State and globalisation Flashcards
Globalisation definition
The process by which the world has become so interconnected that a variety of non-state actors, global trends and events challegnge territorial borders and state sovereignity
Nation definition
People with shared culture, values and heritage within the same territory and borders - such as Kurdistan or Catalonia
State definition
Institutitons that act as a centre of power applying sovereingity within a border or territory
Nation-state definition
An autonomous political organisation defined by the common ties of a shared nationality and citizenship based upon a recognisable culture manifested through values such as common ancestry or language
Definition and two things part of sov equality
The Westphalian state system
Made states the principal actors on the world stage - each individual state would be sovereign over its own affairs and no other state, or external superior body can intervene within its borders
Two things part of sov equality:
- Territorial integrity
- Political independence
The Montevideo convention 1933 determined a state must possess:
- A defined territory
- A permanent population
- A government
- The capacity to enter into relations with other states
The principle of absolute and unlimited power and the defining characteristic of a state. National sov means that a state has absolute authority over all its citizens within its borders
Definition and examples (3)
Internal sov
The location of sov within a state
- In UK, Westminister Parl possesses legislation sov, but the devolved Scottish and Welsh assemblies may be in the process of achieving de facto sov in their domestic affairs
- Consequences of Uk EU ref suggests popular sov weighs more than legisl sov, since Parl was prepared to ingore the vote, but withdrawal will further change location of sov in UK
- Fluid concept, since, within the state, locatiom of sov may change - 2017 SC determined the Parl, not gov had sov authority to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty
Definition and examples (3)
External sov
That all states are equally sovereign in their relations with each other
- Least powerful state is as sov as the most powerful state and so its territorial inegirty is as legally valid
- Cover of sov is an equally strong protective cover for all states
- According to Westphalian principles, one state may disagree with the way in which another is governed. However, becayse all states possess sov independence, this gives this state no excuse to interfere with another states sov affairs
The way in which states become more linked through their shared membership of intergovernmental and regional organisations. Through cooperation, states no longer approach global relations in terms of maximising their own power
Political globalisation
The process by which the nation state no longer solely take decision affecting its citizens. Instead, decisions are only more polycentric involvong a variety of non state actors (Eg IGOs, non-IGOs such as charities or pressure groups
Economic globalisation
The process by which states across the wor;ld becpome more closly connected and interfependenmt according to the principles of free trade, which leads to the greater transnational flow of goods, services and capital
Definition and two conditions
Washington Consensus
Economic liberalism - has led to the dominance of free market principles in global trade which means:
- States need to encourage global investors (big corporations) by creating favourable conditions - eg low corporation taxes and light regulation)
- Any state that seeks to defy economic globalisation will risk loss if investment nd capital flight (Venezuela or North Korea)
Definition and example
Global financial system
Means government do not, in practice, have complete control over what macro-economic decisions (affecting the whole national economy) that they make
- EG To encourage foreign investment in Vietnam they have a corporate income tax of 20%
2 examples
Individual state economic wellbeing
Global events can also effect this
- 1997 capital flight (investors leaving due to economic uncertainty) from Thailand seriously threatened South Eat Asian prosperity - and it spread to Thailian’s neighbours
- 2007-8 sub-prime mortgage crisis (giving mortgages to people who couldn’t afford them) led to bankruptcy of major US bank Lehman Brothers, provoking a global banking crisis where stock markets throughout the world plummeted and a global recession began and global trade shrunk by 9%