ATI - Pain Management Flashcards
acute pain
transient discomfort or physical distress signaling actual or potential tissue damage and characterized by an identifiable cause, a short duration, resolution with healing,
referring to drug addiction: a dependence phenomenon characterized by impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, and craving
adjuvant analgesia
a drug primarily used to treat something other than pain but also enhances pain relief
alternative therapies
treatment approaches, used to replace conventional medical treatments, which are not currently considered part of conventional Western medicine
inability to feel pain
substance used as a pain reliever; a drug that acts to reduce pain, including over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin as well as those available by prescription only
analgesic ceiling
the dose of a particular drug beyond which additional amounts of the same drug do not increase the analgesic effect
breakthrough pain
a flaring of moderate to severe pain despite therapeutic doses of analgesics
chronic pain
a feeling of physical distress or discomfort that persists over a long period of time and does not always have an identifiable cause (greater than 6 months)
complimentary therapies
treatment approaches used to complement conventional medical treatments
area of skin supplied with afferent nerve fibers from a single posterior spinal root
the ability of a drug to achieve its desired effect
epidural anesthesia
medication injected via a catheter into the space between the dura mater and the lining of the spinal canal to create a regional nerve block; also called spinal anesthesia
a peripheral sensory receptor for pain, stimulated by various types of tissue injury
an outdated umbrella term that has been used to refer to opioids, controlled substances, illicit drugs, central nervous system depressants, strong analgesics, and drugs capable of causing physical dependence; opioid is the preferred term for the family of potent pharmacologic analgesics commonly referred to as narcotics
neuropathic pain
a type of pain usually felt as burning or tingling and resulting from direct stimulation of nerve tissue of the peripheral or central nervous system
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
any of a group of drugs that reduce pain, fever, and swelling (inflammation), including aspirin
one of a group of analgesics that act on higher centers of the brain and spinal cord to modify perceptions of moderate to severe pain
pain scale
assessment tool used to rate the severity of pain
pain threshold
the point at which a person feels pain
pain tolerance
the level of pain a person is willing to endure
an abnormal burning, prickling, tingling, or numbing sensation or hypersensitivity most often felt in the extremities and typically associated with neuropathic pain
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
a drug delivery system that uses a computerized pump with a button the patient can press to deliver a dose of an analgesic through an intravenous catheter
physical dependence
an adaptive state characterized by a drug class-specific withdrawal syndrome induced with abrupt cessation, rapid dose reduction, or administration of an antagonist
a pharmacologically inert substance, such as a sugar pill or an injection of sterile water, given with the implication of effective treatment
progressive muscle relaxation
a systematic, stepwise approach to releasing tension in major muscle groups
somatic pain
generally well-localized pain that results from activation of peripheral pain receptors without injury to the peripheral nerve or central nervous system, such as musculoskeletal pain
spinal anesthesia
medication injected via a catheter into the space between the dura mater and the lining of the spinal canal to create a regional nerve block; also called epidural anesthesia
the process of gradually adjusting the dose of a medication until the desired effect is achieved
an adaptive state characterized by a decreasing response to repeated constant doses of a drug or the need for increasing doses to maintain a constant response
spreading of the pain “message” across the various nerve fibers linking the pain impulse to the brain
visceral pain
pain that results from activating the pain receptors of organs in the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal cavities and is felt as a generalized aching or cramping sensation sometimes referred to the surface of the body
visual analog scale
a pain rating scale using a straight line; the left end of the line represents no pain, the right end represents the worst pain, and patients mark the place on the line that best represents the severity of their pain
Wong-Baker FACES scale
a pain assessment tool that asks patients (often children) to select one of several faces indicating expressions that convey a range from no pain through the worst pain
World Health Organization (WHO)
the specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with health on an international level, functioning as a directing and coordinating authority on international health, and has developed a three-step pain “ladder” for cancer pain relief
idiopathic pain
chronic pain that persists in the absence of a detectable cause
phantom pain
the pain patients feel in the area where they previously had a limb that has been amputated.
referred pain
pain that originates elsewhere but is felt in another location considerably removed from the pain’s origin
radiating pain
pain perceived at the source and in tissues that are adjacent to the source.
intractable pain
pain that defies relief
pain specific to a particular cause i.e. cancer or burn
factors that influence pain
ethnic background and culture
stage of development and gender
pain scale definitions
0 no pain
1-3 mild pain
4-6 moderate pain
7-10 severe pain
how long does an IV med take to affect the pt?
5 min
after giving med how long after administration should you check for results?
IV: 15-30
Oral: 1 hr
what is the med that reverse opioid overdose/respiratory depression?
narcan (naloxone)
Wong-Baker FACES
good for young children, adults with cognitive difficulties, those who speak another language
shows images of pain
pain assessment in infants
for ages 0-2
Crying increase O2 Requirement Increase in vital signs from baseline Expression on face Sleeping
pain assessment in children
ages 2-7
Facial expression Leg movement Activity Crying Consolability
nonpharmacologic approches
relaxation, distraction, thermal therapies, massage, acupressure, guided imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, music therapy, exercise