a sense of
authentically connecting to one’s inner self.
It is a positive force. It allows people to
have new experiences and develop new
perspectives that are
self transcendence
intrapersonally connected
with one self, interpersonally connected
with others and the environment,
transpersonally connected with God or an
unseen higher power ; move beyond stressors of everyday life
allows people (person) to have firm
beliefs despite lack of physical evidences.
It enables them to believe and establish
transpersonal connections.
has several meanings that vary on
the basis of how it is being experienced. It
usually refers to an energizing source that
has an orientation to future goals and
important regardless of a perosn’s
religious belief.
they do not believe in the
existence of God
they believe that there is no
known ultimate reality
→ Dimension 1: supports the transcendent
relationship between a person and
God/higher power
→ Dimension 2: Describes positive
relationships and connection that people
have with others
two dimensions of spiritual well being
associated with the state of
doing, a specific system of practices
associated with a particular denomination.
Form of worship. It is a system of
organized beliefs and worship that the
person practices outwardly expressing
represents a balance
→ People gain spirituality by finding a
balance between their values, goals and
beliefs and their relationships with
themselves and with outhers
spiritual health
change as patients grow
and develop.
spiritual beliefs
Impaired ability to experience and
integrate meaning and purpose in life
through connectedness with self, others, art,
music, literature, nature, and/or a power
greater than oneself ; person feels doubt, loss of faith, sense of being alone or abandoned
spiritual distress
assess the __ that reveals patient’s beliefs about life, health and a supreme being
faith history
Communicate through the patient’s
Understand the patient’s _ in life
You don’t have to counteract or to
fight against their own beliefs, you
are just there to _ and _
listen and understand
Ask the patient about their
understanding of __ or
threat that may affect their health
illness limitations