored here until defecation
where is the stomach located?
where is the large intestine located?
- bile production and secretion
- production of clotting factors and fibrinogen
- synthesis of plasma proteins
- detoxification of drugs and alcohol
where is the liver located?
- concentrates and stores bile
- creates brown color in feces
where is the gallbladder located?
- endocrine: secretes insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, gastrin carbohydrate
- exocrine: bicarbonate and pancreatic enzymes
- lipase breaks down fats
- amylase breaks down carbohydrates
- protease breaks down proteins for absorption
where is the pancreas located?
- highly vascular
- composed of white pulp and red pulp
- removes old or agglutinated erythrocytes
- removes platelets
- activates B and T lymphocytes
where is the spleen located?
- right kidney is slightly lower than left
- secretes erythrocyte protein to stimulate red blood cell production
- produces vitamin D
- nephron regulates fluid and electrolyte balance
hiatal hernia
- protrusion of stomach through esophageal hiatus
- common causes: pregnancy, obesity, ascites
- clinical findings: similar to GERD
peptic ulcer disease
- occurs in lower end of esophagus, stomach, or duodenum
- duodenal is most common: caused by break in duodenal mucosa
- may result from infection with helicobacter pylori
- clinical findings: burning pain after eating 1-2 hrs
crohns disease
- commonly affects terminal ileum and colon
- affected mucosa is ulcerated with presence of fistulas and abscesses
- clinical findings: unpredictable periods of remission with relapse, cramping, persistent diarrhea, rectal passage of blood and mucus, fever and constipation
ulcerative colitis
- starts in rectum and progresses through large intestine
- may progress to colon cancer
- clinical findings: anemia, weight loss, profuse watery diarrhea
- inflammation of diverticula due to presence of feces
- clinical findings: pain in LLQ, altered bowel habits, distended abdomen and tympanic, decreased bowel sounds
viral hepatitis
- inflammation of liver
- clinical findings: anorexia, enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, tan colored stools, dark urine
- chronic degenerative disease of the liver
- 12th leading cause of death in U.S
- causes: hepatitis, biliary obstruction, alcoholism
- clinical findings: hard liver, ascites, portal HTN, coma
- inflammation of gallbladder
- bile duct becomes edema or gallstones
- clinical findings: pain in RUQ that radiates to scapula
- common causes: alcoholism, obstruction of sphincter
- clinical findings: severe pain worse with food intake, pts comfortable in fetal position, hypotension, shock
-clinical findings: dysuria, fatigue, muscle aches
- kidney stones
- clinical findings: fever and hematuria, severe pain in CVA
Organs in the right upper quadrant
Liver Pancreas Pylorus Duodenum Part of ascending colon Part of transverse colon
Organs in the left upper quad
Stomach Pancreas Spleen Part of descending colon Part of transverse colon
Organs in right lower quad
Cecum (beginning of large intestine)
right kidney
Part of ascending colon
Organs in left lower quad
Sigmoid colon
Left kidney
Portion of descending colon