HPM 11.1 - ADMIN PROCEDURES Flashcards
The Department’s FISCAL YEAR is a 12 month accounting period starting on _____ and going through _______
From July 1st to June 30th
Employees shall book all travel arrangements through the ____________ online reservation system.
Concur Travel
at caltravelstore.com
Employees shall NOT request travel advances when the estimated expenses are less than $____
Less than $25
For travel expenses - receipts are required for any item that costs over $_____
Over $25
Per Diem expenses are NOT allowed at any location within _____ miles of an employee’s headquarters or primary dwelling.
Within 50 miles
If travel is cancelled after the advance money is received, the check SHALL be returned within ____ days.
Within 30 days
Travel advances (CHP 87 form) can be obtained ___ weeks prior to the travel date.
2 weeks prior
An employee is on “travel status” when they are ___ miles or more away from their headquarters or residence.
50 miles or more
If travel begins at or before 0600 hours, BREAKFAST can be claimed. What’s the dollar amount?
If travel begins at or before 1000 hours, LUNCH can be claimed. What’s the dollar amount?
If travel begins at or before 1700 hours, DINNER can be claimed. What’s the dollar amount?
INCIDENTALS while traveling are paid every 24 hours of trip. (Must be gone 24 hours or more) What’s the dollar amount?
Mandatory overtime meal dollar amount?
Employees may claim an additional overtime meal for each additional ____ hour period. No more than ___ overtime meals can be claimed for each 24 hour period.
For each additional 6 hour period
No more than 3 meals per 24 hour period
Can employees use rental vehicles while training or instructing at the CHP Academy or Clark Training Center?
No - It is prohibited
You need a receipt for travel expenses over $25. However, a receipt is required when using taxis, shuttles, rapid transit, bridge/road tolls, parking fees or bus if over $______
Over $10
Are privately owned motorcycles authorized as a means of transportation for official state business?
No - So no miles can claimed for reimbursement.
Employees may claim one round-trip to their residence for every ____ weeks of training.
For every 3 weeks of training
Criminal / Civil subpoenas for OUT OF STATE appearances, require notification to who?
AC Field
In the event of an emergency incident, officers required to stay at a specific location WITHIN 50 MILES of their command WILL or WILL NOT be reimbursed for meals and lodging?
They WILL be reimbursed
When a person claims to have suffered a loss of $1,000 or LESS, they shall be provided with a CHP _____ form.
CHP 287 (Claims of $1000 or Less)
CHP 287 (Claims of $1000 or Less) should be filed within ____ months of the date of the alleged incident.
Within 6 months
If damage claim is in EXCESS of $1,000, they should be directed to the state web site to complete a claim form ($25 fee).
A ___ form is not required.
A ___ form is required and claim should be investigated pursuant to HPM 10.4 Citizen Complaints
CHP 287 form not required (that’s for over $1000)
CHP 268 (liability) forms still required
Every time an employee is served a summons / complaint, immediate notification to ____ shall be made.
CMU (Case Management Unit)
They send it to the AG’s office
If CHP is investigating something and we recognize that a person involved is a VICTIM, a _______ form SHALL be issued to the person.
CHP 170 - Notice to Victims of Violent Crimes
When former employee is called to testify for a case from their duty as officer, they are only entitled to _______ witness fees (which are $____ a day)
Civilian witness fees
$12 / day
At the office, can we accept subpoenas for a former employee?
If a former employee’s location is not known, is the Dept allowed to provide the subpoena process server with the employee’s address / telephone number?
NO. Do not share this info.
Form for civil court appearances?
CHP 90
The CHP ___ form is for civil court appearances. You need one form for EACH day and needs to be completed within ____ hours.
CHP 90
Within 24 hours
Maximum liability of a person DUI cost recovery to a government agency is $_________
Max liability is $12,000
The Dept will seek cost recovery when a person is found to be _______ for a collision AND they are _______ drugs or alcohol
at fault for a collision
DUI drugs or alcohol
For DUI cost recovery to happen, the person must be _________ or pled ________ to DUI.
Convicted of DUI or
Pled no contest to DUI
Regarding DUI cost recovery, it IS / IS NOT considered a conviction if the suspect agrees to plea bargain to a lesser charge.
Is not considered a conviction.
Completed CHP 735 (DUI cost recovery) shall be submitted to Fiscal Management Section (FMS) and Accounts Receivable Unit (ARU) within ______ business days after the _______ results are known, there was a _______, drugs only, or BAC of less than .08%
Within 10 business days
After alcohol results are known
CHP 735 - Record staff hours spent on the incident to the nearest ______ minutes.
Nearest 15 minutes.
If management is given a subpoena less than 5 days before the appearance, they _____ refuse to accept it.
Notify subpoenaing agency within 48 hours
State form - California state tax exemption waiver for lodging. State employees on official business are exempt from state tax.
STD 236
CHP 268 shall be completed within ___ hours and sent to _____.
Within 48 hours
Sent to ORM (Office of Risk Management)
Is a 208 (Accident prevention report) required when a 270 (Report of vehicle accident) is completed for liability only?
No - the 208 is not required.
Is collecting reimbursement taxable income that’s reported to the IRS?
Current mileage reimbursement rate: $___ per mile
62.5 cents per mile
For a reimbursable contract OVER $50,000, submit a ______ form to ________
78R to Division
PRA Request form is a CHP _______ and should be filled out by the employee, NOT by the requester
CHP 370C
A PRA for an arrest log only does NOT require approval from ____________
ORM - Office of Risk Management or PRU - Public Records Act Unit
When a PRA request is received at office, the office shall send the Dept’s written response to the requester no later than the close of business on the ____th day.
10th day
The date after the request is DAY ONE
If 10th day is weekend or holiday, use next day
PRA Request response must be within __ days
10 days
The date after the request is DAY ONE
If 10th day is weekend or holiday, use next day