stress, anxiety, coping Flashcards
Traumatic event that occurs during childhood, including any type of abuse or neglect; exposure during childhood to violence, substance misuse, or mental illness in the home; parental divorce or separation; and/or having a family member who is incarcerated.
adverse childhood experience
A generally normal, healthy response to stress that may present as unidentified worry that may or may not relate to a specific circumstance; may exhibit as feelings of apprehension, as an initial response to threat, or as feelings of uneasiness and dread; may also occur as a response to a specific stressor.
refers to the process of appraising and responding to stressors.
Strategies used by the individual when experiencing a threat to the ego that the ego cannot handle through regular problem-solving strategies.
defense mechanisms
An individual’s response to anxiety-provoking circumstances that results in unmet needs.
The attribution of control of one’s life to other people and on circumstances outside the self.
external locus of control
Worry about a specific and identified threatening event or issue.
A psychophysiologic response to stress with three distinct levels of response: alarm reaction, stage of resistance, and stage of exhaustion.
general adaptation syndrome
A group of characteristics that helps provide resistance to stressful life events; include commitment to oneself and work, feeling control over events and outcomes, and viewing change as a challenge.
Attributing control of one’s life to one’s own actions and motivations.
internal locus of control
A stage of coping during which an individual determines whether or not a stressor has an impact on the person’s well-being.
primary appraisal
Gain that results from an immediate benefit to the individual; specifically, relief from anxiety.
primary gain
The capacity to adapt successfully to adversity.
The stage of coping following primary appraisal. During secondary appraisal, the individual considers how to respond to a threat with the resources currently available.
secondary appraisal
A type of gain or benefit that occurs when an individual experiences indirect benefit from having a disorder or condition; indirect benefits may include financial compensation, disability benefits, personal services and attention, and/or escape from work or a difficult responsibility.
secondary gain
An individual’s perception of demands and the perception of his or her ability to meet those demands.