Subpart 3D - Facilities and Operating Standards, NHPs Flashcards
How often must hard surfaces with which the NHPs come in contact with be spot-cleaned?
What must occur if drip or constant flow watering devices are used to provide water to the animals?
Excess water must be rapidly drained out of the animal areas by gutters or pipes so that animals stay dry.
What are the temperature guidelines for indoor housing and the sheltered part of outdoor housing of NHPs? When must auxiliary ventilation be provided?
Must not rise about 85F or fall below 45F for more than 4 consecutive hours. When temps are above 85F
How large must shelters in sheltered outdoor housing/ outdoor housing facilities be?
Large enough to provide protection to each NHP housed. If aggressive or dominant animals are housed, there must be multiple shelters or other means to ensure that each NHP has access to shelter
The outdoor area of a sheltered housing facility must be enclosed by what? How tall must the fence be and how far must it be from the primary enclosure, unless approved by the Administrator? What must the fence restrict access by?
A fence of sufficient height to keep unwanted species out. 6 ft, 3 ft. Unauthorized humans and animals the size of dogs, skunks, and raccoons from going through or under it.
When is a perimeter fence not required?
- Outdoor walls of the primary enclosure are made of sturdy, durable material, high enough, and constructed in a manner that restricts contact with/entry of humans and animals outside the sheltered housing facility
- Surrounded by a natural barrier, with permission from Administrator
Fixed public exhibits housing NHPS, such as zoos, must have what?
A barrier between the primary enclosure and the public at any time the public is present that restricts physical contact between the public and nonhuman primates.
Can trained NHPS have physical contact with the public?
Yes, but only if under the direct control and supervision of an experienced handler or trainer at all times during contact.
What NHPs can be kept in outdoor housing?
Only those that are acclimated, as determined by AV, to the prevailing temp and humidity at the outdoor housing facility during the time of year they are at the facility.
Shelters provided in outdoor housing facilities must provide heat to prevent the ambient temperature from falling below what?
How do perches, ledges, swings, or other suspended fixtures account in NHP space requriements?
Minimum space requirements must be med even if perches, ledges, swings, or other suspended fixtures are in the enclosure. Low perches and ledges that do not allow the space underneath them to be comfortably occupied by the animal will be counted as part of the floor space.
How are space requirements for infants and juveniles of various species determined?
Require minimum space of lighter weight species, unless the animal is obviously unable to make normal postural adjustments and movements in the primary enclosure.
Describe space requirements of brachiating NHPs.
With Group 6 (Over 55lbs/25 kg) as they require additional species to engage in species-typical behavior.
Describe space requirements for Great Apes.
Additional volume of space in excess of that required for Group 6 animals. Required for animals over 110 lbs or 50kg.
Who approves exemptions for space requirements for NHPs?
Research facilities: Required by a research proposal or in the judgement of the AV and approved by the Committee.
Dealers/exhibitors: Required by judgement of AV and approved by Administrator