Subpart 3A - Animal Health and Husbandry Standards, Dogs and Cats Flashcards
When can puppies or kittens less than 4 months of age be housed in the same primary enclosure with adults other than their dam or foster dam?
When permanently maintained in breeding colonies
Can dogs and cats be housed in the same primary enclosure with other species?
If they are compatible.
How must dogs and cats suspected of having a contagious disease handled?
Isolated from healthy animals in the colony. If a group or room is expected to have been exposed, group must be kept intact during diagnosis, treatment, and control.
Who must approved the exercise plan for dogs?
When must exercise be provided to dogs housed individually?
Those over 12 weeks of age, except bitches with litters, must be provided opportunity for exercise if kept individually in cages that provide less than two times the required floor space for that dog.
When must group housed dogs be provided the opportunity for exercise?
Must be provided the opportunity if over 12 weeks of age and in cages that DO NOT provide in total at least 100% of the required space for each dog if maintained separately.
For dogs requiring an opportunity for exercise, who determines the frequency, method, and duration?
AV, in consultation with and approval by Committee.
If a dog is housed, held, or maintained at a facility without sensory contact with another dog, what must be provided?
Positive physical contact with humans at least daily.
What are acceptable opportunities for exercise in dogs? What are unacceptable?
Acceptable: Group housing that provides at least 100% of the required space for each dog if maintained separately, individual housing with cages that provide at least twice the minimum floor space, providing access to a run or open area at the frequency and duration prescribed by the AV, or other similar activities.
Unacceptable: Forced exercise methods, such as swimming, treadmills, or carousel-type devices.
If, in the opinion of the AV, it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise because of their health, condition, or well-being, a dog may be exempted from exercise. How often must such an exemption be reviewed?
Every 30 days by AV, unless the basis of the exemption is a permanent condition.
Can a research facility be exempt for the requirement of exercising dogs if the PI determines for scientific reasons that it is inappropriate?
Yes, if documented in Committee-approved proposal and reviewed at appropriate intervals as determined by Committee, but not less than ANNUALLY.
How often must dogs and cats be fed?
At least once daily.
Food receptables for dogs and cats must be placed to prevent contamination with what?
Excreta, pests, rain, and snow.
If disposable food receptacles are used, how often must they be discarded?
After one use.
Self-feeders may be used to feed what type of food? Measures must be taken to prevent what?
Dry feed. No molding, deterioration, nor caking of feed.
How often must be potable water be available to dogs? Cats?
Continuously, unless restricted by the AV for dogs. If not offered continuously to cats, must be offered not less than twice daily for at least 1 hour each time.
When must water receptacles be sanitized?
Before being used to water a different dog or cat or a different social grouping of dogs or cats.
Must dogs and cats be removed from the primary enclosure when cleaning by steam or water?
Yes, unless the enclosure is large enough to ensure the animals would not be harmed, wetted, or distressed in the process.
How often must excreta and food wastes be removed from primary enclosures? Hos often from under primary enclosures?
From primary enclosures daily. From under primary enclosures as needed to prevent excessive accumulation of feces and food waste, prevent soiling of dogs or cats in primary enclosure, and reduce disease hazards, insects, pests, and odors.
How often must primary enclosures and food and water receptacles for dogs and cats be sanitized?
At least once every 2 weeks.
What are acceptable sanitization methods for hard surfaces of primary enclosures and food and water receptacles?
- Live steam under pressure
- Wash with hot water (at least 180F) and soap or detergent, as with a mechanical cage washer
- Wash all soiled surfaces with appropriate detergent and disinfectant, or by using combo detergent/disinfectant product, with a thorough cleaning of the surfaces to remove organic material, so as to remove all organic material and mineral buildup, and provide sanitization followed by a clean water rinse
How are housing areas that use gravel, sand, grass, earth, or absorbent bedding sanitized?
Removing the contaminated material as necessary to prevent odors, diseases, pests, insects, and vermin
An effective program for control of what pests must be implemented?
Insects, external parasites of dogs and cats, and bird and mammal pests.
Who must sign the program of veterinary care for dogs?
How often must the AV visit all premises where animals are kept to assess and ensure adequacy of veterinary care?
At least once every 12 months
How often must a complete physical exam be performed on all dogs?
Not less than once every 12 months.
What vaccination and parasite prevention plan must be in place?
Vaccination for contagious and/or deadly diseases of dogs (rabies, parvovirus, and distemper) and sampling and treatment of parasites and other pests (Fleas, worms, coccidia, giardia, and heartworm) in accordance with a schedule approved by the AV
Preventative care and treatment plans must ensure what?
Healthy and unmatted hair coats, properly trimmed nails, and clean and healthy eyes, ears, skin, and teeth
What must dog medical records include?
- Identity of the animal, including marks, tattoos, or tags and breed, sex, and age. Routine procedures, such as vaccines, preventative medical procedures, or treatments performed on all animals in a group may be kept on a single record.
- If a problem is identified, the date and description of the problem, exam findings, test results, treatment plan, and treatment procedures performed
- Name of all vaccines and treatments administered and dates of administration
- Dates and findings/results of all screening, routine, or other required or recommended test or examination
How long must the medical records for dogs be kept by the research facility?
For the duration of the research activity and an additional 3 years after the dog is euthanized or disposed of.
How long must a dealer or exhibitor maintain dog medical records for?
At least 1 year after the dog is euthanized or disposed of.