For Sgt promotional exam, minimum of ____ years required of officer experience (__ of those must be enforcement related)
Must have 3 years experience (2 must be enforcement)
A former uniformed employee must apply for reinstatement to a uniformed position within ___ years of separation. Shall be submitted in writing to the __________.
Within 3 years.
To the commissioner.
Max travel distance from residence to work location for NON-COMMAND employees using a STATE VEHICLE shall not exceed _______ miles.
Shall not exceed 50 miles.
70 miles for commanders using state vehicle.
Who is authorized to administer the Oath of Allegiance / Declaration of Permission to Work for California state employees?
All uniformed personnel at rank of Sergeant or above. (And non-uniformed commanders)
An employee who has ___ or more working days of service in a monthly pay period shall be considered as having a complete pay period of service.
11 or more working days
Officers on their 12 month probation period, shall receive written appraisals at ___ months, ___ months and ___ months.
At 4 months, 8 months and 12 months
Probationary employees (officers) must work a minimum of _______ hours during the 12 month probation.
At least 1,680 hours
Officers on leave of absence of 1 year or less shall be retrained or re-certified at _____________
At their commands
Officers on leave of absence of 1-2 years shall be retrained at __________
the CHP Academy
Officers on leave of absence in excess of 2 years complete reinstatement training at ___________
the CHP Academy
Leave of Absence Request form
CHP 737
Adoption leave - May be granted without pay for how long?
Up to 1 year
Commanders may grant a temporary leave of absence without pay to any employee for a period not to exceed ____
30 days
Dispatchers can test every ___ months
24 months (2 years)
Officer applicants can test every ___ months
6 months
Pregnancy leave (FMLA) shall be granted for up to how long?
Up to 1 year. Granted by commander.
Short term military leave is leave for ____ months or less
6 months or less
Short term military leave shall be granted for officers with at least 1 year of State service and are afforded ___ days of State pay
30 days of State pay (so they will get paid for the first 30 days of their short term military leave)
Long term military leave is for ______ months
MORE than 6 months (but not longer than 5 years)
Officers must use LEAVE credits, not ____ time, to cover military leave.
Not sick time
Officers are entitled to pay for first ___ days of military leave.
30 days
Officers shall notify their command at least ____ days prior to military leave
at least 30 days prior
Are military trainings, drills, funerals, state of emergencies and other short term commitments considered short term military leave?
Officers whose spouse is on military leave may receive up to ___ days of unpaid leave (Not sick time).
Up to 10 days unpaid leave (Spouse must be in active war zone/military conflict)
Employee who is disabled due to pregnancy/childbirth is entitled to take UNPAID PDL (pregnancy disability leave) for the period of the disability up to ___ months.
Up to 4 months.
If terminated for medical reasons, employees may appeal within ___ days after service of notice of termination
Within 15 days
If an employee is AWOL (absent without using leave) for ___ or move consecutive working days, it will result in automatic resignation.
5 or more working days
Title of a hearing to determine if employee was actually AWOL or not - decision maker will consider and evaluate reasons for the AWOL
Coleman Hearing
CHP form - Address and Emergency Information
CHP 102
Form - Designation of Person Authorized to Receive Warrants
STD 243
CHP Form - Instructions in the Event of Death
CHP 611B
Can employees transfer SICK leave to another employee?
No, but you can transfer other leave credits
Donation of leave credits must be in ______ increments.
1 hour increments
Employees are prohibited from engaging in any secondary employment activity until they have received written approval from _________
Their commander
Incidents of either a commendable or censurable nature are to be documented using a _________ form
CHP 2, Incident Report
The censurable (negative) CHP 2 (Form 2) SHALL / SHALL NOT contain the Bazemore Admonition
Shall NOT
In the event the employee refuses to sign the CHP 2, the supervisor shall write ____________ in the signature box.
“Refused to Sign”
How many days do officers have to write a response to a CHP 2 / Form 2
30 days
If an Adverse Action (AA) is initiated after a CHP 2, what should happen to the CHP 2?
The CHP 2/Form 2 shall be removed from employee’s personnel file and destroyed. All copies of the CHP 2 shall be purged/destroyed.
Employee ID cards are to be issued every ___ years.
Every 5 years. Supervisors responsible for this happening.
Medican Exams - the Dept can’t authorize a physician to provide medical treatment, therapy or rehab or authorize payment for such service… Authorization must come from ______.
Supervisors accompanying employees to a medical appointment shall advise the physician that ____ is the adjusting agent.
A qualifying pay period: When an employee has __ or more working days of service in a monthly pay period.
11 or more working days
Sick leave credits can be used in increments of ___________
15 minutes
Can an employee use sick leave while on vacation?
Yes, if the employee becomes injured or ill (unable to continue vacation activities).
Bereavement leave may be used in increments of _______
1 hour
The use of bereavement leave shall NOT exceed ___ 8 hour days for any one occurrence.
3 eight hour days (24 hours)
2 additional days can be requested if death occurred outside of state
When requesting bereavement leave - employee shall advise the sergeant of these things:
- Relationship to deceased
- City/State of relative
- How long they’ll be gone
- What type of leave credits will be used if exceeding the 3 days
Form - Absence and Additional Time Worked Report (for sick leave/bereavement leave)
STD 634
Is an employee required to tell sergeant if they will be away from their main residence while on sick time?
Can supervisor require employee to submit substantiating evidence (doctors note) to determine if absence is approved?
For an extended absence due to injury/illness, a ____ form is required since they’re using extra sick leave. The form tracks
121 D
This is routed to Disability & Retirement and Injury & Illness case management.
Max accumulation for vacation/annual leave credits
Max vacation hours
816 hours
Employees are entitled to a _____ minute lunch period. This should be taken ___ hours after start of shift and ___ hours before shift ends.
30 minute lunch
3 hours after start / 3 hours before end
Employees are granted ___ minute rest periods every ___ hours of work
15 minute rest periods
Every 4 hours of work