Swine Diseases Flashcards
What is responsible for orange-yellow diarrhea in young piglets?
Clostridium difficile enterotoxemia
What are the gross findings of Clostridium difficile enterotoxemia?
- mesocolonic edema
- colon filled with creamy diarrhea
How is Clostridium difficile enterotoxemia diagnosed?
presence confirmed by ELISA on fresh feces
How is Clostridium difficile enterotoxemia treated?
- Virginiamycin in sows before and after farrowing
- Tylosin in piglets
How is Clostridium perfringens type A enterotoxemia treated?
- Bacitracin in sows and piglets
- Salinomycin
- Vaccination
Which organisms affect piglets 2-10 days of age?
Clostridium difficile and perfringens type A
What age group is usually affected by enteric coliobacillosis (E. coli)?
neonates 1 day old to pigs 2-4 weeks post-weaning
What are the virulence factors associated with E. coli enteric coliobacillosis?
- Fimbriae
- Enterotoxins
- Endotoxins
- Capsules
What can cause subnormal body temp, shivering, watery diarrhea, vomiting, and fibrinous polyserositis?
E. coli enteric coliobacillosis
How is E. coli enteric coliobacillosis diagnosed?
- culture of small intestine
How is E. coli enteric coliobacillosis treated?
oral or parenteral antimicrobials
- Ampicillin, Gentamycin, Neomycin, Furizolidone, Sulfur drugs
Which organism is responsible for Edema disease?
E. coli
Which age group is commonly affected by Edema disease?
recently weaned pigs
What are the clinical signs associated with Edema disease?
- anorexia, stupor, ataxia, and recumbency
- paddling and running movements
- abnormal squeal when handled
- edema at certain sites
Which age group is usually affected by Isospora suis?
1-3 week old, nursing piglets
Which organism causes yellow-clear watery diarrhea, dehydration, rough hair coat, and failure to gain weight?
Isospora suis
What is the treatment for Isospora suis?
Which age group is commonly affected by Rotaviral enteritis?
1-6 week old piglets
What are the clinical signs associated with Rotaviral enteritis?
- diarrhea
- occasional vomiting
How is rotaviral enteritis diagnosed?
- identified in feces by EM or ELISA
- identified in small intestinal epithelium but FAT or IHC
What are the clinical signs associated with the acute form of TGE?
- vomiting and high mortality in pigs < 3 weeks
- bright yellow feces in older piglets
- marked diarrhea in feeder age pigs
- sows may show vomiting, depression, and refusal to nurse
How is TGE diagnosed?
- FAT or IHC on intestine
- PCR on feces
What age group is commonly affected by Streptococcus suis?
nursing or recently weaned pigs
What infection is characterized by septicemia, acute meningitis, polyarthritis, polyserositis, or bronchopneumonia?
Strept suis
How is Streptococcus suis transmitted?
- ingestion, inhalation, or nose-to-nose contact
- normally in tonsils of pigs
What are the clinical signs associated with Streptococcus suis?
young piglets - CNS signs, polyarthritis
older piglets - ataxia, opisthotonus, incoordination, tremors, convulsions, blindness, and deafness
How is Streptococcus suis diagnosed?
sample spinal fluid
How is Streptococcus suis treated?
- injectable antibiotics
- water and in-feed antibiotics
What disease is characterized by raised, reddened, ring-shaped lesions on the ventral abdomen?
Pityriasis rosea
What disease is characterized by absence of discrete areas of the skin?
Epitheliogenesis imperfecta
Which age group is most commonly affected by Erysipelas?
growing or adult swine
How is Erysipelas transmitted?
- carriers transmit in feces and oronasal secretions
- infected animals shed into water, feed, and soil
- infection through ingestion and skin wounds
What are the clinical signs associated with Erysipelas?
- fever, cyanotic skin
- discrete, raised, red-purple areas of skin
- swollen, painful joints
- abortion and vulvar lesions
How is Erysipelas treated?
Penicillin or antiserum
What organism causes greasy pig disease?
Staphylococcus hyicus
What age group is most commonly affected by greasy pig disease?
pigs less than 8 weeks old
Which disease causes brown spots on the skin, covered by serum and exudate?
Greasy Pig Disease
- Staph hyicus
What organism causes swine dysentery?
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
What organism causes spirochetal colitis?
Brachyspira pilosicolo
How is swine dysentery and spirochetal colitis transmitted?
