framework of psychiatric mental health nursing Flashcards
refers to establishing desired life goals and engaging in goal-directed activities that were common before the illness
Areas of wellness (biological, psychological, sociological, cultural, and spiritual) that affect an individual’s ability to respond to stressors and achieve quality of life.
A goal-oriented thought or emotion about future expectations; a feeling that something an individual wants or longs for has a good chance of coming to pass.
Safe and comfortable relationships with people (not necessarily relatives) who will reach out to the patient and be available for help in a time of need as well as for social and supportive interactions.
A state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.
mental health
Any of various conditions characterized by impairment of an individual’s normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning and caused by social, psychological, biochemical, genetic, or other factors.
mental illness
Being with and attending to the patient in a way that promotes a level of human engagement and interchange between the nurse and patient that is meaningful to the patient; may also be described as a condition in which all the nurse’s attention and energy are focused in the moment on the purpose of that moment.
Broad discipline of medicine that encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with mental illnesses.
The nursing specialty in which nurses care for patients with mental illnesses and their family members.
psychiatry-mental health nursing
Period following illness in which symptoms are under control and the individual is able to perform basic self-care; the level of wellness is defined as stable.
Return of symptoms after stabilization.
The capacity to adapt successfully to adversity.
A diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder resulting in substantial impairment in carrying out major life activities.
serious mental illness
The discrimination or social rejection of individuals diagnosed with mental illness.
is the state of enduring pain or distress. It can be related to “pain, sickness, separation, abandonment, death” and can affect one physically, emotionally, spiritually, culturally, and psychologically
Care that accommodates vulnerabilities of trauma survivors, avoids retraumatization and exacerbation of symptoms for those who have been traumatized, and facilitates patient participation in treatment.
trauma informed care
The interaction of biological and environmental factors, such as interpersonal relationships, spirituality, attitudes, and behaviors, in a way that enables individuals to attain a satisfactory quality of life as they define it.
The cognitive map or view of the world that is developed in childhood and adolescence, which includes all the learning that shapes one’s beliefs and feelings about the world.