HPM 84.2 - HAZMAT Flashcards
What form needs to be filled out for a HazMat spill?
CHP 407E
3 important terms when discussing HazMat Incident Command
- Authority
- Responsibility
- Jurisdiction
Regardless of the direction the material is flowing, or final location of product, the INTITIAL responsibility rests with the jurisdiction where the _________ or first release of product occurred
First drop
The agency with jurisdiction of the first release has INITIAL overall HazMat Incident Command responsibility
Responsibility for HazMat Incident Command should be assumed by ___________ until relieved by a supervisor or management.
by the senior ranking CHP officer
CHP supervisors SHOULD or SHALL respond to a HazMat incident that occurs outside our authority, but may have an impact on traffic management or state facilities
What management system is to be used at the field level of all hazmat incidents requiring emergency response?
ICS - Incident Command System
How many levels of HMIC (HazMat Incident Command) are there?
- FRA - First Responder Awareness (notification)
- FRO - First Responder Operational (defensive)
- Technician (offensive)
- Specialist (highest level of training in hazmat - offensive - Safety Officer)
- Incident Commander (overall control and responsibility)
Notification of the County Health Officer and the County Board of Supervisors must be made within ____ hours of the employee’s knowledge of the hazmat incident.
Within 72 hours
Who must be notified within 72 hours of a hazmat incident?
(County officials)
County Health Officer and County Board of Supervisors
Designated employees are required to report hazmat incidents to _________________________ if there is a reasonable belief that the release or threatened release poses hazard to human health, safety, property or environment
County Health Officers and Boards of Supervisors
Hazmat Incident Commander should ensure that telephone notification is made to ____________________ ASAP and obtain an incident number
OES Warning Center
Does the CHP or CHP incident commander order or approve a washdown of hazmat for the purpose of scene cleanup for any release? Regardless of size?
NO. CHP does not do this
An ____ is a set of broad objectives giving a general direction and statement of purpose.
Incident Action Plan
What two things need to be developed at a hazmat scene?
An IAP and a SSP
Incident Action Plan and a Site Safety Plan
For minor or non-complex hazmat incidents, does the IAP need to be written down?
IAP does NOT need to be written down
But does for large/complex incidents
In contrast to an IAP, a _____ specifically spells out the strategies that will be used to fulfill the IAP.
Site Safety Plan
An ____ is BROAD while an ____ is SPECIFIC
IAP is broad
SSP is specific
The IAP/SSP is required to be written for ALL incidents - regardless of size
The SSP is required to be written
What shall be submitted along with the CHP 407E?
The IAP and SSP plans
Reporting NOT required for spills less than ___ gallons that are wholly contained within paved portion of highway
Less than 42 gallons
Who is responsible for ensuring telephone notification to the OES Warning Center
The incident commander
The CHP 407E shall be completed and submitted to Division within ___ business days
Within 10 business days
and 30 days to CVS
The CHP 407E shall be forwarded to CVS (commercial vehicle section) within ____ business days
30 business days
Areas shall retain required Hazmat reports for how long?
One year plus the current calendar year
The point of following HMIC (HazMat Incident Command) is to minimize the impact to
- Life
- Environment
- Property
Can the CHP hand over incident command of a HazMat incident that occurs in CHP jurisdiction? Or at state buildings?
What determines the initial overall responsibility for a HazMat spill/incident?
Determining the location of the spill - the first drop!
3 considerations when setting up Command Post for HazMat incident?
Vehicles should be pointing in what direction at a HazMat spill/incident?
Away from the spill
If petroleum gas is spilled on the dirt shoulder and requires REMOVAL of soil, it SHOULD or SHALL be reported?
Reporting is NOT required if there is less than ___ gallons of petroleum gas is spilled on the highway
Less than 42 gallons –> no report
HazMat reporting not required if the release of material is determined to be ___________
Non-hazardous (sugar, water, flour, etc)