____________ is a series of government code sections, which govern collective bargaining for represented employees of the state of California
The Dills Act
Union stewards are authorized to use most things, except
NO state vehicles
For a substance test to be effective, each supervisor must ensure __________ is supported by proper documentation
Reasonable suspicion
The state’s substance testing policy requires the involvement of specified ____________ in all substance tests as a confirming official before any sample can be collected
Specified Managers
You are the on duty supervisor when you reasonably suspect a non-sensitive employee of substance abuse while at work. Should you attempt to solicit a test?
When an organization representative posts any material on an area bulletin board, materials shall be dated and initialed by the organization representative, and a copy SHOULD / SHALL be provided to the commander or their designee.
By policy, the department has extended POBR to all employees except to ?
Cadets. No POBR for cadets
In regards to employee counseling by a supervisor, what is the primary difference between formal and informal counseling?
An internal investigation shall be initiated with __________ concurrence
Prior to conducting an interview with an employee regarding potential CRIMINAL acts, investigator shall issue a _____________
Issue a Miranda Warning
According to HPM 10.2, investigations of allegations of misconduct shall be done how?
Thoroughly, Objectively and in a Timely Manner
The maximum travel distance from residence to work location for non-command employees using a State Vehicle shall not exceed how many miles?
No more than 50 miles
(70 for command staff)
An employee who has _____ or more working days of service in a monthly pay period shall be considered as having a complete pay period of service, or continuous service. 
11+ days
What’s an example of non-discretionary leave? 
Spousal military leave
A leave of absence for up to one year may be granted by the ______________. A one-year leave may be extended up to one additional year, if approved by the appropriate commissioner prior to the expiration of the original one year leave.
Appropriate Commissioner
A chronological log is required for the following investigation(s):
Category I or Category II
Category I investigations need a log
Rank the possible findings of a civilian complaint in the order of severity:
- Sustained
- Unintentional Error
- Undetermined / No finding
- Departmental
- Exonerated
Employees shall not request advances when the estimated expenses are less than $________
Less than $25
All of the following hours count toward the employees 1,250 hours of eligibility for FMLA, except:
- OT Hours
- Holidays
- Union Paid Leave
- Military Leave
Holidays don’t count
How many hours are in the probationary period for an officer?
1680 hours
In determining total hours worked for a probationary period (1680 hours) the following do not count, except
- OT Hours
- Vacation / Annual Leave
- Voided separations
- Military Leave
OT hours DO count
What is the minor repair delegation amount for an X number?
All assistance are rendered voluntarily, or in response to a request, shall be limited to that area within _______ miles of any point along the common border of the affected states.
Within 50 statute miles
Within _______ days of initial notification of or any status change of, an employee injury, illness or hazardous exposure, the supervisor shall record or update the incident on the employees _________.
Three (3) days on CHP 442
The CHP 121 shall be completed by the employee’s supervisor within 24 hours of notification of an alleged occupational injury or illness. The employee shall review and sign the field injury file copy of the CHP 121 within _________ of reporting an injury or illness.
Within 24 hours
During traffic vehicle stops, the desired MINIMUM distance between the violator vehicle, and the patrol vehicle is how many feet?
10 feet
Employees shall be notified that misconduct for which they are being counseled may be charged in a future adverse action, if the written document contains the ________ admonition
Administrative evidence shall be retained for a minimum of how many years?
5 years
It shall be presumed that a person was NOT under the influence of an alcoholic beverage at the time of the alleged offense if their BAC is determined to be ___________
Less than .05%
What professional value is the cornerstone of our profession?
The distance of a patrol vehicle from the suspect vehicle during a felony stop, should be
30 feet
Whenever a minor is taken before a probation officer, or to a place of confinement, the minor is allowed, except when physically impossible to make
2 calls within one hour of being taken into custody
Officers observing a vehicle, traveling 10 MPH or more above the absolute speed limit SHALL/SHOULD/MAY stop and take appropriate enforcement action
During CHP incident, command system operations, the span of control should be limited to a maximum ratio (supervisors to subordinates) of:
1 to 8 (max ratio)
What are the five basic incident command system functions?
