All employees are required to review their command-specific EOP how often?
Section ______ of the CVC establishes authority for CHP to enforce laws on all highways in our jurisdiction. Also, the CHP is responsible for assuming IC at any incident in our jurisdiction.
2400 CVC
Section _____ of the CVC establishes CHP as the IC at HAZMAT spills on highways in our jurisdiction
2454 CVC
How many emergency preparedness exercises SHALL all field commands conduct or participate in ANNUALLY
At least TWO per year
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 requires the adoption of ____ by all federal depts/agencies. State governments are required to adopt _____ preparedness, planning, training and exercise requirements as a condition of getting federal funding.
National Incident Management System
Standardized Emergency Management System
(Required by CALIFORNIA law for emergencies in CALIFORNIA)
National Incident Management System
Mandated by Homeland Security. NATIONWIDE approach for federal, state and local governments to work together.
What 2 systems for the department’s EOP (Emergency Operations Plan)?
The ____________ is a major component of NIMS/SEMS and continues to be the CHP’s primary response tool for managing emergency incidents.
Incident Command System
NIMS and SEMS require the use of ____ at the field response level for all incidents.
Incident Command System
The CHP __________ shall ensure that assisting agencies are integrated properly and promptly into the ICS operation.
Incident Commander (IC)
In those instances where the CHP has a SUPPORT role at an emergency incident, its the responsibility of the on scene supervisor to assume the role of the Dept’s _____________ in order to facilitate proper integration into the system being setup.
Agency Representative (AREP)
Most senior officer on scene is the _______ until relieved by a higher ranking person.
IC (incident commander)
After ICS has been initiated, an __________ should be established
ICP - Incident Command Post
Maintaining an adequate SPAN OF CONTROL is critical in ICS. The span of control for CHP ICS operations should generally be limited to a MAX of __ to __ ratio. (Supervisor to Officer ratio)
1:8 (is the MAX)
(One supervisor to eight subordinates)
Optimal ratio is 1:5
Who will be responsible for communications during state emergencies?
ENTAC (Emergency Notification Tactical Alert Center)
At a multiple jurisdiction or multiple agency emergency incident, ALL RADIO communication should be conducted using ___________-
Clear language. Don’t use CHP radio codes.
5 Basic ICS Functions:
- Command (IC, PIO, safety officer, etc)
- Finance (Time cards, money)
- Logistics (Procurement of Personnel & Equip)
- Operations (Personnel & Equip)
- Planning / Intelligence (Game Plan)
The ranking senior CHP uniformed officer on-scene or on duty supervisor shall implement the ____ and ensure the appropriate level of departmental response is initiated.
The hazardous materials contingency plan makes the CHP the ______________ at all hazmat spills on CA highways
State coordinator
The DEOC’s (Division EOC) main purpose is to support the _______________ management during emergency incidents.
field level ICP
The DEOC does NOT take over command of the event/emergency. That responsibility remains with the IC at the field level.
CHP’s 5 types of plans to assist with preparing for, responding to, and mitigating anticipated or actual emergency incidents.
- The EOP (Emergency Operations Plan)
- The IAP (Incident Action Plan)
- the OP (Operational Plan)
- the 72 Hour Self Sufficient Operation
- the EAP (Emergency Action Plan)
EOP (Emergency Operations Plans) are preparedness documents meant to be read and understood (BEFORE or DURING) an emergency.
BEFORE an emergency
The IAP (Incident Action Plan) are the objectives, strategies and tactics determined necessary by the IC to mitigate (AN EXISTING or A FUTURE) emergency incident.
an EXISTING emergency incident
Can be Verbal or Written down
Emergency EVENT-SPECIFIC plans
IAP - Incident Action Plan
OP - Operations Plan - is used for a ________ event.
Scheduled or Planned event
72 hour OP Plan - A plan for self-__________ for commands following an event.
EAP (Emergency Action Plan) is used to assist employees for responding to an incident where?
At their command
(Shall be kept in red binders stored to be accessible to all employees)
Evacuation drills SHOULD be conducted how often?
In event of a bomb, officers are to conduct _________ searches only. Do not enter into vehicles or packages
VISUAL searches
Search teams should consist of ___ officers
Radios or cell phones shall not be used within ____ feet of a suspected explosive device.
Within 300 feet
A CHP _____ is required for release of Haz-Mat
Not needed when fuel, oil or coolant release or threatened less than ___ gallons spilled on highway
CHP 407E
Not needed for less than 42 gallons
A CHP 407E is NOT required when less than ___ gallons is spilled on highway
Less than 42 gallons
ANY amount of haz-mat spilled in the ______ requires a CHP 407E
Any spill within _________ (distance) of a school - must notify Superintendent of School
Within 1/2 mile
HazMat releases must be reported to ___________ within 72 hours
County board of health
HazMat releases must be reported to County Board of Health within ______ hours
within 72 hours
SSP (Site Safety Plans) are written or verbal?
Submit with CHP407E
IAP (Incident Action Plans) are written or verbal?
Submit with CHP407E
State computer crimes:
Mandatory notifications to _______
Civil disturbances:
Mandatory notifications to _______
Natural Disasters:
Mandatory notifications to _______
Radioactive Responses
Mandatory notifications to _______
Blue Alerts:
Mandatory notifications to _______
Child Abductions
Mandatory notifications to _______
In Custody Deaths:
Mandatory notifications to _______
Terrorism Information:
Mandatory notifications to _______
After action memo:
Required within ____ days after an event.
Within 60 days
Who will make decision to evacuate the building for a suspicious package