HPM 70.6 - OFFICER SAFETY Flashcards
What is the legal standard used to determine the lawfulness of a use of force?
The 4th Amendment to the US Constitution and Graham Vs Connor 1989
The Department examines all uses of force from an objective or subjective standard?
What are the 3 primary factors (the Graham Factors) to help determine the reasonableness of a use of force?
- The severity of the crime.
- Whether the subject poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officer or others.
- Whether the subject is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.
Totality of the circumstances means:
All facts known to the peace officer at the time, including the conduct of the officer and subject leading up to the use of force.
___________ force is any force likely to have minimal risk of causing injury to the subject
Non-deadly force
___________ force is any force likely to have significant risk of causing injury to the subject
Intermediate force
Graham Vs Conner:
“The __________ of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a __________ officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of ___________.”
7 Force Options
C - Control Holds
A - Aerosol Subject Restraint
K - Kinetic Energy Weapons
E - Electronic Control Device
D - Deadly Force
I - Impact Weapons (RCB)
P - Personal Weapons
CHP’s Use of Force Policy:
Officers may use force which is objectively reasonable in what scenarios? (4)
- Defend themselves or others
- Overcome resistance
- Affect an arrest/detention
- Prevent escape
While policy cannot realistically predict every possible situation, the decision regarding which force option to select should be guided by the following key principles: (2)
- Sound professional judgement
- Use of force that is objectively, reasonable based on the totality of the circumstances, perceived by the officer at the time as provided by law, and in conformance with departmental policy.
Is an officers demeanor considered a use of force option?
Does using departmentally approved handcuffing techniques on a compliant subject constitute a use of force?
Once an officer no longer perceives a threat is deadly force still justified?
ADW - Vehicle
Deadly force is justified in self-defense while an assault with a deadly weapon (ADW) with a vehicle IS ACTUALLY BEING COMMITTED. Officers shall not ________________________.
Shall not stand and/or step in front of/behind a vehicle in an attempt to impede its movement (escape)
This intentionally creates circumstance where use of deadly force appears to be necessary
Warning shots shall not be fired, except under the same conditions which authorize the use of what?
Deadly force
And only if the firing of shots is not likely to endanger innocent people
Officers should not place their finger on the trigger of any firearm except under the following 2 circumstances:
- When actually firing the firearm
- When the firearm is pointed at an identified target in the use of deadly force is justified.
The discharge of a firearm at a wrong way, high speed or reckless driver, or vehicle solely on the assumption that other persons MAY be injured or killed unless the driving act is terminated, is or is not authorized?
NOT authorized
When shall officers notify their supervisor after a use of force incident?
As soon as practical
Officers who are involved in a use of force incident, but are not the arresting officer, shall complete what?
Shall complete a supplemental report to the arresting officers report
When officers are involved in or witness an incident in which they believe excessive force is currently or may have been used by ___________, they shall take immediate action to stop the excessive force.
ANY peace officer
Following a possible excessive force incident, the officer shall immediately notify __________ and submit a report, thoroughly documenting the events
A CHP supervisor
How soon shall a supervisor or manager respond to the scene of an incident of excessive force?
As soon as practical when notified.
Make sure investigation is conducted and documented.
This includes incidents involving CHP, an allied agency or both.
How often are uniformed employees required to review use of force policy?
The supervisors approval to destroy an animal SHOULD or SHALL be obtained with consideration of the geographical location and the officers experience.
If possible, the owner’s permission to destroy an animal SHOULD or SHALL be obtained
The Discharge of Firearms at Animals chapter of policy shall be reviewed how often by sergeants and below?
In the event an animal is shot, the officer shall submit a _________ to their commander
CHP 51 - memo
Upon observing a violation, the officer should stop the violator’s vehicle when?
As soon as possible
The desired minimum distance between the PV and violators car should be _______ feet on a traffic stop.
10 feet
And should offset slightly to left.
Employees SHOULD or SHALL wear seat belts at all times when operating a departmental vehicle / or as passenger
A PV using siren SHOULD or SHALL pass traffic on the left?
An officer should also only pass on the right when no other course is open and only when red light and siren have been turned off.
Legal Intervention methods?
- Channelization
- Roadblocks
- Ramming
- Spike Strip
- Boxing In
- Use of firearm
Officers SHOULD NOT or SHALL NOT trail the pursuit without supervisory approval
Shall not trail
Upon being notified of a pursuit, the supervisor shall immediately ____________________
Notify comm center they are joining or monitoring the pursuit
A pursuit should not be undertaken if the subject can be ____________ to the point where later apprehension can be accomplished. A pursuit should not be initiated if the __________ of pursuing or continuing the pursuit are too great.
Officers shall not trail a pursuit without ____________________
Supervisor approval
If the pursuit is assumed by another CHP Area or allied agency, the initiating officer and the participating supervisor should do what?
Proceed, at legal speeds, to the termination point to provide guidance and info required for the arrest
A supervisors permission SHOULD or SHALL be obtained prior to initiating legal intervention in a pursuit?
Officers SHALL NOT ram motorcycles except when?
