are systems into which healthcare providers routinely enter clinical and laboratory data
healthcare databases
most commonly used forms of healthcare databases are
electronic health records
electronic version of the client data found in the traditional paper record ; longitudinal, generated by one or more encounters in any care delivery setting
electronic health record
is a software that assists the provider in making decisions with regard to patient care
clinical decision support system
real time diagnostic and treatment recommendations
clinical decision support system
is a software that allow physicians to enter order directly into the computer rather than doing so on paper
computerized physician order entry
it eliminates potentially dangerous medical errors caused by poor penmanship of physicians ; eliminates errors, makes ordering process more efficient, enhances patient safety
computerized physician order entry
the process of sharing patient’s electronic health information between different organizations and can create many efficiencies in the delivery of healthcare ; ehr sharing is facilitated through this
health information exchange
can reduce costly redundant tests, facilitates the exchange of information, cost-effective, secure
health information exchange
this technology captures and integrates diagnostic and radiological images form various devices, stores them, and disseminates them to a medical record
picture archiving and communication system
an optical scanner used to electronically capture information encoded on a product ; used for medication
bar coding
tracks patient throughout the hospital and links lab and medication tracking through a wireless communication system ; neither mature nor widely available but may be an alternative to bar coding
radio frequency identification
are computerized drug storage devices which allow medications to be stored and dispensed near the point of care while controlling and tracking the drug distribution
automated dispensing medicines
alerts the nurse about the next dose or cautions about the medications ; take the cart near to the patient, scan the medication and the patient wrist band
electronic medication administration records