- Command
- Finance
- Logistics
- Operations
- Planning/Intelligence
The CHP incident commander shall ensure a written _________ is prepared for all incidents, regardless of size
IAP - Incident Action Plan
Written down
Officers, who were at the scene of a family violence incident involving a threat to human life, or a physical assault, shall take temporary custody of any firearm or other deadly weapon in plain sight, or discovered, pursuant to a consensual search as necessary for the protection of the officer, or other persons present. Weapons shall be held for what time?
Not less than 48 hours
An absence and additional time worked report, STD634, is required to report absences for all of the following reasons, except
- Bereavement
- Jury Duty
- Approved absence without pay for temp leave
A minor who is lawfully detained in a police, or sheriff’s lock up, may not be held in such a lock up for more than _____ hours
No more than 6 hours
Duplicates of the CHP 215, the white copy, shall be retained in the area office files for at least _______ after the completion of the book
6 months
When shall officers make notes on the green copy of a CHP 215?
As soon as practical after the contact
Pursuit reports shall be completed and routed to the respective division within _______ days from the date of the pursuit 
Does an employee who is representing himself in a grievance or complaint have the right to state release time for preparation? 
No - no right to release time
Employees who qualify for relocation status may claim per diem allowances for a maximum of ____ days while actively searching for a new residence in their new headquarters 
60 days
In those circumstances where departmental policy does not provide specific direction or guidance, regarding the topic of search and seizure officers shall do what?
Comply with guidelines outlined in CPOLS
Normally, two officers shall be assigned to a field patrol unit between the hours of
2200 and 0600
According to the MOU, sickleave may be used in increments of
30 minutes
In regards to progressive discipline, the following are forms of corrective documentation:
- Form 2 (Censurable Incident Report)
When a firearm is taken into custody by law-enforcement, the officer shall issue the person who possess a firearm a receipt. At a minimum, the following information should be documented on the CHP 36. 
- Make
- Model
- Serial Number
70.6, use a force, shall be reviewed by all officers and sergeants at what interval. 
When are area FTEP coordinators to arrange for all trainees to be interviewed by either the area commander or an area management level designee?
At end of 1st and 3rd phases
Minimum deployment range of 37mm non-lethal launcher
10 feet
What offense is not required to be reported on a CHP 729, uniform crime report? 
Felony vandalism
But you would report Arson, Forcible Rape, homicide
A represented employee complaint or grievance alleges a violation of the CONTRACT?
When booking money, money shall be counted by ___ employees, one of whom should be a supervisor. Both shall initial the evidence form next to the amount.
2 employees
SHOULD be a supervisor
The property supervisor shall conduct inspections of the property system how often?
An officer issues a citation for tinted windows. The citizen files a complaint, stating that it is a waste of the departments resources. Which finding would be most appropriate?
Mustaches shall not extend more than _______ beyond the corners of the mouth, nor below the vermilion border of the upper lip or more than ________ below the corner of the mouth 
Can’t exceed 1/2 inch beyond corners
Can exceed 1/4 inch below corners
Activities, relating to direct field supervision of officers involved in routine Patrol duties are charged to beat _________
When an area explorer post receives donations they shall be deposited into the post account within how many hours from receipt?
72 hours
A admonishment given in administrative interrogations, which advises the subjects of the interrogations, that they do not have the right to refuse to answer administrative questions is known as a _____________ admonishment
Lybarger Admonishment
Drugs with a street value of $_______ or greater, shall NOT be stored in an evidence locker (including pass-through cabinets)
The department is obligated to provide its full range of services, including collision, investigation, code enforcement, and mitigation of highway hazardous material incidents is what kind of jurisdiction?
Proprietary Jurisdiction
If an employee reports a recurrence of an injury or illness, they shall prepare a ______ within 24 hours
CHP 51 -memo
Regarding citizens complaints, the normal suspense period for complaints received at the command, or forwarded from BIA is _________
60 days
A CHP121 shall be completed by the employee supervisor within how many hours of notification of an alleged, occupational injury or illness?
