special needs Flashcards
is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract
is transmitted by droplets, ingestion/ coughing/
+ ppd does not mean active tb/ do not treat if active
tb drugs are
cardiac conditions dose is
.04 mg/2 carpules
Is pre med needed for unrepaired congenital defects?
what is transient and reversible
angina pectoris
coronary heart disease meds are
nitroglycerin, beta blockers, ccb
administer one tablet every five minutes, no more than 3 in 15
sides effects are nausea vomiting palpiations and decreased bp
myocardial infarction
myocardian infarction patient may need to postpone for
3-6 months
Is premed needed for coronary bypass surgery
not usually
what position may a congestive heart failure patient may not be able to tolerate
what is a hypertension patient at risk for
stroke, MI, renal mouth al failure
do not treat for – months after stroke
musuclar dystrophy
mouth breathing
areas of the brain are atrophied and ventricles enlarged, lower acetylcholines levels seen
do not give frequent breaks with adhd best app time is mid morning
common drug prescribed for adhd
do not sit patient up during seizure and nitrous oxide is contraindicted watch for aura preceding seizure
depression, drug interaction with epi is
tricylic antidep
chronic degeneraitve disease of the cns onset is 20-40 years. witihin 15 years of onset 50 percent need help with walking
genetic idiopathic c or s shaped spine
cause usually from hypoxia at birth, dypshagia, nitrous oxide to help tx
cerebral palsy
high blood glucose levels make client prone to
blood glucose levels to low, insulin shock
blood glucose levels to high, not enough insulin diabetic coma *3 PS
with hepatitis what may be present
which heps are fecal oral route
a and e
what hep has no vaccine
no vaccine usually asymptomatic
after dialysis is the best time to appoint
symptoms include anerexia muscle weakness lethargy dehydration hypoglycemia consult physcian for any steroidal premeds
addisons disease
excess acth production by the piuitary gland weight gain hypertension bone fractures heart failure poor healing
cushings disease
offer a writing instrument and paper, board to help with communication, do not shout, speak non verbally, remove mask when speaking, speak slowly
deaf patient
pregnant patient
turn to l side, pillow under right hip
may require antibiotic premed prior to dental treatment
iv drug users
is the number one cause of preventable disease/ death
cig smoking
tobacco counesling ask advise asses assist arrange
do you smoke importance of quitting level of readiness to quit let me know when your ready set quit date 1 week from now
nicotine agonist
clients with alcholism have higher risk of cancer
alcohol and nitroglycerine can result in a dangerously low
avoid – with alcholosim
tyenol *protect the liver
may be drowsy reduced respiratory rate, bradycardia, hypothermia
heroin addiction
pinpoint pupils
used to treat heroin
tx overdose
heroin addiction patients have higher risks of
infective endocarditis, hep b and hiv
dialted pupils/ delay treatment 24 hours, possible unsafe interactions with epi
CNS stimulant/ increased risk of heart attack and stroke/ stimulates high level of dopamine
someone under the influence of meth, delay 24 hours no epi
asthma contraindictions
air polisher, ultrasonic, aspirin, and nsaids avoid epi due to sulfites
you may use – on asthmatic
nitrous oxide
life threatning persistant exacerbation of asthma
status asthmaticus
eitology of —
familial tendencies, smoking, childhood respiratory infectoins, environmenal pollution
contraindictions for —
air polisher, ultra sonic, rubber dam use, avoid nitrous oxide, oxygen sedation
severe dypsnea, coughing
blue bloater
chronic bronchitis is
smokers cough
chronic bronchitis is more prevalent in
pink puffer, barrel chest, over inflation of air sacs, dyspnea, wheezing, seen in older men
exocrine gland disorder genetic glands over secrete saliva, tears, sweat thick and sticky, contraindicitons, nitrous oxide sedation air polisher ultra sonic scaler rubber dam
cystic fibrosis
cold intolerant
heat intolerant, do not use epi
rhemuatoid arthritis patient schedule app
mid morning
hereditary condition of connective tissue, joints, and skeletal tissues, high vaulted palate tmj disorders, long narrow teeth, class three occlusion
marfan syndrome
porcelin doll appearance widening of the pdl immobility of the skin
blueish discoloration of primarily the fingers and toes, cold temps or stress
raynaud phenomenon
hereditary blood disorder red blood cells become sickle shaped due to defect in hemoglibin (crescent moons) immunocompromised
sickle cell anemia
sickle cell trait
assymptomatic carry one of the autosomal recessive genes
autoimmune neruomuscular disorder characterized by extreme muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing problems chewing watch for risk for aspiration contraindicted ultra sonic/air polisher/
myosthenia gravis
hiv aids reduce cd4 helper —, 3 month app
Epi should be avoided in patients who are taking all of the following except A. Synthroid B. Lanoxin C. Chantix D, Beta Blocker
Which of the following is the serum marker for HIV infection A. HBsAG B. HIV antibody C. HAV D. HBcAG
Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for all of the following except A. previous coronary artery bypass B. heart valve prosthesis C. Cardiac transplant D. chronic renal failure
expohalthalmus is a sympton of which condition
a. cretinism
b. hypothyroidism
c. hyperthyroidism
d. marfan syndrome
episodic vasoconstriction of digits due to cold temps is a symptom of what
a. marfan syndrome
b. reyes syndrome
c. raynauds phenomenon
d. ediermolysis bullosa
in the emergency treatment of angina pectoris the mechanism of action of nitroglycerin is
a. relaxation of the cardiac muscle
b. blocking beta adrenergic receptors
c. relaxtion of the vascular smooth muscle
d. reflex decrease in heart rate and contractility
mucosal pallor, delayed tooth eruption, and atrophy of tongue papillae smooth tongue
a. chrohns disease
b. hep
c. chronic renal failure
d. sickle cell anemia
stage one hypertension is classified when a clients bp has a consistent reading of a. 145/98 b. 110/75 c. 160/110 d, 120/80
a client on hypertensive meds is most likely to experience what problem in the dental chair
a. xerostomia
b. hypoglycemia
c. hyperglycemia
d. orthostatic hypotension
nitrous oxide sedation should be avoided in patients with which condition
a. asthma
b. tb
c. chronic bronchitisi
d. unproductive cough
your client is rebecca a 47 year old smoker who explains that her asthma was from being exposed to second hand smoke at a very young age she compains of worsening symptoms of cough attacks heavy plegm wheezing and difficulty breathing, what is this
chronic bronchitis
which cardiac condition does not need antibiotic premed prior to invasive dental treatment
a. valve replacement
b. congestive heart failure
c. coronary bypass surgery
d. unrepaired congenital effects
what is a common symptom with clients who have congestive heart failure
a. candidasis
b. headaches
c. chest pains
d. swollen annkles