Neurological Diseases Flashcards
Circling and head tilt are indications of a lesion in what location?
Propulsive movement is an indication of a lesion in what location?
frontal lobe
Disturbed sensorium, blindness, and seizures are indications of a lesion in what location?
Loss of conciousness is an indication of a lesion in what location?
What is responsible for visual reception and interpretation?
occipital lobe
What is responsible for initiating and directing voluntary movement?
basal ganglia
Spastic ataxia, dysmetria, and tremors are indications of a lesion in what location?
What signs indicate UMN disease?
- spasticity and hypertonia
- spinal reflexes intact and/or exaggerated
- loss of inhibition of myotactic reflexes
What signs indicate LMN disease?
- hypotonia, hyporeflexia
- muscle weakness
- loss of spinal reflexes
- muscle atrophy
Which disease can result in hydrocephalus?
What are the results of vitamin A deficiency?
- interferes with absorption of CSF at arachnoid villi
- CSF pressure increases
- blindness followed by seizures
- papilledema at optic chiasm
What are the possible etiologies of cerebellar abiotrophy?
- autosomal recessive trait of Herefords and Shorthorns
- BVD infection between 100-200 days gestation
What are the brain lesions caused by BVD?
- retinal atrophy
- optic neuritis
- cataracts
- micro-ophthalmia with retinal dysplasia
What is the neurotoxin produced by tetanus?
Describe the pathogenesis of tetanus
- tetanolysin has tissue necrotizing effects
- TeNT binds to nerve cells
- inhibits action of inhibitory neurons
- prevents release of glycine and GABA
The following signs indicate what disease?
- “Pump-handle” tail
- “Sardonic grin”
- “Lock Jaw”
- Spastic paralysis
How is tetanus treated?
- wound debridement and penicillin G
- tetanus antitoxin
- Acepromazine and Diazepam
- good nursing care
The following signs indicate what disease?
- Flaccid paralysis
- Limberneck
What type of disease is tick paralysis?
ascending LMN disease
Describe the pathogenesis of listeriosis?
- intra-axonal migration to brainstem
- bind to cells via surface proteins
- enter cytoplasm via hemolysin
- multiply, form listeriopods that invaginate into adjacent cells
Multiple unilateral cranial nerve deficits is the hallmark sign of what disease?
Circling, head tilt, facial paralysis, Silage eye, and dysphagia are all signs of what disease?
Turbid CSF, softened medulla oblongata, and autolysed fetus are indicative of what disease?
What organisms causes thromboembolic meningoencephalitis?
Histophilus somni