CHP 121 Within 24 hours
Threshold incidents are defined as those incidents which have a high probability of resulting in the department or state of California as a defendant in a civil lawsuit. This requires what kind of notifications to ENTAC?
Optimal deployment range for the less lethal shotgun
5-60 feet
Areas are required to provide printed news release to the media how soon in advance before a DUI checkpoint
48 hours
An arrested person has the right to make at least ___ completed phone calls immediately upon being booked or detained and, except where physically impossible, no later than ______ hours after arrest
All citizens complaints, investigated by this department are classified as either 1.
- Category I
- Category II
- Other
Any employee covered under the POBR who expresses a desire to submit a response to a complaint and investigation, or any corrective documentation, should be directed to GC, 3306. This section specifies that such a rebuttal must be written and received by the department within how many days?
30 days
An officer is driving a patrol car when he collides with a parked vehicle in the parking lot of a Taco Bell. As a supervisor, what forms need to be filled out?
- STD 270 (within 48 hours)
- CHP 208 (within 7 calendar days)
What has to be included at the bottom of an MOD?
Bazemore admonition
When a departmental supervisor or manager is notified of or discovers alleged misconduct, on the part of an employee, what shall the supervisor do as soon as practical?
Notify the next level in the chain of command 
What contains the terms and conditions of employment for represented employees? 
The collective bargaining agreement (CBA)
Interviews conducted on state time shall be _____
If there is a civil rights investigation, the decision to consent to the interview with an outside investigator is the sole discretion of the _________
The employee
Supervisor shall be present if interview is on state time, shall be recorded
What is the 100 form for Sergeants? 
State law dictates the _________ as the central planning point for multi agency efforts 
County sheriff
Interstate mutual assistance is reciprocal assistance between the CHP and who? 
Oregon state police, Nevada highway patrol, and Arizona department of Public Safety 
Whether in pursuit, or for collision investigative follow up, supervisory approval, should or shall be obtained prior to entering the adjoining state?
Jurisdiction Type
“We’re gonna do it. We’re obligated”
Proprietary Jurisdiction
A motorist claims diplomatic immunity, but has no identification to verify the claim. What should the officer do? 
A supervisor SHALL be promptly notified and SHOULD respond to the scene whenever possible
If immunity is verified after determining a subject to be DUI, the subject shall not be arrested and must be permitted to drive from the scene. True or false? 
In regards to diplomatic immunity, a photocopy of each 215, 216, or 202, SHALL BE sent via email within ______ hours to assistant commissioner field 
48 hours
Will the department respond to officer needs assistance calls at California custodial facilities? 
For a substance test to be effective, each supervisor must ensure that what exists?
Reasonable suspicion
What amendments are issues when it comes to collecting substance abuse tests?
4th amendment
5th amendment
14th Amendment
Administrative evidence is kept for how many years? 
5 years
The supervisor who made the initial determination of reasonable suspicion must prepare a reasonable suspicion report using the _______ form
CHP 202 X
Who plays the most important role in any successful substance testing program? 
The first line supervisor 
What amendment protects an employee from self incrimination? 
5th amendment
Are cadets considered sensitive positions?
Are officers permitted to ram motorcycles, if necessary? 
In regards to pepper spray, the projector should not be aimed directly at the eyes at a distance less than ____ feet
Less than 5 feet
Use of force report 
CHP 275
CHP 275
Use of force report
Reports of use a force shall be documented on a ________ (potential civil litigation report)
CHP 268
Is an officer’s demeanor considered to use the force option? 
Uniformed employees must be guided by which key principle in the understanding and application of the use of force policy 
The use of only that force REASONABLE for the situation, as provided by law, and in conformance with departmental policy
Supervisors approval to destroy an animal should or shall be obtained with consideration of the geographical location in the employees experience
The Explorer post coordinator shall be at the rank of 
Sergeant or above
A minimum of ___ adult advisers and ___ explorers is required to charter an explorer post 
Who provides the second level of review for all explorer background investigations 
Explorer Post Coordinator
While on duty, supervisor should or shall have copies of the CHP 103 in their possession 
A juvenile may not be detained longer than how many hours? 
