is an organism composed of different organ systems, each system composed of organs and each organs made up of cells
man ; atomistic approach
what are the four major attributes of human being
capacity to think
family formation
tendency to seek
ability to use verbal symbols
who is in constant contact with the environment
biophyschosocial and spiritual
in constant interaction with a changing environment
man is an open system
composed of parts which are independent and interralated with each other
man is a unified whole
when was abraham maslow born
april 1, 1908
when did abraham maslow die
june 8, 1970
breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion
security of body, employment, resources, morality, family, health, and property
friendship, family, sexual intimacy
self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect by others
morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts
is a state of complete, physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
health ; WHO 1947
a dynamic state of being in which the developmental and behavioral potential of an individual is realized to the fullest extent
health ; ANA 1980
an integrated method of functioning which is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable
a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind ; state i which someone’s needs are not sufficiently met
what are the dimensions of wellness
genetic makeup, age developmental level, race, sex
physical dimension
how the mind and body interact to affect body function and to respond to body condition influences the health
emotional dimension
encompasses cognitive abilities, educational background, and past experiences
intellectual dimension
includes housing, sanitation, climate, and pollution
environmental dimension
person’s economic level, lifestyle, family, and culture
sociocultural dimension
religious or spiritual beliefs are important components of a person’s behavior towards health and illness
spiritual dimension
what are the models of health and illness
role performance
absence of signs and symptoms of disease or injury
clinical model
ability to perform societal roles, to perform work
role performance model
health is a creative process ; disease is failure in adaptation ; focus of this model is stability
adaptive model
involves the environment, host, and agent
ecologic model
defines the difference between wellness and good health using the 4 processes of being, belonging, becoming, befitting
dunn’s high level wellness
a measure of a person’s level of health the circle of being is a continuously changing state
health illness continuum
examples of this level of prevention are immunization, car seat restraints, family planning, sanitation
primary prevention
examples are screening test, self-examination, physical screening, pregnancy test
secondary prevention
examples are rehabilitation
tertiary prevention
this level of care refers to the activities that a person does for himself in the absence of symptoms
this level of care refers to immunization and occupational health programs ; disease oriented
this level of care requires hospitalization, it involves diagnostic and treatment services
level of care that involves restoration of a person to the fullest physical, mental, social, and economic usefulness
stage of illness where the person comes to believe something is wrong
symptom experience
stage of illness where the person seeks confirmation from family and friends ; self-care treatment and delayed healthcare contact
assumption of the sick role
stage of illness that validates the real illness ; seeing a doctor
medical care contact
stage of illness where a person accepts dependence on client care
dependent client role
stage of illness where a person is expected to relinquish the dependent role and improve health sate
recovery or rehab