OP L-2 Flashcards
OP-L2 (P & L)
- How much can Pzr [B] differ from Rcs [B]? Why is this done?
- Why must the correct sequencing and overlap be maintained by control banks?
50 ppm
minimize reactivity effects of change in [B] on Pzr outsurge
to provide a more even differential rod worth and ensure rod worth is maintained close to its predicted value
OP-L2 (P & L)
What is the minimum temperature for criticality?
What are the basis for maintaining above this temperature?
541 deg F
- MTC is w/in analyzed range
- protective instrumentation w/in analyzed range
- Pzr is capable being OPERABLE w/stm bubble
- Rx vessel above minimum RTNDT temp
What is the limit on SUR when approaching criticality?
What is the limit on control rod continuous pull on approach to criticality?
50 steps
What is the target on SUR after criticality?
What is the limit on control rod continuous pull after criticality?
0.75 DPM
3 steps
What power level is power stabilized at to aquired critical rod height data?
Why is this power level utilized?
1 x 10 -8 ICA
- it is far enough away from the SR so source neutrons do not affect data. (2 decades)
- it is far enough away from the POAH that temperature feedback has no affect on data (2 decades)
What actions do you take if you stop at ECP-100 and the Rx is critical?
What other control rod position warrents the same actions?
is there a difference in actions if you are at or below RIL and Rx is critical?
- fully insert control banks
- unblock Hi-flux @ SD alarm
- reanalyze/ recalculate ECP
- sample Boron
- obtain permission from Plant manager to restart Rx
yes, emergency borate 100 ppm
How many RCP’s are required to be in operation when Rod Control is capable of withdrawing control rods IN MODE 3?
How many RCP’s are required to be in operation prior to pulling any control banks?
At least 2 RCP’s
All four RCP’s required to be in operation prior to pulling control banks