When a minor has been taken into custody, the officer shall advise the minor of what?
Of their constitutional rights
Do it not matter what. Whether questioning them or not. Not to their parents, advise the minor.
Amber alerts shall only be initiated by the department through who?
Upon receipt of child abduction, related info, whether or not they believe the criteria exists to warrant departmental assistance, supervisor shall notify who?
Appropriate communications center
Amber alert criteria:
3 things
- Victim is 17 or younger (or person with mental/physical disability)
- Victim is in imminent danger of injury/death
- There is info that, if put out to public, could assist in recovery of victim
True or false? A blue alert can only be issued if a LEO has been killed.
For a silver alert, the minimum age for a missing person is how many years of age 
What alert would be the most appropriate to use for a missing developmentally disabled person? 
What alert color would be most appropriate for a hit-and-run incident? 
True or false? Officers have the authority to issue an emergency protective orders (EOP) in the field without the approval of a judge 
It’s not issued until the judge approves and signs it
If an officer accepts custody of a private person’s arrest, and then decides to cite and release that party, what shall the officer do? 
Enter “Private Persons Arrest” in special box of the CHP 215
Once the booking process has begun for a violator, who refused to sign a ticket, can they be permitted to sign or be released? 
No - too late!
Who shall determine prevent-ability of injuries, illnesses and hazardous exposures, and shall implement appropriate corrective measures? 
Employees may claim _____ round-trip to their residence for every three weeks of training or as authorized by the assistant commissioner at any time during the three week period.
ONE for every 3 weeks of training
Is a use of force on an individual resulting in an injury by itself, considered a threshold incident
An officer is driving a patrol vehicle when he collides with a parked CHP patrol vehicle in the back parking lot of the area office. As a supervisor what is the most appropriate action for you to take 
- STD 270
- CHP 208 within 48 hours
Within 24 hours of reporting a recurrence of an injury or illness, the employee shall complete what?
CHP 51 memo
One of your officers is temporarily assigned to an adjacent CHP area to assist with a civil disturbance. During the civil disturbance, the officer is injured and receives medical treatment. This would be documented on OSHA 300 log for which area? 
Command where officer is PERMANENTLY assigned
When completing a CHP, 36, the booking date, and the receipt date by the property officer may differ by no more than __________ days, taking into consideration, weekends and state holidays
3 calendar days
Money shall be counted by two employees. Does one of them have to be a supervisor? 
It SHOULD be. But not a shall
Normally, up to a max of ____ hours may be authorized to prepare and present a grievance or complaint 
4 hours
Who is responsible for seeing that the employee relations policies of the CHP are properly administered 
Managers and supervisors 
Employee relations program is to encourage ______ relations between the department and its employees 
A represented employee __________ alleges a violation of the contract 
The state currently has 21 representational units which are generally segregated along occupational lines. The department employees represented employees in ________ of these 21 units. 
12 of the 21
If there is a conflict between departmental policy and the provisions of a negotiated contract, the ________ shall be controlling 
Issues with hours and wages would be a complaint or grievance?
A pursuit report must get to division within _____ days.
Division has _____ calendar days to submit this report
7 calendar days from area to division
10 calendar days from division to HQ
All employees are required to review their command specific EOP, emergency operations plan, how often? 
The departments enforcement efforts must be consistent with _____________, and must be based on sound professional judgment 
The organizational values
A minor has the right to how many phone calls within how many hours? 
At 10 mph or more below the speed of traffic, the officer SHOULD, SHALL or MAY stop and take appropriate enforcement action 
Can an Officer stop a motorcycle rider solely to determine if the helmet is within compliance? 
When an interrogation of a juvenile will not be conducted, the officer shall advise the minor of their constitutional rights when?
