Subpart 3A - Facilities and Operating Standards, Dogs and Cats Flashcards
Can dog and cat housing facilities be located with other businesses? If on the same premises, how must they be separated? What group is exempt?
Must be physically separate from any other business, except for those maintained by research facilities and Federal research facilities. If on the same premise as another building, must be physically separated from the other business so that animals the size of dogs, skunks, and raccoons are prevented from entering.
What dogs and cats do these standards apply to?
Only live animals, unless otherwise stated.
What level of rust is unacceptable on interior surfaces?
Excessive rust that prevents the required cleaning and sanitization, or that affects the structural strength of the surface.
Hard surfaces that dogs and cats come in contact with must be spot-cleaned how often?
How often must floors made of dirt, absorbent bedding, sand, gravel, grass, or other similar material be raked or spot-cleaned? When must contaminated material be replaced?
Sufficient frequency to ensure all animals the freedom to avoid contact with excreta. Whenever this raking and spot-cleaning is not sufficient to prevent or eliminate odors, insects, pests, or vermin infestation.
How must supplies of food and bedding be stored?
Off the floor and away from walls to allow cleaning underneath and around.
How must all open supplies of food and bedding be kept?
In leakproof containers with tightly fitting lids to prevent contamination and spoilage.
What food and bedding can be kept in the animal areas?
Only that which is currently being used.
Where can substances toxic to dogs or cats but required for normal husbandry practices be stored?
Not in food storage and preparation areas, but can be stores in cabinets in the animal area.
If closed drainage systems are used, what must they be equipped with? What must they prevent?
Equipped with traps to prevent backflow of gases and sewage onto floor.
If the facility uses sump or settlement ponds for drainage and animal waste disposal, where must these be located?
Far enough away from animal area of housing facility to prevent odors, diseases, pests, and vermin infestation.
What must trash containers in housing facilities and in food storage and food prep areas have?
Must be leakproof with tightly fitted lids on at all times.
Where can dead animals, animal parts, and animal waste not be kept?
Cannot be kept in foot storage or food prep areas, food freezers, food refrigerators, or animal areas.
When kept in indoor housing facilities, the facility must not fall below what temperature? What animals does this apply to? Who can except this?
50 F (10 C).
Applies to animals not acclimated to lower temps, those breeds that cannot tolerate lower temps without stress or discomfort, and sick, aged, young, or infirm dogs and cats. Except as approved by AV.
What must be provided when temperatures are below 50F (10C) in dog and cat indoor housing facilities?
Dry bedding, solid resting boards, or other methods of conserving body heat.
The ambient temperature must not fall below what temperature, or rise above what temperature, for more than how many hours when dogs and cats are present?
Must not fall below 45 F or rise about 85 F for more than 4 consecutive hours.
Auxiliary ventilation, such as fans, blowers, or air conditioning, must be provided when the ambient temperature is above what?
85 F
Dogs and cats must be provided what type of light cycle?
Regular diurnal.
The floors and walls of indoor housing areas and any other surfaces in contact with animals must be impervious to what? What must the ceilings be?
Impervious to moisture. Ceilings must be impervious to moisture or replaceable.
What are the temperature guidelines for sheltered housing facilities?
Same as for indoor housing facilities, referring only to the sheltered part.