supportive tx Flashcards
what are poor thermal conductors
the thicker the material the more
tarnish can be reversed through polishing while corrosion is irreversible
is an important property requirement of impression and restorative materials
diminensional stability
how much heat and cold are transmitted to pulpal and soft tissues under a restoration
thermal conductivity
bonding is also known as
class five material, the strongest least soluble dental luting cements which are adhesive release fl.
glass inomoner ally c and b sealents
seals dentin tubules, not used with composite material, will interfere with adension
cements are used for cementation of restorations and as bases and commonly composed of — —- or glass powder and have an acidic liquid or eugenol
zinc oxide
mouth guards can cause prominent inflammation that tapers off between the centrals
what are mouth guards made up of
thermoplastic material EVA
polishing considerations
avoid pulpal trauma by using slow speed light intermitten pressure and adequate water coolant
most abrasive
least abrasive
tin oxide
used to polish etra orally
intra orally polis
tin oxide
loss of water
uptake of water
most accurate stable and pleasent materials to work with in terms of crowns and bridges
used when strength/hardness not as important; requires most water when mixing, used for study casts/ models least water resistant
plaster type 2 white
oral appliances, retainers, aliginers, custom trays
type 3 stone yellow
most water resistant
crowns bridges and indirect restorations,
type 4 die blue
accelerators include potassium sulfate or warm water, to slow use
borax or cold water
5 percent sodium varnishes are fda approved for treating hypersensistivity
potassium, calcium and fl are the most common desensitizing agents that work by chemically preventing nerve depolarization or by mechanically blocking dentinal tubules
the most effective whitening to date has been over night wear of a low concentration carabmide peroxide
the strongest most wear resistant restorative material is
a. gold
b. amalgam
c. porcelain
d. composite
e. porcelin fused to metal
triclosan is a toothpaste additive used to
a. prevent caries
b. control sensitivity
c. eliminate oral malodor
d. minimize the formation of calculus
e. antimicrobial specific for gingivitis
the best method to use when polishing teeth via rubber cup is
lowest speed, least abrasive agent with light intermittent pressure
the main purpose for etching in preparing a tooth surface for a sealent is
a. increasing wettability of the enamel
b. improving retention by cleaning the area to be sealed
c. to form tags or microscopic pores to retain material
d all the above
which best describes the type of retention seen with sealents a. chemical b. mechanical c. chemomechanical d none of the above
rubber cup air polishing will remove which
a. fluorisis
b. white spots
c. intrinsic stains
d. extrinsic stains
e. tetra
correct sealent placement
clean rinse isolate dry etch rinse dry apply sealent evaluate check occlusion
all of the following are considered antiplaque agents except which
a. triclosan
b. essential oils
c. strontium chloride
d. cetylpyridinium chloride
e. all
shrinkage of a reversible or irreversible hydrocolloid is a result of
a. syneresis
b. imbibtion
c. polymerization
d. thermal conductivity
the main purpose in placing a base is to protect the pulp from chemical irritation. A varnish is used to seal dentinal tubules
underneath composite restorations
both false
to accelerate the setting time of gypsum material you should
a. add borax
b. add cold water
c. add potassium sulfate
d. a and b
e. b and c
c i
all impression materials set by gelation with the exception of reversible hydrocolloid. Reversible hydrocolloids set by polymerization
both false
all impression materials set by polymerization except reversible hydrocolloid which sets through gelation
sensitivity can be treated clinically with 5 percent sodium varnishes which are fda approved for treating hypersensitivity. Caries prevention is an off label and accepted used for caries control.
both true
caries or restoration on the incisal edge or anterior teeth or the cusp tips is considered which gv black class
class 6
calcium hydroxide is known for which property
a. seals dentinal tubules
b. stimulates reparitive dentin
c. has a sedative effect on pulp
d. a and c
bradycardia typically does not cause symptoms until the rate drops below
50 bpm
piezo is
sonic and magneto are
straight right or left with ball on the tip
furcation tips
most often missed mesial coronal and root concavity
max first premolar
premolar most often having two roots
max first
non functional lingual cusp
mandibular first premolar
pre molar which commonly has three cusps
mandibular second
tooth which frequently has a fifth cusp
mandibular first molar or max first molar
tooth most often having two canals
mandibular first molar
max first molar oblique ridge runs from distobuccal to mesiolingual
mandibular first molar widest and strongest part
tooth with tenedency to have diveregent roots
max first molar
tooth with most unique anatomy
primary first mand molar