Just prior to the release of the juvenile, to comply with section 625WIC 
How many possible complaint alligation findings are there? 
Statements of complainants and witnesses shall be recorded in all complaints. True or false? 
A chronological log is required for the following investigations: 
Category I
The normal suspense period for the complaints received at the command is how many days? 
60 days
Should members of the public wanting to file a complaint against a CHP officer be directed to the website? 
The exhibit in a complaint should be listed in what order? 
In the order they were collected 
All complainants shall be acknowledged by correspondence within how many days of the departments notification of the complaint?
Five business days
What is the next step after receiving a citizen complaint from a member of the public? 
Notify management
It is the departments philosophy that all citizen complaints will be investigated how? 
Any employee covered under POBR, who expresses a desire to submit a response to a complaint investigation, or any corrective documentation, should be directed to government code 3306, which says this rebuttal must be written, and received by the department within how many days
30 days
Is it the policy of the CHP to provide qualified employees and applicants with a reasonable accommodation? 
Interviews of involved employees, as a result of a citizen complaint, should be conducted when?
After gathering all available information 
When was the Americans with disabilities act, ADA, signed into law? 
July 26 1990
A candidate ride- along can only occur after a request is reviewed and approved by ________ or their designee where the ride along is to be conducted 
Area Commander
The STD ______, Examination / Employment, is the standard application used to apply for all state, employment and promotional examinations 
STD 678
Officers patrolling the highways, observing motorist behavior, or writing reports should or shall remain on their assigned beats, and in public view at all times 
In regards to patrol and general enforcement, all actions shall be accomplished in a __________________________ manner 
businesslike, firm, impartial, courteous, consistent manner
What is “the consideration of, or reliance on, to any degree, actual, or perceive race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, gender identity, or expression, sexual orientation, or mental, or physical disability in deciding which persons to subject to a stop, etc”
Racial / Identity Profiling (RIPA)
Arrested ADULT calls
3 completed calls in 3 hours
If, upon questioning, an arrestee is identified as a custodial parent, with responsibility for a minor child, the arrestee shall be entitled to make _____ additional calls for the purpose of arranging for the care of the minor child or children in the parents absence. These calls shall be given immediately upon request or as soon as practical
2 additional calls
Minor has right to ___ calls, one to parent/guardian/relative/employer, and one may be to an attorney. These calls are to be allowed no later than _____ after being taken into custody
2 calls in 1 hour
Absolute speed limit enforcement.
At 5 MPH or more above the absolute speed limit, the officer SHALL / SHOULD / MAY stop and take appropriate enforcement, action.
SHALL stop at 5 mph or more over limit
Violators should or shall not be pursued into areas, not intended for vehicular use 
Supervisor, approval should or shall be obtained before citing a motorcyclist for wearing any type of head covering. An officer determines is not a motorcycle helmet. 
Absolute speed limit enforcement.
From 1 to 4 mph above the absolute speed limit, the officer may should or shall stop and take appropriate enforcement, action 
1-4 MPH over
Seatbelt law - Excludes taxi cab operators only when they are operating on a CITY STREET and engaged in the transportation of a fare-paying passenger 
If they’re on freeway, must wear belt
Seatbelt law exceptions - the law excludes newspaper delivery people while _____________ in delivery of newspapers between first and last stops ON THEIR ROUTES
Actually engaged
When are annual performance appraisals (CHP 118) for officers due?
60 days
The supervisor review / approval process for 415’s SHOULD / SHALL take place within ____ hours after the end of the employee’s shift.
SHOULD take place
within 24 hours of shift
Money in excess of $_______, seized as evidence or for safe keeping, SHALL NOT be stored in a temp evidence locker/cabinet (including pass through cabinets).
Over $1,000
Shall go directly into evidence room safe or safety deposit box at a bank
What length of limited duty can be authorized at the command level, by the commander?
And as a supervisor, you SHALL notify commander if it appears the employee is not making a good faith effort to get better.
And SHALL notify the commander of any significant status changes in the employee’s injury/illness
One year