EBP Flashcards
improves quality
safety patient outcomes and nurse
satisfaction while reducing cost
evidence based care
problem-solving approach to
clinical practice that integrates the
conscientious use of best evidence in
combination with a clinician’s expertise and
patient preferences and values in making
decisions about patient care
Question what does not make sense to you
and what needs to be clarified
cultivate a spirit of inquiry
Meaning of PICOT
Developing a PICOT question
ask a clinical question
contain large collections of
published scientific studies including
peer-reviewed research
state-of-the-art summaries from
an individual researcher or panel of
systematic reviews or meta analysis
are the perfect answers to PICOT questions
meta analysis and systematic reviews
the researcher use
statistics to show the effect of an
intervention on an outcome in a systematic
review no statistics are used to draw
conclusions about the evidence.
meta analysis
➢ Quickly tells you if the article is
researched or clinical based
➢ summarizes the purpose of
the article, it is includes the major
themes or findings and the implications
for nursing practice
➢ contains more information about the purpose of the
➢ There is usually brief supporting evidence as to why the topic is important
➢ Together, the abstract and _ help you decide if you want to continue to read the entire article
➢ A good author offers a detailed
background of the level of science or
clinical information about the topic
➢ offers an
argument about what led the author to
conduct a study or report on a clinical
topic, this section of an article is very
valuable even if the article itself does
not address your PICOT questions the
way you desire ; may lead you to other or more useful
Literature review or background
explains the focus
or intent of a study it includes research
questions or hypotheses, predictions
made about the relationships or
difference among study variables.
Purpose statement
explains how a
research study was organized and
conducted to answer the research
questions or test the hypothesis. This
section explains the type of study that
was conducted.
Methods or design
Both clinical and research articles have a summary
section ; This section includes a
statistical analysis if it is a quantitative
research study, a qualitative study
summarizes the descriptive themes and
ideas that arise from a researcher’s
analysis of data
Results or conclusions
a research
article includes a section that explains if
the findings from the study have clinical
implications. The researcher explains
how to apply findings in a practice
setting for the type of subjects studied
Clinical implications
describes a clinical
topic which often includes a description
of the patient population, the nature of
a certain disease or health alteration
Clinical article
Components of manuscript narrative
Purpose statement, methods/design, results/ conclusions, clinical implications
a small scale research
study or one that includes a quality or
performance improvement project
Pilot study
A way to identify new knowledge, improve
professional education and practice, and
use resources effectively
Nursing research
a systematic process that
asks and answers questions that
generate knowledge, which provides a
scientific basis for nursing practice
Helps patients, health care providers, and
those in health care policy make informed
decisions on the basis of current evidence.
Outcomes research
• The foundation of research
• The most reliable and objective means of
acquiring and conducting research and
gaining knowledge.
Scientific method
Grounded theory
Experimental research
Nonexperimental research
Evaluation research
step-by-step process to ensure that
findings from a study are valid, reliable,
and generalizable to a similar group of
Scientific method
Orderly series of steps that enable a
researcher to move from asking the
research questions to finding the answer ; This process builds knowledge for use in
other similar situations
Research process
systematic process that asked
and answer questions that generate
knowledge which provides a scientific basis
for nursing practice, before research can
be conducted a number of issues must be
explored. All subjects must have provided
informed consent their responses must
remain anonymous and confidential
IRB meaning
Institutional review board
Identify area of interest or
clinical problem
Develop research
Determine how study will be
Conduct the study
Analyze results of the study
and Use of the finding
Guarantees that any information a
subject provides will not be reported
in any manner that identifies the
subject and will not be accessible to
people outside the research team
All three processes require you to use the
best evidence to provide the highest
quality of patient care
EBP, research, Qi
Use of information from research
and other sources to determine safe and
effective nursing care with the goal of
improving patient care and outcomes
Evidence based practice
Systematic inquiry answers
questions, solves problems, and
contributes to the generalizable
knowledge base of nursing; may or may
not improve patient care
Improves local work processes to
improve patient outcomes and health
system efficiency; results usually not
Quality improvement
inform you about how
processes work within an organization
and that’s all for information about how
to make EBP changes
Quality improvement
is defined as written
evidence of:
Reasons for documentation
Professional responsibili ty,accountability, other reasons