Community Dental Health Flashcards
every nth to participate
what is being measured or observed
the outcome of interest, should change in response to intervention
dependent variable
the intervention, what is being manipulated
independent variable
a science that describes data for the purpose of making interpretations
allows one to generalize from the sample to a larger group of subjects
inferential statistics
a table showing scores from lowest to highest
data matrix
the symmetry of the curve
more scores are in the lower range
positive skew
more scores are in the higher range
negative skew
peak of the curve is
describes how wide the scores are around a central point
measures of dispersion
most commonly used method of dispersion in the research, the larger the number representing the standard deviation, the wider the distribution curve
standard deviation
the degree to which a data collection instrument measures the variable it is designed to measure
consistent performance by the same investigator when using a data collection instrument
consistent performance by different investigators when using the same data collection instrument
the process of establishing a relationship between a measuring device and the units of measure helps increase interexaminer reliability
the ability of a test to correctly identify the presence of a disease
the ability of a test to correctly identify the absence of a disease
direct association between two variables, as value of x increases the value of y increases, as the value of x decreases the value of y decreases
positive correlation
the score on the scale predicts an opposite score on the other scale. the value of x increases the value of y decreases, as the value of x decreases the value of y increases
negative correlation
used when testing hypothesis
p value
number of live births
rate of illness in a population
the number of new cases in a population at risk during a particular period of time, conveys information about the risk of contracting a disease
the number of new and old cases of a disease in a population in a given period of time, tells how wide spread the disease is
seeks to compare those diagnosed with a disease with those who do not have the disease for proper exposure to specific risk factors
retrospective study
a cohort is classified by exposure to one or more specific risk factors and observed into the future to determine the rate at which disease develops
prospective study
a group is observed over a long period of time
an expression of clinical observations in numeric value
measures the presence or absence of a condition
measures all the evidence of a condition past and present
a methodology of identifying the cause of disease through the assessment of risk factors, must be individualized for each patient
GI gingival index is
can be used to determine the prevelance and severity of gingivitis in cohort groups as well as in individual dentitions
designed to detect early symptoms of gingivitis
useful in short term clinical trials
Sulcular bleeding index
Difference in PDI and PI is
PDI measures loss of attachement and PI does not
What requires use of a special probe?
PSR periodontal screening and recording
Established by WHO to determine periodontal treatment needs rather than periodontal status. Also requires use of a special probe
the community periodontal index of treatment needs
measures oral hyg status
simplified oral hygiene index
what is used in conjuction with GI
PII plaque index (silness and loe)
complete examination- includes mouth mirror, and explorer, lighting, through raidographs study moedels and tests as needed
type 1
limited exam- mouth mirror and explorer, lighting posterior bitewings and select periapicals
type 2
mouth mirror and lighting inspection
type 3
screening tongue depressor and lighting
type 4
broad based statement
specific statement
objective steps to achieve the program goals
the patient begins to experience gratification and self satisfaction, behavior is modified
the patient tests new concepts acts based on perceived needs
old ideas are discarded for new ones in an affort to change, motivation to act
patient personalizes information
self interest
correct information is obtained but it still lacks personal meaning
the patient has incomplete or inaccurate information
outcome evaluation, after the program examining the processes or activities of a program after they have taken place, measures impact of a program
during the program, examining the process or activities of the program as they are taking place
the united states department of health and human services is
the individualized counseling is an example
of conveniance