- Ingestion of infected feces
- Shed by mice and dogs
Which disease causes mucoid gray-yellow diarrhea that becomes hemorrhagic, and a hunched, gaunt appearance?
swine dysentery and spirochetal colitis
How is swine dysentery and spirochetal colitis diagnosed?
culture from rectal swabs or colonic scrapings
Most outbreaks of Salmonellosis in swine are due to which organisms?
S. cholerasuis and S. typhimurium
How is Salmonellosis transmitted?
- fecal-oral, contaminated feed and water, and aerosols
- Shed in feces
What are the clinical signs associated with S. cholerasuis infection?
- acute death
- inappetence, depression, huddling, weakness, fever
- cyanosis of skin on extremities
What are the clinical signs associated with S. typhimurium infection?
- moderate anorexia and watery yellow diarrhea
- diarrhea may progress to mucus, fibrin, or blood
- surviving animals gain weight slowly
How is Salmonellosis treated?
Gentamycin, Neomycin, Tiamulin, Ceftiofur
Which organism causes Porcine Proliferative Enteritis?
Lawsonia intracellularis
Which disease is characterized by hyperplasia of crypt enterocytes?
Porcine Proliferative Enteritis
How is porcine proliferative enteritis transmitted?
- Carrer swine transmit via feces
- Carrer dams to litter
Which disease causes diarrhea with brown-black unclotted blood, pallor, weakness, and rapid death?
Porcine proliferative enteritis
- Lawsonia
How is porcine proliferative enteritis treated?
Tylosin, Tetracyclines, Lincomycin, Tiamulin, Carbadox
Which organism secreted 4 exotoxins?
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia
How is Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia transmitted?
- direct contact via nasal secretions
- aerosol
What are the clinical signs associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia?
- sudden onset of prostration, high temp, anorexia, stiffness, vomiting/diarrhea
- shallow, non-productive cough
- cyanosis and abortion
How is Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia diagnosed?
- Isolation an identification
- PCR of toxins
What organisms cause Atrophic rhinitis?
- Bordetella bronchiseptica
- Pasteurella multocida
How is atrophic rhinitis transmitted?
- introduced by inapparent carriers
- infect piglets can transmit
What are the clinical signs associated with atrophic rhinitis?
- sneezing, snorting, or nasal discharge
- “dirty” hair below canthus
- nose bleeds, growth retardation, deviation of snout
What organism causes Glasser’s disease?
Hemophilus parasuis
What are the clinical signs associated with Hemophilus parasuis?
- sudden death
- CNS: tremors, incoordination, posterior paralysis
- swollen joints, arthritis
How is mycoplasma pneumonia transmitted?
- carriers are source of infection
- nose-to-nose contact and coughing
What are the clinical signs associated with mycoplasma pneumonia?
- chronic, persistent, non-productive cough
- dyspnea, growth retardation, and reduced feeding efficiency
How is mycoplasma pneumonia treated?
antibiotics in water or feed
What are the common sites of osteochondrosis?
- Medial femoral condyle
- Humoral condyle and head
- Glenoid of scapula
- Distal ulna
- Lumbar vertebrae
What is the mostly likely cause in pigs that are “dog sitting,” raising their noses upwards, and falling on their sides in spasms?
Salt poisoning
What are the clinical signs associated with gastric ulcers?
- black tarry feces
- anemia
- pallor
- anorexia, teeth grinding, unthriftiness
How are gastric ulcers treated?
vitamin K and hematinics
What causes post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome?
Porcine circovirus 2
Which disease is associated with porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome?
Porcine circovirus 2
What are the clinical signs associated with porcine circovirus 2 infection?
- PMWS: gradual wasting, unthriftiness, rough hair coat, dyspnea, pallor, diarrhea
- PDNS: red-purple blotches on skin
- reproductive failure
What causes Classical Swine Fever?
What are the clinical signs associated with classical swine fever?
- high fever
- huddling, weakness, anorexia
- conjunctivitis
- diarrhea
- cyanosis
- staggering
- skin hemorrhages
What are the reservoirs for African Swine Fever?
What are the clinical signs associated with African Swine fever?
- high fever
- anorexia, recumbency
- erythema, cyanosis
- bloody diarrhea
- abortion
What is the cause of Porcine Epidemic diarrhea?
What is the cause of piglets born weak or dead, devoid of hair, and with mucinous edema?
iodine deficiency
What is the cause of parakeratosis?
zinc deficiency of excessive Ca intake
How is Rickets usually caused?
deficiency of vitamin D or phosphorous