All personnel are required to re-certify in CPR how often?
Every other year.
In first quarter of EVEN numbered years
The minimum standard of first aid training for the Dept is that of an ______
Emergency Medical Responder
EMR training is required for all personnel how often?
Every other year.
Within first quarter of ODD number years
EMR training is required for all personnel how often?
Every other year.
Within first quarter of ODD number years
The CPR mask SHOULD / SHALL be readily available while on duty and SHOULD / SHALL be used when administering CPR?
What shall be completed in every instance in which an ACTUAL injury is incurred while acting in the course and scope of duty?
CHP 121 - Employer’s Report of Occ Injury or Illness
If an injury involves the POSSIBLE exchange of specified body fluids (blood etc) of another person (needle stick, bites, cuts, scratches) the CHP _____ shall include the notation that a communicable diseases transmission was POSSIBLE
CHP 121
Contact only (no injury) with body fluids of another person who is known to carry HIV or other non airborne disease is NOT an injury, but SHALL be documented on a ________-
CHP 121
CHP 121, CHP 121A and memos relating to possible HIV exposures shall be retained by the Dept for ____ years
30 years beyond employees date of separation from Dept
In every instance where a CHP 121 or CHP 121A is prepared to document the exposure to body fluids of another person, the involved employee SHALL be offered what immediately?
Immediate formal medical evaluation (to test for HIV, Hep, and TB)