Hip Goniometry Flashcards
Hip Flexion
T: Supine
PA: Lateral midline of pelvis, along mid-axillary line of trunk
DA: Midline of lateral femur to the lateral epicondyle of knee
F: lateral aspect of greater trochanter
Stabilization: ipsilateral pelvis
Hip Flexion ROM & End Feel
0 - 120
Normal End-Feel
- Soft due to muscle bulk
- Firm due to tight posterior
Hip Extension
T: Prone (use pillow under abdomen if needed for pt comfort)
PA: Lateral midline of pelvis, along mid-axillary line of trunk
DA: Lateral greater trochanter
F: Midline of lateral femur to the lateral epicondyle of the ipsilateral knee
Stabilization: Contralateral lower leg & pelvis on test side
Hip Extension ROM & End Feel
0 - 20
Normal End-Feel
- Firm due to muscle tension,
anterior joint capsule, or
Hip IR (seated)
T: Seated
PA: Perpendicular to the floor
DA: Midline of anterior tibia to center of talocrural joint
F: Center of anterior patella
Stabilization: Ipsilateral distal femur on test side
Hip IR ROM & End Feel
Normal End-Feel
Firm due to posterior joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments.
Hip ER (seated)
T: Seated
PA: Perpendicular to the floor
DA: Midline of anterior tibia to center of talocrural joint
F: Center of anterior patella
Stabilization: Ipsilateral distal femur on test side
Hip ER ROM & End Feel
Normal End-Feel
Firm due to anterior joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments
Hip Abduction
T: Supine
PA: Align between both ASIS
DA: Ipsilateral ASIS
F: Midline of femuar to center of patella
Stabilization: Ipsilateral iliac crest of pelvis on test side
Hip ABD ROM & End Feel
Normal End-Feel
Firm due to medial joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments
Hip Adduction
T: Supine (Adduct test hip towards contralateral lower extremity to end of the range of motion, determined by resistance to movement, or lateral flexion of trunk or pelvis)
PA: Align between both ASIS
DA: Ipsilateral ASIS
F: Midline of femuar to center of patella
Stabilization: Ipsilateral iliac crest of pelvis on test side
*Avoid rotation of the hip joint when placing the limb into adduction position
Hip ADD ROM & End Feel
Normal End-Feel
Firm due to lateral joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments