Spine Goniometry & MMT Flashcards
Cervical Spine Flexion (inclinometer)
T: Sitting
Inclinometer landmarks:
Superior point: superior surface of cranium
Interior point: spinous process of T1
Normal End Feel: Firm
Normal ROM: 0 - 45 degrees
Cervical Spine Flexion (goniometer)
T: Sitting
PA: Perpendicular to floor
DA: Base of the nares
F: external auditory meatus
Normal ROM: 0-45
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Spine Extension (inclinometer)
T: Sitting
Inclinometer landmarks:
Superior point: base of the chin
Inferior point: sternal notch
Normal ROM: 0-45
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Spine Extension (goniometer)
T: Sitting
PA: Perpendicular to floor
DA: Base of the nares
F: external auditory meatus
Normal ROM: 0-45
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Lateral Flexion (inclinometer)
T: Sitting
Inclinometer landmarks:
Superior point: Superior surface of cranium
Inferior point: Spinous process of T1
Normal ROM: 0-45
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Lateral Flexion (goniometer)
T: Sitting
PA: Perpendicular to floor
DA: Spinous process of C7
F: bisecting the cranium vertically
Normal ROM: 0-45
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Spinal Rotation (inclinometer)
T: Supine
Inclinometer landmark: center of forehead
Normal ROM: 0-60
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Spinal Rotation (goniometer)
T: Supine
PA: lateral border of acromion
DA: superior surface and center of cranium
F: parallel with nose
Normal ROM: 0-60
Normal End Feel: Firm
Cervical Spine Extension MMT
M: Cervical extensors
G: Prone
Cervical Spine Flexion MMT
M: Deep neck flexors, bilat SCM
G: Supine
Thoracolumbar Flexion (tape measure)
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks:
Superior: Spinous process of C7
Inferior: Spinous process of S2
Alternate method:
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks
Superior: tips of fingers
Inferior: floor
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Thoracolumbar Flexion (inclinometer)
T: Standing
Inclinometer landmarks:
Superior inclinometer: Spinous process of T1
Inferior inclinometer: Spinous process of S2
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Thoracolumbar Extension (tape measure)
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks:
Superior: Spinous process of T1
Inferior: Spinous process of S2
Alternate method:
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks
Superior: tips of fingers
Inferior: floor
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Thoracolumbar Extension (inclinometer)
T: Standing
Inclinometer landmarks:
Superior inclinometer: Spinous process of T1
Inferior inclinometer: Spinous process of S2
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Lateral Flexion (tape measure)
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks:
Superior: Third finger tip
Inferior: Floor
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Lateral Flexion (inclinometer)
T: Standing
Inclinometer landmarks:
Superior inclinometer: Spinous process of T1
Inferior inclinometer: Spinous process of S2
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Lateral Flexion (goniometer)
T: Standing
PA: Perpendicular from S2 to the floor
DA: Midline of the spine to the spinous process of C7
F: Spinous process of S2
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Thoracolumbar Rotation (Tape measure)
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks:
Superior: anterior surface of acromion process of the contralateral shoulder
Inferior: greater trochanter of the ipsilateral femur
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm
Trunk Flexion MMT
M: Rectus abdominis
G: Supine with hands behind cervical spine
G: Supine with hands resting on plinth
Trunk Extension MMT
M: Erector spinae
G: Prone
Lumbar Flexion (Tape measure)
T: Standing
Tape measure landmarks:
Superior: spinous process of T12
Inferior: spinous process of S2
Normal ROM: observe for improved ROM
Normal End Feel: firm