Ankle & Foot Goniometry Flashcards
Ankle Dorsiflexion (DF)
T: Prone with knee in extension and ankle off the table
PA: lateral midline of fibula to lateral epicondyle of knee
DA: Parallel to 5th metatarsal
F: lateral malleolus
Stabilization: ipsilateral talocrural joint
Ankle DF ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 20 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to posterior joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments
Ankle Plantarflexion (PF)
T: Prone with knee in extension and ankle off the table
PA: lateral midline of fibula to lateral epicondyle of knee
DA: Parallel to 5th metatarsal
F: lateral malleolus
Stabilization: ipsilateral talocrural joint
Ankle PF ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 50 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to posterior joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments
Inversion (tarsal joint)
T: Supine
PA: Anterior midline of tibia to tibial tuberosity
DA: Anterior midline of 2nd metatarsal
F: Center of anterior talocrural joint
Stabilization: Ipsilateral distal tibia and fibula
Eversion (tarsal joint)
T: Supine
PA: Anterior midline of tibia to tibial tuberosity
DA: Anterior midline of 2nd metatarsal
F: Center of anterior talocrural joint
Stabilization: Ipsilateral distal tibia and fibula
Inversion (tarsal) ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 30 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments
Eversion (tarsal) ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 20 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to joint capsule, muscle tension, or ligaments
Inversion (subtalar joint)
T: Prone
PA: Midline of posterior gastrocnemius
DA: Posterior midline of calcaneus
F: Center of posterior talocrural joint
Stabilization: Ipsilateral distal tibia and fibula
Eversion (subtalar joint)
T: Prone
PA: Midline of posterior gastrocnemius
DA: Posterior midline of calcaneus
F: Center of posterior talocrural joint
Stabilization: Ipsilateral distal tibia and fibula
Inversion (subtalar joint) ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 5 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to lateral capsule and ligaments
Eversion (subtalar joint) ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 5 degrees
End Feel:
-Firm due to muscle tension and ligaments
- Hard, if calcaneus contact the sinus tarsi
MTP Great Toe Flexion
T: Supine
PA: Medial midline of first metatarsal
DA: Medial midline of first proximal phalanges
F: Medial portion of first MTP joint
Stabilization: Ipsilateral first metatarsal
MTP Great Toe Extension
T: Supine
PA: Medial midline of first metatarsal
DA: Medial midline of first proximal phalanges
F: Medial portion of first MTP joint
Stabilization: Ipsilateral first metatarsal
MTP Great Toe Flexion ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 45 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to dorsal joint capsule, muscle tension or ligaments
MTP Great Toe Extension ROM & End Feel
Normal ROM: 70 degrees
End Feel: Firm due to plantar joint capsule and muscle tension