• To recognize an individual’s failure to
achieve an age-appropriate
developmental stage or his or her
regression to an earlier stage in a period
of crisis
• Each stage builds on tasks of the previous
erikson’s psychosocial theory
successful mastery leads to a sense of self ; always changing ; based on a sence of competency, ongoing perception, interpretation of thoughts and feelings
self concept
self esteem is usually highest in _
self esteem fluctuates during
self esteem rises gradually throughout
self esteem Either diminished or increases again in old age,
depending on
self concept clarity
Erikson emphasizes on the __ stage that
explains the rise in self-esteem and self-
concept in adulthood
When aging is associated with deterioration of health, nursing intervention must focus on
health behavior
Being “oneself” or living an authentic life
basis of true identity ; relationships have an impact
self concept
is necessary
for intimate relationships because
individuals express identity in relationships
with others.
achievement of identity
components of self concept
body image
role performance
self esteem
Internal sense of individuality, wholeness,
and consistency of a person over time ; asks “who am i”
Involves attitudes related to physical
appearance, structure, or function ; sexuality, femininity, mascuinity, youthfulness, health and strength
body image
_ growth and _ development also affect body image
cognitive and physcial
Normal development changes such as
_ and _ have a more
apparent impact on body image than on
other aspects of self-concept
puberty and aging
The set of expected behaviors that are
determined by familial, cultural and
social roles ; set of expected behaviors ; perceive their ability to carry out significant tasks
role performance
important because it can
affect your mental health, how you
behave, your decisions, your friendship,
your success, your life
self esteem
an individual’s overall
feeling of self-worth or the emotional
appraisal of some concept it is the most
fundamental self-evaluation because it
represents the overall judgment of
personal worth or value
self esteem
positive when one feels
capable worthwhile and competent
considering the relationship between a
person’s actual sub-concept and his or
her ideal self-enhances understanding of
the person’s self-esteem
self esteem
develops negative
thoughts, it would lead to high anxiety and
poor performance leads to failure and
therefore it would lead to such blame and
then it would follow again for a low self-
low self esteem
Changes that occur in physical, spiritual,
emotional, sexual, familial, and
sociocultural health affect __
self concept
what are factors that affect self concept
life experiences
emotional maturity
sexual orientiation
nurses must use a __ and __ approach
positive and matter of fact approach
insight into one’s abilities, nature, and limitations
self knowledge
ow one is perceived by others and society
social self
what one expects of oneself ; may be realistic or urealistic expectations
self expectations
the appraisal of onself in relationship to others, events, or situations
social evaluation
Individuals who value “how I perceive
me” above “how others perceive me”
me centered
individuals whoo have a high need for approval from others
other centered
refers to the reltionship between an individuals own and others perception of oneself
self awareness
a person is not born with self concept ; it develops as a result of
social interactions with others
- The infant learns that the physical self is
separate and different from the
environment - The child internalizes othersattitudes toward self
- The child and adult internalize the
standards of society
development of one’s self concept
how we should be or would prefer to be
ideal self
center of the art ; beliefs and images that are most vital to the individual identity
core self concept
refers to the collective beliefs and images one holds about oneself ; it is the most complete description that individuals can give ofthemselves at any one time
global self
involves socialiazation into a particular role
role development
set of expectations about how the individual occupying a particular position behaves
occurs when expectations are unclear, and individuals do
not know what to do or how to do it.
role ambiguity
occurs when expectations are unclear, and individuals do
not know what to do or how to do it.
role strain
arise from opposing or
incompatible expectations.
role conflicts