When deadly force is authorized
PIT/ramming should not occur when either the pursued vehicle or the pursuing vehicle is driving in excess of ___ MPH
35 MPH
The spike strip SHOULD or SHALL NOT be used to stop motorcycles, mopeds
Spike strip SHOULD NOT be used to stop these vehicles unless the continued movement of pursued vehicle or would result in an unusual hazard:
- Veh transporting hazmat
- passenger bus with passengers
- school bus with pupils
A supervisor shall evaluate all pursuits and complete a ____________ (Pursuit Report) when incident meets the definition of a pursuit.
CHP 187
All pursuit reports shall be documented using the automated ____________ System.
The entry into this system shall be completed within ____ days
Pursuit Reporting System (PRS)
Within 10 days
CHP form - Pursuit Report
CHP 187
At end of pursuit, the supervisor SHOULD conduct a ___________________ with the officers involved in the pursuit.
Incident debriefing. Purpose is to analyze pursuit techniques and procedures, as well as providing feedback regarding the incident.
After the termination point of a pursuit is determined to be safe and secure, the supervisor (or senior officer on-scene) shall assume _______________
Incident command
and ensure the ICS - Incident Command System is established.
Since pursuit driving may damage PV’s suspension, undercarriage or tires, the driver of the PV SHALL notify their immediate supervisor. The supervisor shall ensure the PV is _____________________
Placed out of service (IF the PV experienced any level of reduced brake-efficiency or damage)
Department policy requires PV speedometers to be calibrated every ___ days or _______ miles using radar or a fifth wheel.
Every 90 days
or 30,000 miles driven
Radar - Officers must complete __ hours of Office of the Academy specialized training and ___ hours of field training before they are certified to operate the equipment for enforcement.
24 hours of Office of the Academy training
30 hours of field training
Radar devices are required to be _______ and ________ at the beginning and ending of each shift by radar operater/officer.
Calibrated and Tested
Parking on freeway ramps for purpose of observing motorist behavior is normally _________
High-risk stop desirable distance of the PV from the suspect vehicle?
30 to 50 feet away from SV
CHP form - Risk Management Potential Civil Litigation
CHP 268
A complete tour of the beat (sweep) SHOULD or SHALL be made at beginning of shift.
Are we allowed to pace speed violators from the front?
No - it is prohibited
Employees at rank of Sergeant and below shall participate annually in a ___ hour Officer Safety Training (OST) day.
8 hours per year
In addition to 8 hour OST day, employees at rank of Sergeant and below shall participate in the ___ hour Arrest and Control training once every ___ years.
4 hours
Every 2 years
The 3 basic principles for all handcuffing techniques are ?
- Balance
- Awareness
- Control
When custody of an arrestee is transferred from one officer to another, the officer accepting custody SHOULD or SHALL search the arrestee?
A strip search or visual body cavity search, SHALL NOT be conducted without the _____ written authorization of the supervising officer on duty (Sergeant / OIC)
PRIOR authorization
The interior of all vehicles SHOULD or SHALL be inspected for weapons and contraband prior to the start of each shift.
When a prisoner or passenger is seated or placed in the back of the PV, the child locks SHOULD or SHALL be used?
When a prisoner or passenger is left unattended in a PV, the ignition key/key fob SHOULD or SHALL be removed from the vehicle?
The secure park feature SHALL be used if PV is left unattended.
The use of the Prisoner Securement Device (eye bolts on floorboard) is REQUIRED or RECOMMENDED for use on all prisoners?
When using the nylon leg restraint on a prisoner and placing them in the PV, they shall be placed on their ______. This will help avoid “positional asphyxia.”
On their side
Striking areas to avoid? (6)
Head - Neck - Throat - Spine - Sternum - Groin
OC spray shall not be used at a distance of less than ___ feet unless extreme hazard exists.
Less than 3 feet
OC spray SHOULD not be aimed directly at the eyes at a distance of less than ___ feet.
Less than 5 feet (not in eyes)
OC spray canisters should be shaken how often to ensure the active ingredient is properly mixed?
Once a month
How often should WMD PPE be inspected?
What type of 12-guage shotgun with kinetic energy munitions do we use?
Remington Model 870
Optimal deployment range for 12-guage shotgun with kinetic energy rounds is ___ to ___ feet.
5-60 feet
What SHOULD be loudly and clearly verbalized to all persons on scene before deploying the 12-guage shotgun with kinetic energy round?
All uniformed employees shall undergo ___ hours of Academy certified ECD training (taser)
8 hours
How often should ECD policy be reviewed?
Optimum deployment distance for ECD?
7 to 15 feet
(Max range is 25 feet)
Max effective range of ECD?
25 feet
ECD SHOULD NOT or SHALL NOT be used on handcuffed persons (Unless they pose immediate threat of injury)
ECD SHOULD NOT or SHALL NOT be used on a subject who is simply noncompliant or in control of a vehicle in motion (including motorcyclists)
ECD SHOULD NOT or SHALL NOT be used on pregnant women, elderly, frail persons, persons who appear to weigh less than 80 lbs, young children)
When using the ECD, the officer shall avoid intentionally targeting the _______ (6 locations)
In the case of armed subjects, an ECD should not be used without what?
The cover of lethal force
Every application of an ECD becomes a separate _____________ and must be justified by the uniformed employee.
Use of force
Uniformed employees shall not remove a ECD probe from any of the following areas:
Groin, breast area on female, head and eyes, neck, spinal column and joints
When a subject has been exposed to an ECD, they SHOULD or SHALL receive a medical clearance from a medical facility.
SHALL get medical clearance