Steps Flashcards
En que consiste el sx de lesch nyhan
Exceso en la produccion de acido urico sintesis de purina de novo, ligadl a cromosoma x recesivo, como hallazgos defict cognitivo, auto mutilacion, agresion, hiperuricemia, gota distonia, macrocitosis
Genes supresores de tumores
P53 produce induccion de p21, lleva a inhibicion de cdk, activacion ribosomal, y lleva a inhibicion del laso de g1 a s
Que ocurre si hay mutacion en los genes supresores de tumorees y mencione el sx asociado por excelencia que tiene este fenomeno
Division dewcontrolada de las celulas como en el sx de li fraumeni
Inductores del crecimiento tumoral
Factores de crecimiento como la insulina, epo, se unen al receptor de la tirosina kinasa para que pase de g1 a s
Que tiene que ver la bomba sodio potasio atpasa con los digatilicos
Son inotropicos positivos porque inhiben la bimba lo que lleva a inhibir indirectamente el intercamsbio de calcio/sodio, aumentando el calcio intracelular aumentando la contractilidad cardiaca
Que es el colagenk
La proteina mas abundante del cuerpo, organiza y pone recta la matriz extracelular
Colageno tipo l
Es el 90%, compone el hueso, piel, tendones, dentins, fascia, cornea, y participa en la reparacion tardia de las heridas, este esta disminuido en la osteogenesis imperfecta
Colageno tipo ll
Forma el cartilago, cuerpo vitreo,
Colageno tipo lll
En la piel, vasos sanguineos, utero, tehido featl ,participa en la reparacion temprana de las heridas, hayndefict de este en el tipo vasculr de ehlers danlos
Colageno tipo lv
Lamina basal, lentes, es defectuoso en el sx de alport, es el blanco de los anticuerpos den el sx de goodpasture
Que es osteogenesis imperfecta
Enf genetica de los huesos causado por mas comunmente colia1 y colia2, la forma mas comun es autosomico dominante con disminucion de colageno tipo l, manifestaciones son: multiples fracturas y defirmidades con trauma minimo como en el parto, esclera azul, anormalidades de los dientes, perdida de la audicion por conduccion
Defina sx de ehlers danlos
Produccion alterada de colageno que provoca piel hiperextendible, articulaciones hipermoviles, tendencia a sangrar. Hay varios tipos: el clasico que provoca l anterior mencionado y afecta col5a1 y col5a2, y el tipo vascular que provoca tejidos fragiles incluyendo vasos sanguinoes como la aorta, musculos, y orgsnos que se pueden reventar facilmente como un utero gravido, se da por mutacion en gen col3a1
Como se destruye la elastina?
La elastasa, la cual es inhibida por la alfa 1 antitripsina,, por lo que si hay deficiencia de la alfa 1 antitripsina resulta en elastasa incontrolable rompiendo la elastina, como en el epoc
Clinica infeccion herpes virus 1
HSV-1 can cause gingivostomatis (herpes labialis), keratoconjunctivitis, temporal lobe encephalitis, or meningitis. While HSV-1 typically presents “above the waist”, HSV-2 is most commonly a sexually transmitted infection that manifests with genital vesicoulcerations. The initial HSV-1 infection is typically established through the mucosal epithelium in the mouth. The virus then travels retrogradely in the trigeminal ganglion, resulting in a life-long latent infection. Subsequent stress, in turn, reactivates the virus leading to the manifestation of cold sores. Cold sores, caused by reactivation of latent HSV-1 infection, should be differentiated from aphthous stomatitis (canker sores), which have an unknown cause and do not shed viral particles.
Cuerpos de psammoma son tipicos de
are cancer cells that are dystrophically calcified and have the appearance of onion skin on histology. They are also seen in papillary thyroid cancer, meningioma, and mesothelioma.
Clinica que me puede llevar a sospechar en un cancer de ovario
In this postmenopausal patient with bloating, early satiety, fatigue, and ascites, ovarian cancer should be high on the differential.
Dx de trastorno depresive persistente o distimia
Chronic depressive disorder or dysthymia are persistent forms of subclinical, mild depression that, by definition, last for at least 2 years with symptoms present for the majority of days and no period longer than 2 consecutive months without symptoms. Dysthymia is considered a mood disorder as opposed to a personality disorder, despite patients often claiming that they simply have a “depressed personality” to explain the long-term nature of their symptoms. To be diagnosed with dysthymia or chronic depressive disorder, the patient must NOT have any major depressive episodes in the two year period, must NOT have any episodes of hypomania which would be more consistent with cyclothymia, and retain generally normal function despite depressed mood.
Organis retroperitoneales
Suprarenal (adrenal) glands; Aorta and inferior vena cava (IVC); Duodenum (except for the most proximal aspect which is intraperitoneal); Pancreas (head, neck, and body); Ureters, Colon (ascending and descending); Kidneys; Esophagus (lower 2/3); and Rectum (upper 2/3).
48-year-old patient is recovering from acute lung injury following a diffuse pulmonary viral infection. The cell type responsible for the regeneration of the patient’s alveolar epithelium is also functions in:
damaged alveolar epithelial cells are regenerated by type II pneumocytes; these are the same cells that secrete surfactant. Type II pneumocytes compose about 5% of the alveolar wall, however, they are more numerous overall. Type II pneumocytes have the important function of regenerating damaged pneumocytes and secreting surfactant from their lamellar bodies.
Caracteristicas de rechazo hiperagudo
In hyperacute rejection, pre-formed antibodies rapidly bind to the vasculature of the grafted tissue and result in thrombosis. Graft mottling, cyanosis, bloody urine (if the graft is already connected to the bladder), and histological evidence of vascular damage are seen.
Mecanismo hiperagudo de rechazo
example of a type II hypersensitivity reaction in which immunoglobulins bind antigens on the surface of cells. This binding can mediate the recruitment of leukocytes as well as the activation of complement. This, in turn, leads to cellular damage. Other examples of type II hypersensitivity include hemolytic anemia, myasthenia gravis, and Goodpasture’s syndrome.
Hallazgo histologico tipico de rechazo cronico
Sintomas cardinales de intoxicacion por marihuana
slow reflexes, paranoia, anxiety, dry mouth, and conjunctival injection.
Mecanismo de marihuana
The active ingredient in marijuana (aka: weed, pot, reefer, etc.), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), functions by binding to the CB1/CB2 cannabinoid receptor, thereby producing the effect of euphoria, disinhibition, and decrease in pain.