Oral pathology Flashcards
complete absence of teeeth
one or several teeth are missing
bulls teeth
more common in down syndrome clients
teeth are joined at cementum
two teeth have developed from a single root
two teeth are joined during development resulting in one large tooth
tooth within a tooth
most common max laterals
dens in dente
white plaque/patches on oral mucosa cannot be wiped off, may be related to tobacco use, h
hairy leukoplakia is associated with what patients
hiv caused by EBV usually benigh
milk white lesions of buccal mucosa that disappears when stretched, more prominant in dark skin individuals
fissured tongue is common in down syndrome
most common place for sialolithasis
whartons duct
ranula most common place
most common tumor of the salivary gland
pleomorphic adenoma mixed tumor, benign
most common tumor of the oral cavity
caused by hpv
often found in soft palate and uvula
cauliflower like
pregnancy tumor
most common in children and young adults
pyogenic granuloma
hsv 1
oral herpes
tx acyclovir or antiviral creams
genital herpes
HIV infected patients usually get
kaposi sarcoma hhv8
herpangia and hand foot and mouth
coxsackie virus
bulls eye
steven johnson syndrome
skin disease that may appear as fine lack like white lines, whickams striae or red ulcerations
lichen planus
located around crown of impacted tooth, commonly wisdom teeth impaction and max canines
replaces totoh
primordial cyst
heart shaped appearance
found between max lat and canine
located over the max canine region may swell may lift ala of the nose
oral cancer most common
squamous cell carcinoma
most common usually benign, primarily enamel and dentin tissue, resembles teeth
which of the following is described as a multilocular radiolucency ususally found in the posterior region of the mandible
Which of the following is described as a multilocular radiolucency? Honey combed usually found in the posterior region of the mandible?
a. cementoma
b. radicular cyst
c. ameolblastoma
d. condesning osteotitis
All of the following contribute to green stained teeth except
a. poor oral hygiene
b. hyperbinema
c. increased iron intake
d. chromogenic bacteria
The term used to describe congenitally missing more than 6 teeth is called
what term is best used to describe angular notching of the cervical area of the dentin caused by bending forces applied to the tooth?
benign lesions of red dots that are predisposed to malignancy and are often associated with white hyperkeratotic coarse nodules that often appear in tobacco users is
nicotine stomatitis
a client presents with symptoms of malaise fever lymphaenopathy and describes an initial infetion of painful red multiple vessicles orally that had progressed to ulcers this client has signs of
herpes simplex virus 1