Spinal control of motor functions Flashcards
corticobulbar tract
Pathway carrying motor information from the primary and secondary motor cortices to the brainstem.
corticospinal tract
Pathway carrying motor information from the primary and secondary motor cortices to the spinal cord in humans. Essential for the performance of discrete voluntary movements, especially of the hands and feet.
decerebrate rigidity
Excessive tone in extensor muscles as a result of damage to descending motor pathways at the level of the brainstem.
medullary pyramids
Longitudinal bulges on the ventral aspect of the medulla that signify the corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts at this level of the neuraxis.
premotor cortex
Motor association areas in the frontal lobe anterior to the primary motor cortex; thought to be involved in planning or programming of voluntary movements.
primary motor cortex
A major source of descending projections to motor neurons in the spinal cord and cranial nerve nuclei; located in the precentral gyrus (Brodmann’s area 4) and essential for the voluntary control of movement.
reticular formation
A network of neurons and axons that occupies the core of the brainstem, giving it a reticulated (“net-like”) appearance in myelin-stained material; major functions include control of respiration and heart rate, posture, and state of consciousness.
spinal shock
The initial flaccid paralysis that accompanies damage to descending motor pathways.
superior colliculus
Laminated structure that forms part of the roof of the midbrain; plays an important role in orienting movements of the head and eyes.
upper motor neuron syndrome
Signs and symptoms that result from damage to descending motor pathways; these include paralysis, spasticity, and a positive Babinski sign.
What are the differences between red (type 1) and white (type 2) muscle fibers?
Red muscle fibers are small, weak, slow to contract but very resistant to fatigue and used for tonic, low force activity. White muscle fibers are the opposite although there are two types (one somewhat more resistant to fatigue but intermediate in strength).
What is the difference between a motor unit and a motor pool?
A motor unit is a single alpha motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers to which it is connected. A motor pool is all of the motor neurons that innervate one muscle. Motor pools extend over several spinal segments and the axons of these motor neurons leave the spinal cord in several nerve roots that join to form nerves that go to muscles.
How are motor neurons arranged and distributed in the ventral horn?
The more medial motor neurons innervate axial muscles (e.g., paraspinal and very proximal muscles). The most lateral motor neurons innervate distal muscles.
What happens physiologically as a muscle gradually increases its force of contraction?
First one motor unit begins firing (generating action potentials) at a slow rate. This rate increases until a second motor unit is added, which increases firing until a third is added, etc.
What is the reflex response to stretch of a muscle?
Stretch of extrafusal muscle fibers also stretches intrafusal muscle fibers, which are organized in parallel with the extrafusal fibers. This stretch deforms annulospiral nerve endings, which are activated based on the degree and speed of stretch. The annulospiral endings are continuous with 1a afferent nerve fibers (the largest, most rapidly conducting nerve fibers). These sensory axons enter the spinal cord through the dorsal root (the cell bodies are in the dorsal root ganglion). These muscle spindle afferent terminate directly on motor neurons that return to extrafusal muscle fibers in the muscle that contains the muscle spindle, exciting these motor neurons. They also synapse on interneurons that excite agonist muscles (muscles that have a similar function to the muscle stretched) and inhibit antagonist muscles.
How can activation of a muscle spindle afferent inhibit motor neurons to antagonist muscles?
Since all collateral nerve terminals of an axon contain the same neurotransmitter and since the neurotransmitter is glutamate (which is excitatory), these muscle spindle afferent axons synapse on, and excite interneurons that are inhibitory to motor neurons to the antagonist muscles.
How can you recognize hyperactivity of a muscle stretch reflex?
Pathologically brisk reflexes are recognized by the speed with which they are elicited and the amplitude. They often jerk to a stop because of overactivity of stretch reflexes in the antagonist muscles. Additionally, there is often contraction of muscles beyond just the agonist muscles, sometimes to include the contralateral muscles.