an informal oral consideration of a subject by two or more health care personnel to identify a problem or establish strategies to resolve a problem
oral, written, or computer based communication intended to convey information to others
it is a formal, legal document that provides evidence of a client’s care and can be written or computer based
record/chart/client record
the process of making an entry on a client record is called
the client’s record is protected legally ; it is a _ record
__ is the rightful owner of the client’s record
institution or agency
the student or health professional must protect the client’s privacy by not using a __ or __ that would identify the client
name or any statement
the traditional client record is a _ record ; notations in a separate section or sections of the client’s chart
source-oriented record
traditional part of the source-oriented record ; consists of written notes that include routine care, normal findings, and client problems ; no right or wrong order to the information, just chronological
narrative charting
who established the problem oriented medical record
lawrence weed
record that encourages collaboration and problem list in the front of the chart alerts caregivers to the client’s needs and makes it easier to track the status of each problem
consists of all information known about the client when the client first enter the health care agency
derived from database ; kept at the front of the chart and serves as index to the numbered entries in the progress notes
problem list
is a chart entry made by all health professionals involved in a client’s care
progress note
it is where the statement of the problem should be ; description of the client’s condition and level of progress
it is primarily the reassessment data