T&AA and MCD Flashcards
Intro TAA & MCD
What is Transient and Accident Analysis based upon?
What is Mitigating Core Damage based upon?
analyzed events in FSAR Ch. 15 (accident analysis)
unlikley but possible core-damaging events analyzed in WCAP documents (westinghouse comercial atomic power)
MCD, inst
What is transmission ratio?
How does transmission ratio explain what happens to source counts when voiding occurs in core?
the ratio of nuetrons detected vs. nuetrons produced in core
As voiding rises in core (void fraction) the source counts rise. Even though to total amount of neutrons produced is lowering the ratio of nuetrons detected goes up and overpowers the lower total neutrons produced.
MCD, inst.
What is the highest the SR counts should reach during coolant voiding?
core uncovery?
should count ever go into IR?
voiding - 40 x normal
uncovery - 100 x normal
counts should never go into IR
MCD, inst.
Describe mechanism by which abnormal CNMT atmosphere (high temp) will cause level instrumentation to read abnormal?
- hi temp heats wet reference leg
- wet reference leg density goes down (expands)
- ref leg spills over
- d/p between ref leg and var leg goes down
- level indicates higher than actual
MCD, cooling
What are the mitigation actions/ strategys for inadequate core cooling (in order of preference)?
- restore ECCS (HPSI, re-cover core, restore inventory)
- secondary depressurization (cools RCS, depress RCS, establish low head injection)
- RCP reactivation (need cooling, trash RCPs, get two phase cooling)
- RCS depressurization (make loca bigger, lose inventory, drop press, establish low head injection)
MCD, cooling
What are the stages of LOCA?
Blowdown break -> Prcs = Pcnmt
Refill b/d -> Lcore = bottom of fuel (accum done inj)
Reflood refill -> eccs covers core, temp rise stops
long term cooling cold leg/ hot leg recirc
MCD, cooling
What are the major differences for indications for:
steam space LOCA?
liquid space LOCA?
steam space - inventory maintain, Press lowering
liquid space - press maintained, level lowering
TAA intro
What is the relationship between Frequency and Severity when regarding risk?
What must be done, post trip, within 30 min to prevent core damage?
if frequency of event goes up severity of event goes down
if frequency of event goes down, severity goes up
remove decay heat
TAA intro
Describe the following, include frequency & severity of event.
Condition I
Condition II
Condition III
Condition IV
I - normal ops
II - moderate frequency (once per cycle)
III - once per lifetime of plant
IV - never
TAA intro
What is the major determination that a LBIE (licensing basis impact evaluation) is making?
What are the 3 sections of a LBIE
if NRC approval is required prior to making proposed change.
- Applicability determination
- 50.59 screen
- 50.59 evaluation
MCD core damage
What indications are used to asses core damage in EP RB-14?
What are the restrictions for each?
- Ltdn Hx rad monitor
- MSL rad monitors (RM-71-74)
- Cnmt Hi range rad monitors (RM-30 & 31)
- ltdn must be in service
- tube rupture, 5 min wait for MSL, allow N-16 decay away
MCD core damage
Briefly describe the following concerning fuel condition, include temperature ranges:
Clad failure
fuel overheat
Core melt
undamaged - ……duh (< 1300 deg F)
clad failure - clad break, radionuclieds in “gap” escape into RCS, includes nobel gases, Kr, Xe, I (1300-2000 deg)
fuel overheat - pellet degrades, nobel gases released and Cesium (2000-3450 deg)
Core melt - pellet dissolves/liquifies, rapid release additional nobel gases and cesium, plus strontium and barium-lanthanum isotopes (> 3450 deg)
MCD rad aspect
Define the following:
Exclusion Area
Low population Zone
Exclusion - if person inside for 2 hours they wont exceed 25 rem total dose and 300 rem to thyroid
Low pop - if person located outer boundry for entire plume wont exceed 25 rem total dose and 300 rem to thyroid
MCD rad aspect
what is main difference for material located in….
20 - has legal limits for rad workers and public
100 - has criteria for postulated accidents and resultant exposure to public
What are the “Unique Concerns” regarding a SGTR?
- Rad release
- contaminate secondary
- if 10% or safety pop => dose public
- S/G overfill
- pass water thru 10% or safety => not reseat
- stm pipe not rated for weight of water
- H2 accumulation
- H2 in RCS -> S/G
- 02 in RWST -> S/G (SI flow)
- => explosive hazzard